IRS Error Codes

0001-0009 0010-0019 0020-0029 0030-0039 0040-0049 0050-0059 0060-0069 0070-0079 0080-0089 0090-0099
0100-0109 0110-0119 0120-0129 0130-0139 0140-0149 0150-0159 0160-0169 0170-0179 0180-0189 0190-0199
0200-0209 0210-0219 0220-0229 0230-0239 0240-0249 0250-0259 0260-0269 0270-0279 0280-0289 0290-0299
0300-0309 0310-0319 0320-0329 0330-0339 0340-0349 0350-0359 0360-0369 0370-0379 0380-0389 0390-0399
0400-0409 0410-0419 0420-0429 0430-0439 0440-0449 0450-0459 0460-0469 0470-0479 0480-0489 0490-0499
0500-0509 0510-0519 0520-0529 0530-0539 0540-0549 0550-0559 0560-0569 0570-0579 0580-0589 0590-0599
0600-0609 0610-0619 0620-0629 0630-0639 0640-0649 0650-0659 0660-0669 0670-0679 0680-0689 0690-0699
0700-0709 0710-0719 0720-0729 0730-0739 0740-0749 0750-0759 0760-0769 0770-0779 0780-0789 0790-0799
0800-0809 0810-0819 0820-0829 0830-0839 0840-0849 0850-0859 0860-0869 0870-0879 0880-0889 0890-0899
0900-0909 0910-0919 0920-0929 0930-0939 0940-0949 0950-0959 0960-0969 0970-0979 0980-0989 0990-0999
1000-1009 1010-1019 1020-1029 1030-1039 1040-1049 1050-1059 1060-1069 1070-1079 1080-1089 1090-1099
1100-1109 1110-1119 1120-1129 1130-1139 1140-1149 1150-1159 1160-1169 1170-1179 1180-1189 1190-1199
1200-1209 1210-1219 1220-1229 1230-1239 1240-1249 1250-1259 1260-1269 1270-1279 1280-1289 1290-1299
1300-1309 1310-1319 1320-1329 1330-1339 1340-1349 1350-1359 1360-1369 1370-1379 1380-1389 1390-1399
1400-1409 1410-1419 1420-1429 1430-1439 1440-1449 1450-1459 1460-1469 1470-1479 1480-1489 1490-1499

  • Page 1 of Form 1040, Form 1040A, or Form 1040EZ must be present.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • The Summary Record must be present.
  • 0002
  • Reserved
  • 0003
  • Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - Tax Period (SEQ 0005)
    equal "200612". For Form 1040/1040A, Tax Period (SEQ 0005) of
    Tax Return Record Identification Page 2 must also equal
  • 0004
  • Tax Form - Primary SSN (SEQ 010) must be within the valid ranges
    of SSN/ITIN's and cannot equal an ATIN. It must equal all
    numeric characters and cannot equal all blanks, zeros, or nines.
    Refer to Attachment 9 for valid ranges of Social
    Security/Taxpayer Identification Numbers.
    Primary SSN (SEQ 010) is a required field.
    Primary SSN (SEQ 010) of the Tax Form must equal Taxpayer
    Identification Number (SEQ 003) of Tax Return Record
    Identification Page 1.
    Taxpayer Identification Number (SEQ 003) of Tax Return Record
    Identification Page 1 must be significant.
    Primary Taxpayer SSN is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0005
  • Statement Record - The maximum number of Statement References
    within a tax return is 30. (A Statement Reference is defined as
    "STMbnn"; the value of "nn" refers to the Statement Number.)
    See Section 8 for Statement Record information.
  • 0006
  • Tax Form - Only the following characters are permitted in the
    Primary Name Control (SEQ 050) and Spouse's Name Control
    (SEQ 055): alpha, hyphen, and space. The Name Control cannot
    contain leading or embedded spaces. The left-most position must
    contain an alpha character.
    Primary Name Control (SEQ 050) is a required field.
    Spouse's Name Control (SEQ 055) is a required field when Filing
    Status (SEQ 130) equals "2" or "3". On Form 1040EZ, Spouse's
    Name Control (SEQ 055) is a required field when Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 030) is significant.
    Form 8615 - Parent Name Control (SEQ 045) must be significant
    and correctly formatted.
    Form 8814 - Child Name Control (SEQ 015) must be significant and
    correctly formatted.
    See Section 7.01 for Name Control format.
    The entered NAME of taxpayer or spouse or the NAME
    in one of the above forms is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0007
  • Tax Form - Street Address (SEQ 080) is alphanumeric and cannot
    have leading or consecutive embedded spaces. The left-most
    position must contain an alpha or numeric character. The only
    special characters permitted are space, hyphen ( -), and
    slash (/). See Section 7.03 for Street Address format.
    Street Address (SEQ 080) is a required field.
    Exception: This check is not performed when Address Ind (SEQ
    097) is equal to "3", indicating a foreign address.")
    Entered Street Address is INVALID or MISSING.
    For foreign address, select "." for state.Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0008
  • Form 1040/1040A - Total Box 6a and 6b (SEQ 167) must equal the
    number of boxes checked for Exempt Self (SEQ 160) and Exempt
    Spouse (SEQ 163).
    Filing Status (SEQ 130) is a required field.
    Filing Status is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0009
  • State Record - The size of the fixed unformatted state record
    exceeds the maximum length.
  • 0010
  • Each field can contain only the type of data specified in its
    Field ERROR DESCRIPTION in Part II Record Layouts.
    Significant money amount fields must be right-justified (and
    zero-filled when transmitting in fixed format). Money amount
    fields must contain whole dollars (no cents). When a field is
    defined as "N (positive only)", the field must be present and
    must contain an amount greater than or equal to zero.
    For numeric fields that can contain a literal value, entries
    must be left-justified and blank-filled when transmitting in
    fixed format. When transmitting in variable format, only
    significant characters are transmitted.
    When transmitting in fixed or variable format, significant date
    fields must contain numeric characters in the following formats,
    unless otherwise specified in Part II Record Layouts:
    Year fields with a length of four positions = YYYY, date fields
    with six positions = YYYYMM, date fields with eight positions =
    YYYYMMDD unless otherwise specified.
    All alphanumeric fields must be left-justified (and blank-filled
    when transmitting in fixed format) unless otherwise specified.
    Form Payment - Taxpayer's Day Time Phone Number (SEQ 090) is a
    required field and cannot equal all zeros or all blanks.
  • 0011
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Exempt Self (SEQ 160) equals "X", Total
    Exemptions (SEQ 360) must be greater than zero.
  • 0012
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Overpaid (SEQ 1260) is significant and ES
    Penalty Amount (SEQ 1300) is greater than Overpaid, then Amount
    Owed (SEQ 1290) must be significant. If Overpaid (SEQ 1260) is
    significant and ES Penalty Amount (SEQ 1300) is not greater than
    Overpaid, then Amount Owed (SEQ 1290) cannot be significant.
  • 0013
  • Reserved
  • 0014
  • When there is an entry in a field defined as "NO ENTRY", the
    return will be rejected. (See Part II Record Layouts for "NO
    ENTRY" fields.)
  • 0015
  • Schedule A - The following literal values cannot be present in
    Other Expenses Type (SEQ 420, 432) or in Other Expense Type
  • 0016
  • Tax Form - Zip Code (SEQ 095) must be within the valid ranges of
    zip codes listed for the corresponding State Abbreviation
    (SEQ 087). The zip code cannot end in "00", with the exception
    of 20500 (the White House zip code). Refer to Attachment 3.
    Exception: This check is not performed when Address Ind
    (SEQ 097) is equal to "3", indicating a foreign address.")
    Entered Zip Code is INVALID or MISSING.
    For foreign address, select "." for state, zip code can be blank.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0017
  • Form 4137 - Tip Income Name (SEQ 010) and Tip Income SSN
    (SEQ 020) must be significant.
  • 0018
  • Form 5329 - Name of Person Subject to Penalty Tax (SEQ 010) and
    SSN of Person Subject to Penalty Tax (SEQ 020) must be
  • 0019
  • Tax Form - When Direct Deposit information is present, Routing
    Transit Number (SEQ 1272) (RTN) must contain nine numeric
    characters. The first two positions must be 01 through 12,
    or 21 through 32; the RTN must be present on the Financial
    Organization Master File (FOMF); and the banking institution
    must process Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). See Section 6 for
    optional Routing Transit Number validation.
    Depositor Account Number (SEQ 1278) must be alphanumeric (i.e.,
    only alpha characters, numeric characters, and hyphens), must be
    left-justified with trailing blanks if less than 17 positions,
    and cannot equal all zeros.
    If Routing Transit Number (SEQ 1272) or Depositor Account Number
    (SEQ 1278) is significant, then Checking Account Indicator
    (SEQ 1274) or Savings Account Indicator (SEQ 1276) must equal
    "X". Both cannot equal "X".
    Either Bank Routing or Account Number is INVALID or MISSING.
    Routing Number should contain only numbers and exactly 9 digits.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0020
  • Tax Form - Name Line 1 (SEQ 060) cannot have leading or
    consecutive embedded spaces. The only characters permitted are
    alpha, space, ampersand (&), hyphen (-), and less-than sign (<).
    The left-most position must be alpha. The less-than sign
    replaces the intervening space to identify the primary
    taxpayer's last name and cannot be preceded by or followed by a
    space. See Section 7.02 for Name Line 1 format.
    Name Line 1 (SEQ 060) is a required field.
    If the primary and the spouse have two different last names, thesecond less-than sign ("<") after the primary last name must befollowed by an ampersand ("&").
  • 0021
  • Tax Form - Name Line 2 (SEQ 070) is alphanumeric and cannot have
    leading or consecutive embedded spaces. The only special
    characters permitted are space, ampersand (&), hyphen (-), slash
    (/), and percent (%). See Section 7.04 for Name Line 2 Format.
  • 0022
  • Tax Form - State Abbreviation (SEQ 087) must be significant and
    consistent with the standard state abbreviations issued by the
    Postal Service. Refer to Attachment 3 for State Abbreviations.
    State Abbreviation (SEQ 087) is a required field.
    Exception: This check is not performed when Address Ind
    (SEQ 097) is equal to "3", indicating a foreign address.")
    Entered STATE is INVALID or MISSING.
    For foreign address, select "." for state.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0023
  • Tax Form - City (SEQ 083) must be left-justified and must
    contain a minimum of three alpha characters. This field cannot
    contain consecutive embedded spaces and must contain only
    alphabetic characters and spaces. Do not abbreviate the city
    City (SEQ 083) is a required field.
    Exception: This check is not performed when Address Ind
    (SEQ 097) is equal to "3", indicating a foreign address.")
    Entered City is INVALID or MISSING.
    For foreign address, select "." for state and city can be blank.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0024
  • Tax Form - If Address Ind (SEQ 097) equals "1" (APO/FPO
    Address), then City (SEQ 083) must equal "APO" or "FPO", and
    State Abbreviation (SEQ 087) must equal "AA", "AE", or "AP" with
    the appropriate Zip Code (SEQ 095). If State Abbreviation
    (SEQ 087) equals "AA", "AE", or "AP", then Address Ind (SEQ 097)
    must equal "1". Refer to Attachment 4.
  • 0025 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - For Online returns only when PIN Type
    Code (SEQ 0008) is blank (No PIN used), the following fields
    must be present on the Authentication Record: Primary Date of
    Birth (SEQ 0010), the Taxpayer Signature Date (SEQ 0070) and
    Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075) must be "B".
  • When the Primary Date of Death (0020) "AND" the Secondary Date
    of Death (0030) on the Tax Return are significant, only the
    Primary Fields (SEQ 0010, 0070, 0075) are required on the
    Authentication Record.
  • Exception: When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2", AND the
    Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is significant and the
    Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on the Tax Return is "NOT"
    significant, the Primary Date of Birth (SEQ 0010) is not
    required on the Authentication Record.
    Note: Only the Spouse Fields (SEQ 0040, 0070, 0075) are
  • 0026 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - For Online returns only when PIN Type
    Code (SEQ 0008) is blank (No PIN used), if Filing Status
    (SEQ 0130) of the Tax Form equals "2", then the followingfields must be present on the Authentication Record: Spouse Date
    of Birth (SEQ 0040), Taxpayer Signature Date (SEQ 0070) and
    Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 0075) must be "B".
  • Exception: When the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on the
    Tax Return is significant and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ
    0020) is "NOT" significant, the Spouse Date of Birth (0040) is
    not required on the Authentication Record.
    Note: Only the Primary Fields (SEQ 0010, 0070, 0075) are
    required on the Authentication Record.
  • 0027
  • Summary Record - Electronic Return Originator Name (SEQ 010)
    must be significant.
    Electronic EFIN of ERO (SEQ 020) must be significant and equal
    to EFIN of Originator (SEQ 008b) of Tax Return Record
    Identification Page 1.
  • 0028
  • Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - EFIN of Originator
    (SEQ 0008b) must contain a valid two-digit EFIN prefix code.
    Refer to Attachment 8 for Valid Two-Digit EFIN Prefix Codes.
  • 0029
  • Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - EFIN of Originator
    (SEQ 008b) must be for a valid electronic filer.
  • 0030
  • Taxpayer Identification Number (SEQ 003) of all data records in
    a tax return must contain the same Primary SSN.
    Schedule Occurrence Number (SEQ 005 of the Schedule Record
    Identification) and Form Occurrence Number (SEQ 005 of the Form
    Record Identification) must be significant and in ascending,
    consecutive numerical sequence beginning with "0000001".
    Note: For multiple occurrences of a schedule or form, the Page
    Number (SEQ 002 of the Schedule or Form Record Identifications)
    must be sequential within each occurrence of a schedule or Form.
    All pages of a multiple-page schedule or form must be present.
    Listed below are exceptions to this rule:
    -Page 2 may be present without Page 1 and vice versa for the
    following: Schedule E, Form 4684, Form 4797, Form 8283,
    Form 8824 and Form 8853.
    -Page 2 need not be transmitted if there are no entries for
    that page (but Page 2 cannot be present without Page 1) for the
    following: Schedule C, Schedule C (5713), Schedule D,
    Schedule F, Schedule H, Schedule O (5471), Schedule 2,
    Form 2106, Form 2441, Form 4562, Form 5329, Form 6251,
    Form 6765, Form 8275, Form 8275-R, Form 8582-CR, Form 8606,
    Form 8621, Form 8697, Form 8801, and Form 8839.
    -Page 2 and Page 3 are optional for Form 2210 and Form 8582, but
    neither Page 2 nor Page 3 can be present without Page 1.
    -Form 4136 Page 1, 2, and 3 need not be transmitted if there are
    no entries for that page (but Page 1, 2, or 3 cannot be
    present without Page 4).
    -Pages 2-4 need not be transmitted if there are no entries for
    those pages (but these pages cannot be present without page 1)
    for the following: Form 5471, Form 5713
    -Form 8865 Pages 3-7 need not be transmitted if there are no
    entries for those pages. But these pages cannot be present
    without pages 1 and 2.
    -State Record ST 0001 may be present without ST 0002, but
    ST 0002 cannot be present without ST 0001.
    For Form 1040, Pages 1 and 2 must be present (exception: State)
    only returns), and the following cannot be present: Form 1040A
    Pages 1 and 2, Schedule 1, Schedule 2, Schedule 3, Form 1040EZ.
    For Form 1040A, Pages 1 and 2 must be present, and the following
    cannot be present: Form 1040 Pages 1 and 2, Form 1040EZ.
    For Form 1040EZ, must be present, and the following cannot be
    present: Form 1040 Pages 1 and 2, Form 1040A Pages 1 and 2.
    Schedule K-1 (Form 8865) will not be accepted without a
    Form 8865 being filed.
  • 0031
  • Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - Return Sequence Number
    (RSN) (SEQ 007) must be numeric.
  • 0032
  • Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - Declaration Control
    Number (DCN) (SEQ 008) must be numeric.
  • 0033
  • Fields within a record cannot be longer than specified in
    Part II Record Layouts.
    Name Line 1 (SEQ 060) of the Tax Form can have a maximum of 35
    characters; any more than 35 will be dropped. See Section 7.02
    for Name Line 1 format.
  • 0034
  • Record ID Group- For each record, significant data must be
    present in the Record ID Group.
  • 0035
  • Field Sequence Numbers within each record must be in ascending
    order and must be valid for that record.
  • 0036
  • Schedule C-EZ - Only one Schedule C-EZ is allowed for the
    Primary SSN and one for the Secondary SSN (a total of two
    Schedules C-EZ per tax return when Filing Status (SEQ 130)
    equals "2"). When a taxpayer files Schedule C-EZ, no Schedule C
    is allowed for that taxpayer. See Section 4.02.2.a for
    instructions for multiple occurrences of Schedules C/C-EZ.
    Either you or your spouse filed Schedule C with Schedule C-EZ.
    Only ONE Schedule C-EZ is allowed per person with NO other Schedule C.
    You have to remove the Schedule C-EZ and file regular
    Schedule C.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0037
  • Form 1040/1040A - The number of Dependent Name Controls
    (SEQ 0172, 0182, 0192, 0202 or in the related Statement Record),
    must equal the total of the following fields: Number of Children
    Who Lived with You (SEQ 0240), Number of Children Not Living
    with You (SEQ 0247), and Number of Other Dependents Listed
    (SEQ 0350).
  • 0038
  • Form 1040A - Taxable Income (SEQ 0820) must be less than
    $100,000 and only the following can be present: Schedule 1,
    Schedule 2, Schedule 3, Schedule EIC, Form W-2, W-2GU,
    Form 1099-R, Form 1310, Form 2120, Form 2210, Form 8379,
    Form 8606, Form 8615, Form 8812, Form 8815, Form 8833,
    Form 8839, Form 8862, Form 8863, Form 8880, Form 8901,
    Form 9465, FEC Record, Authentication Record, Preparer Note
    Record, Election Explanation Record, Regulatory Explanation
    Record and Form Payment.
  • 0039
  • Form 1040EZ - Primary taxpayer (and secondary taxpayer when
    Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is significant) must be under age 65.
    If born January 01, 1942, taxpayer is considered to be age 65
    at the end of 2005. Taxable Interest (SEQ 0380) cannot exceed
    $1,500, Taxable Income (SEQ 0820) must be less than $100,000,
    and only the following can be present: Form W-2, W-2GU,
    Form 1310, Form 8379, Form 8833, Form 8862, Form 9465, FEC
    Record, Authentication Record, Preparer Note Record, Election
    Explanation Record, Regulatory Explanation Record and
    Form Payment.
  • 0040
  • State-Only - If the State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) is equal to
    "SO" in variable format of the Form 1040 Page 1 record, then the
    highest sequence number present cannot be greater than the
    Address Indicator (SEQ 0097).
    If the State Abbreviation field is equal to "SO" in fixed format
    of the Form 1040 Page 1 record, then all fields beyond the
    Address Indicator field must be blank.
  • 0041
  • Form 1040/1040A - Dependent entries must start on Line 1 of the
    dependent information. No lines may be skipped when completing
    the dependent information.
  • 0042
  • State Only Returns - No other records, other than the following
    must be present: Form 1040 Page 1, State Generic Record,
    Unformatted Record and Summary Record.
  • 0043
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Filing Status (SEQ 130) equals "4", at
    least one of the following fields must be significant:
    Qualifying Name for H of Household (SEQ 150) and SSN for Qual
    Name (SEQ 153);
    Number of Children Who Lived with You (SEQ 240);
    Number of Other Dependents Listed (SEQ 350).
    When Qualifying Name for H of Household (SEQ 150) is
    significant, SSN for Qual Name (SEQ 153) must be significant and
    within the valid ranges of SSN/ITIN/ ATIN's and cannot equal
    Primary SSN (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 030). Refer to
    Attachment 8 for valid ranges of Social Security/Taxpayer
    Identification Numbers.
    You have elected filing status Head of Household
    without any dependent. Click on [INFORMATION] and you need to enter
    your dependent(s) or filing status must be changed to SINGLE.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0044
  • Record ID Group - The record has an invalid field in one of the
    Record ID Group. The error may be one of the following:
    -The Taxpayer Identification Number (SEQ 003) within the
    Record ID does not match Primary SSN (SEQ 010) of the Tax Form.
    -The schedule or form is invalid for electronic filing or the
    page number is incorrect or duplicated.
    -Each record must be followed by a record terminus
    character (#).
  • 0045
  • Record ID Group - The format and content of the Record ID Group
    that begins each record must be exactly as defined in Part II
    Record Layouts and must not duplicate another Record ID Group.
    If the Schedule/Form Occurrence Number (SEQ 005) of Record ID is
    invalid, or is a duplicate, or exceeds the maximum number
    permitted for that record the return will be rejected. Refer to
    Attachment 11 for the maximum number of schedules/forms
    permitted in an electronically filed tax return.
  • 0046
  • Schedule SE - SSN of Self-Employed (SEQ 020) on the first
    Schedule SE must be significant and equal to Primary SSN
    (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of Form 1040.
  • 0047
  • Schedule SE - SSN of Self-Employed (SEQ 020) on the second
    Schedule SE must be significant and equal to Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 030) of Form 1040 and must not be equal to SSN of
    Self-Employed (SEQ 020) on the first Schedule SE. When both
    spouses are filing Schedule SE, the Schedule SE for the primary
    taxpayer must precede the Schedule SE for the secondary
  • 0048
  • Form 2106 - For each Form 2106, SSN of Taxpayer with Employee
    Business Expense (SEQ 0009) must be significant and equal to
    Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.
  • 0049
  • Form 2106-EZ - For each Form 2106-EZ, SSN of Taxpayer with
    Employee Business Expense (SEQ 0009) must be significant and
    equal to Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of
    Form 1040.
  • 0050
  • Statement Record - The only valid entry in a Required Statement
    Record field (identified by an at-sign (@) in Part II Record
    Layouts) is a Statement Reference, i.e., " STMbnn".
    For Required Statement Records, Line 02 must be blank. Line 03
    must be present and must contain significant data.
    For Required Statement Records, any Statement Reference number
    "STMbnn" occurring within a tax return must have a corresponding
    Statement Record.
  • 0051
  • Statement Record - For Optional Statement Records (identified by
    an asterisk (*) in Part II Record Layouts), any Statement
    Reference number "STMbnn" occurring within a tax return must
    have a corresponding Statement Record.
  • 0052
  • Statement Record - Optional Statement Records (identified by an
    asterisk (*) in Part II Record Layouts) are used only when the
    lines of data to be entered exceed spacing allowed on a schedule
    or form.
    For Optional Statement Records, Lines 01, 02, 03, and 04 must be
    present and must contain significant data.
  • 0053
  • Statement Record - The number of Statement Records cannot exceed
    the number of Statement References within a tax return.
  • 0054
  • Form 4137 - Tip Income SSN (SEQ 020) on the first Form 4137 must
    equal Primary SSN (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of
    Form 1040.
  • 0055
  • Form 8606 - SSN of Taxpayer with IRAs (SEQ 010) must be
    significant and equal to Primary SSN (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 030) of Form 1040/1040A.
  • 0056
  • Form 8606 - SSN of Taxpayer with IRAs (SEQ 010) on the second
    Form 8606 must be significant and equal to Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 030) of Form 1040/1040A and must not be equal to SSN of
    Taxpayer with IRAs (SEQ 010) on the first Form 8606. When both
    spouses are filing Form 8606, the Form 8606 for the primary
    taxpayer must precede the Form 8606 for the secondary taxpayer.
  • 0057
  • Form 5329 - SSN of Person Subject to Penalty Tax (SEQ 020) on
    the first Form 5329 must be significant and equal to Primary SSN
    (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of Form 1040.
  • 0058
  • Form 5329 - SSN of Person Subject to Penalty Tax (SEQ 020) on
    the second Form 5329 must be significant and equal to Secondary
    SSN (SEQ 030) of Form 1040 and must not be equal to SSN of
    Person Subject to Penalty Tax (SEQ 020) on the first Form 5329.
    When both spouses are filing Form 5329, the Form 5329 for the
    primary taxpayer must precede the Form 5329 for the secondary
  • 0059
  • Form 4137 - Tip Income SSN (SEQ 020) on the second Form 4137
    must equal Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of Form 1040 and must not be
    equal to Tip Income SSN (SEQ 020) on the first Form 4137. When
    both spouses are filing Form 4137, the Form 4137 for the primary
    taxpayer must precede the Form 4137 for the secondary taxpayer.
  • 0060
  • Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - Return Sequence Number
    (RSN) (SEQ 007) must be in ascending numerical sequence within a
    transmission. However, the RSN's within the transmission do not
    have to be consecutive.
  • 0061
  • Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - Declaration Control
    Number (DCN) (SEQ 008) must be in ascending numerical sequence
    within the transmission. However, the DCN's within the
    transmission do not have to be consecutive.
  • 0062
  • Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - The first two digits
    of the Declaration Control Number (DCN) (SEQ 008) must be zeros.
  • 0063
  • Tax Form - When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2", "3", or "4"
    and Exempt Spouse (SEQ 0163) equals "X", both Primary SSN
    (SEQ 0010) and Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) must be numeric. (The
    Filing Status of Form 1040EZ is considered to be "2" when
    Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is significant.)
  • 0064
  • Tax Return Record Identification Page 1 - The Year Digit of
    Declaration Control Number (DCN) (SEQ 0008) must be "7".
  • 0065
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Exempt Spouse Ind (SEQ 0163) equals "X",
    Filing Status (SEQ 0130) must equal "2", "3", or "4".
  • 0066
  • Form 1040/1040A - If any field of the following "dependent
    group" is significant, then all fields in that group must be
    significant: Dependent First Name, Dependent Last Name,
    Dependent Name Control, Dependent's SSN, and Relationship. (See
    Part II Record Layouts for Field Numbers.)
    Dependent Name Control (SEQ 0172, 0182, 0192, 0202) must be in
    the correct format. See Section 7.01 for Name Control format.
  • 0067
  • Form 1040/1040A - Dependent First Name (SEQ 0170, 0180, 0190,
    0200) and Dependent Last Name (SEQ 0171, 0181, 0191, 0201) must
    contain only alpha characters and spaces. A space cannot be in
    the first position of either Dependent First Name or Dependent
    Last Name.
  • 0068
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Dependent's SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185, 0195,
    0205) is significant, it must be within the valid ranges of
    SSN/ITIN/ATIN's and cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or
    Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) or another Dependent's SSN. It must
    equal all numeric characters and cannot equal all zeros or all
    nines. Refer to Attachment 9 for valid ranges of Social
    Security/Taxpayer Identification Numbers.
    Either Dependent's SSN is INVALID or MISSING or
    You cannot claim yourself or your spouse as dependent. Remove yourself
    or your spouse as dependent.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0069
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Filing Status (SEQ 130) equals "2", Name
    Line 1 (SEQ 060) must contain an ampersand (&).
    Form 1040EZ - When Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) is significant, Name
    Line 1 (SEQ 060) must contain an ampersand (&).
  • 0070
  • 0071
  • Tax Form - When Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) is significant, it must
    be within the valid ranges of SSN/ ITIN's, cannot equal an ATIN,
    and cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 010). It must equal all
    numeric characters and cannot equal all zeros or all nines.
    Refer to Attachment 9 for valid ranges of Social
    Security/Taxpayer Identification Numbers.
    Your spouse's SSN is INVALID or MISSING or
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0072
  • Tax Form - When EIC Eligibility (SEQ 1183) equals "NO", Earned
    Income Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot be significant.
    Form 1040/1040A - When Schedule EIC is present, Earned Income
    Credit SEQ (1180) must be significant.
  • 0073
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "5";
    Number of Children who Lived with You (SEQ 0240) must be
    When Filing Status (SEQ 130) equals "5", Number of Children Who
    Lived with You (SEQ 240) must be significant.
    You need a dependent to file as Qualified Widower.
    Otherwise, change your status to SINGLE, etc.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0074
  • Form 2441/Schedule 2 - Qualifying Person SSN (SEQ 214, 223)
    cannot equal another Qualifying Person SSN on the same
    Form 2441/Schedule 2 or in the related Statement Record.
  • 0075
  • Tax Form - If Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) is significant,
    then at least one of the following must be present for the
    forms listed below.
    Form 1040: Household Help Literal (SEQ 0366) and Household Help
    Amt (SEQ 0367); Type of Other Income (SEQ 0560) and Amount of
    Other Income (SEQ 0570); Form W-2; Form W-2GU; Form 1099-R;
    Schedule C; Schedule C-EZ; Schedule E with Part/S-Corp Ind
    (SEQ 1172, 1210, 1270, 1330) equal to "P"; Schedule F.
    Form 1040A: Household Help Literal (SEQ 0366) and Household
    Help Amt (SEQ 0367); Form W-2; Form W-2GU and Form 1099-R.
    Form 1040EZ: Household Help Literal (SEQ 0366) and Household
    Help Amt (SEQ 0368); Form W-2; Form W-2GU.
  • 0076
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Taxable Interest (SEQ 380) is greater than
    $400, or if Taxable Interest (SEQ 290) of Schedule B/Schedule 1
    is significant, then Taxable Interest (SEQ 380) of
    Form 1040/1040A must equal Taxable Interest (SEQ 290) from
    Schedule B/Schedule 1.
  • 0077
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Total Ordinary Dividends (SEQ 0394) is
    greater than $1,500, or if Total Ordinary Dividends (SEQ 0525)
    of Schedule B/Schedule 1 is significant, then Total Ordinary
    Dividends (SEQ 0394) of Form 1040/1040A must equal Total
    Ordinary Dividends (SEQ 0525) from Schedule B/Schedule 1.
  • 0078
  • Form 1040 - Capital Gain/Loss (SEQ 0450) must equal one of the
    following fields from Schedule D: Combined Net Gain/Loss
    (SEQ 2400) or Allowable Loss (SEQ 2540).
  • 0079
  • Form 1040 - Rent/Royalty/Part/Estates/Trusts Inc (SEQ 510) must
    equal Total Income or Loss (SEQ 1150) or Total Supplemental
    Income (Loss) (SEQ 2010) from Schedule E.
  • 0080
  • Form 1040 - Current Year Moving Expenses (SEQ 637) must equal
    Moving Exp Deduction (SEQ 180) from Form(s) 3903.
  • 0081
  • Form 1040 - If F4684 Literal (SEQ 460) is not significant, then
    Other Gain/Loss (SEQ 470) of Form 1040 must equal Redetermined
    Gain/Loss (SEQ 1030) from Form 4797.
  • 0082
  • Form 1040 - If Schedule A is present, then Total Itemized or
    Standard Deduction (SEQ 789) of Form 1040 must equal Total
    Deductions (SEQ 520) from Schedule A.
  • 0083
  • Form 1040/1040A - Credit for Child & Dependent Care (SEQ 0925)
    must equal Credit for Child & Dependent Care (SEQ 0339) from
    Form 2441/Schedule 2.
  • 0084
  • Form 1040/1040A - Credit for Elderly or Disabled (SEQ 0930) of
    Form 1040 or 1040A must equal Credit (SEQ 0290, Schedule 3) and
    SEQ 0290, Schedule R.
  • 0085
  • Schedule R/Schedule 3 - Taxable Disability (SEQ 150) must be
    significant when one of the following fields equals "X":
    Retire/Disabled (SEQ 020); Both Under 65, One Retired (SE Q 040);
    Both Under 65, Both Retired (SEQ 050); One Over 65, Other
    Retired (SEQ 060); Under 65, Did Not Live With Spouse (SEQ 090).
  • 0086
  • Form 1040 - If Exempt/Form 4361 Box (SEQ 025) of Schedule(s) SE
    and Exempt SE Tax Indicator (SEQ 1035) of Form 1040 are blank,
    then Self Employment Tax (SEQ 1040) of Form 1040 must equal
    Self-Employment Tax (SEQ 160) from Schedule(s) SE.
  • 0087
  • Form 1040 - Alternative Minimum Tax (SEQ 918) must equal
    Alternative Minimum Tax (SEQ 340) from Form 6251.
  • 0088
  • Form 1040/1040A - Overpaid (SEQ 1260) must equal the total of
    the following fields: Refund (SEQ 1270), Applied to ES Tax
    (SEQ 1280), and ES Penalty Amt (SEQ 1300).
  • 0089
  • Form 1040 - When Total Alimony Paid (SEQ 697) is significant,
    Recip Soc Sec No. (SEQ 693) must be significant, and vice versa.
    When Recip Soc Sec No. (SEQ 693) is significant, it must be
    within the valid ranges of SSN/ ITIN's, cannot equal an ATIN, and
    cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 010). Refer to Attachment 9 for
    valid ranges of Social Security/Tax Identification Numbers.
  • 0090
  • Form 2441/Schedule 2 - When Form 2441/Schedule 2 is present, at
    least one of the following fields must be significant:
    Dependent Care Benefits Literal (SEQ 0371) of Form 1040/1040A;
    Dependent Care Benefits (SEQ 0210) of Form W-2; Credit for
    Child & Dependent Care (SEQ 0339) of Form 2441/Schedule 2
    or if Form 1040/1040A (SEQ 0915/0860) is not significant,
    then the Credit for Child & Dependent Care (SEQ 0339) of
    Form 2441/Schedule 2 must be zero.
  • 0091
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "3", Exempt
    Spouse Name (SEQ 0164) or Exempt Spouse Name Control (SEQ 0165)
    cannot be present.
  • 0092 0092-0093 Reserved
    0093 Form 2441/Schedule 2 - EIN/SSN Type (SEQ 0045) of
    Form 2441/Schedule 2 must equal "S" or "E".
    Exception: If SSN/EIN (SEQ 0040) equals "TAXEXEMPT" then
    EIN/SSN Type (SEQ 0045) may equal blank.
  • Form 6252 - If Line 24 Minus Line 25 (SEQ 290) or Line 35 Minus
    Line 36 (SEQ 460) is significant, then Schedule D or Form 4797
    must be present.
  • 0095
  • Form 2441/Schedule 2 - If Total Qualified Expenses or Limit
    (SEQ 0230), or Credit for Child & Dependent Care (SEQ 0339), or
    Net Allowable Amount (SEQ 0600) is greater than zero, then
    Qualifying Person SSN - 1 (SEQ 0214) must be significant. The
    Qualifying Person information on Line 2 is not required when
    Prior Year Expense Literal (SEQ 0318), Prior Year Qualifying
    Person Name (SEQ 0324), and Prior Year Qualifying Person SSN
    (SEQ 0326) are present and there are no current year expenses.
    If Credit for Child & Dependent Care (SEQ 0339) is significant,
    and Total Qualified Expenses or Limit (SEQ 0230) or Net
    Allowable Amount (SEQ 0600) is greater than zero, then Primary
    Earned Income (SEQ 0260) (and Spouse's Earned Income (SEQ 0270)
    when Filing Status (SEQ 0130) of Form 1040/1040A equals "2")
    must be significant.
  • 0096
  • Reserved
  • 0097
  • Form 1040 - When Capital Distribution Box (SEQ 447) equals to
    "X", Capital Gain/Loss (SEQ 450) must be significant, Schedule D
    must not be present.
    When Capital Distribution Box (SEQ 447) is not equal to "X" and
    Capital Gain/Loss (SEQ 450) is significant, Schedule D must be
  • 0098
  • Schedule C - Gross Receipts Less Returns Allowances (SEQ 220)
    must equal Gross Receipts/Sales (SEQ 200) minus
    Returns/Allowances (SEQ 210).
  • 0099
  • Form 1040 - Business Income/Loss (SEQ 440) must equal the total
    of Net Profit (Loss) (SEQ 710) from Schedule(s) C plus Net
    Profit (SEQ 710) from Schedule(s) C-EZ.
  • 0100
  • Schedule C - When Net Profit (Loss) (SE Q 710) is less than zero
    and Some Is Not At Risk (SEQ 730) equals "X", Form 6198 must be
  • 0101
  • Form 4952 - At least one of the following fields must be greater
    than zero: Investment Interest Expense (SEQ 0010), Carryover
    Disallowed Interest Expense (SEQ 0020), Investment Interest
    Expense Deduction (SEQ 0170).
  • 0102
  • Schedule E - If Any Amount is Not At Risk (SEQ 1180, 1238, 1298,
    1358) equals "X" on any Schedule E, and the corresponding
    Part/S-Corp Nonpassive Sch K-1 Loss (SEQ 1192, 1253, 1313, 1373)
    is significant, then Form 6198 must be present.
  • 0103
  • Tax Form - If Withholding (SEQ 1160) is greater than $500, then
    at least one of the following must be present for the forms
    listed below.
    Form 1040: Other 1099 Withholding Literal (SEQ 1155);
    Withholding (SEQ 0130) on Form W-2 or Form W-2GU; Withholding
    (SEQ 0160) on Form 1099-R; Withholding (SEQ 0050) on Form W2-G.
    Form 1040A: Other 1099 Withholding Literal (SEQ 1155);
    Withholding (SEQ 0130) on Form W-2 or Form W-2GU; Withholding
    (SEQ 0160) on Form 1099-R.
    Form 1040EZ: Other 1099 Withholding Literal (SEQ 1155);
    Withholding (SEQ 0130) on Form W-2 or Form W-2GU.
  • 0104
  • Form 1040/1040A/1040EZ - The wages on Form W-2(s) (SEQ 0120)
    must equal or be less than the Wages of Forms 1040/1040A/1040EZ
    (SEQ 0375).
    a. If SEQ (0375) of Forms 1040/1040A/1040EZ is within $5.00
    (< or >) of the total W-2s then do not reject the return.
    b. If Statutory Employee (SEQ 0265) of Form W-2 equal "X", and
    no withholding in (SEQ 0130) then bypass this check.
    c. If Statutory Employee (SEQ 0265) of Form W-2 equal "X", and
    Schedule C or Schedule C-EZ is attached, then bypass this
    d. If Form 1040/1040A Wages (SEQ 0375) are less the Wages of
    the Form W-2(s) and Form 8839 Adoption Literal (SEQ 0368)
    equals "SNE" or "PYAB", then do not reject the return.
  • 0105
  • Tax Form - When Direct Deposit information is present, the
    following fields must be significant: Routing Transit Number
    (SEQ 1272); Checking Account Indicator (SEQ 1274) or Savings
    Account Indicator (SEQ 1276); Depositor Account Number
    (SEQ 1278); and RAL Indicator (SEQ 1465).
    Either Routing Number, Checking/Saving account
    indicator, or bank account number is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0106
  • Schedule E - If more than one Schedule E is present, only the
    first occurrence of Schedule E can contain entries in the
    following fields: SEQ 125, 155, 380, 1000, 1040, 1110, 1120,
    1150, 1445, 1455, 1475, 1485, 1495, 1750, 1755, 1765, 1913,
    1917, 1923, 1927, 1933, 1937, 1939, 1943, 1945, 1977, 1991,
    2010, and 2020.
  • 0107
  • Schedule SE - If SST Wages/RRT Comp (SEQ 0088) or Unreported
    Tips (SEQ 0090) is significant, then Total Wages/Unreported Tips
    (SEQ 0100) must be significant.
  • Exception: This check is not performed when SST Wages/RRT Comp
    (SEQ 0088) is equal to or greater than $90,000.
  • 0108
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Overpaid (SEQ 1260) is greater than zero,
    then Total Payments (SEQ 1250) must be greater than Total Tax
    (SEQ 1150).
    Form 1040EZ - If Refund (SEQ 1270) is greater than zero, then
    Total Payments (SEQ 1250) must be greater than Total Tax
    (SEQ 1256).
  • 0109
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Primary SSN (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 030) is equal to an ITIN, then Earned Income Credit
    (SEQ 1180) cannot be significant and Schedule EIC cannot be
    Form 1040EZ - If Primary SSN (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 030) is equal to an ITIN, then Earned Income Credit
    (SEQ 1180) cannot be significant.
    You filed your tax return with an ITIN rather then SSN,
    You cannot claim EIC.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0110
  • Form 1040 - If both Schedule D and Schedule J are present, then
    Tax (SEQ 915) of Form 1040 must equal or be greater than
    Subtract Line 21 from Line 17 (SEQ 220) of Schedule J.
  • 0111
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Must Itemize Indicator (SEQ 786) equals
    "X", Filing Status (SEQ 130) must equal "3".
  • 0112
  • Form 1040 - When Retirement Tax Plan Literal (SEQ 1095) is
    blank, Tax on Retirement Plans (SEQ 1100) must equal the total
    of the following fields from Form(s) 5329: Additional Tax on
    Early Distributions (SEQ 0078), Additional Tax on Certain Distr
    from Educ Accts (SEQ 0091), Excess Contributions Tax on
    Traditional IRA (SEQ 0160), Excess Contributions Tax on Roth IRA
    (SEQ 0280), Excess Contribution Tax on Ed IRA (SEQ 0570), Excess
    Contributions Tax on MSA (SEQ 0660), Excess Contributions Tax on
    HSA (SEQ 0750), and Tax on Excess Accumulations (SEQ 0850)
  • When Retirement Tax Plan Literal (SEQ 1095) equals "NO",
    Form 5329 does not have to be present, but Tax on Retirement
    Plans (SEQ 1100) of Form 1040 must be significant.
  • 0113
  • Schedule A - When Non-Cash/Check Contribution (SEQ 360) is
    greater than $500, Form 8283 must be present.
    You must file Form 8283 because your non-cash
    contribution is greater than $500.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0114
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Taxable Amount of Social Security (SEQ 557)
    is significant, then Social Security Benefits (SEQ 553) must be
  • 0115
  • Form 1040 - If Railroad Retire Indicator (SEQ 1070) is blank,
    then Social Security & Medicare Tax on Tips (SEQ 1080) of
    Form 1040 must equal F1040 Social Security Medicare Tax on Tips
    (SEQ 200) from Form(s) 4137.
  • 0116
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Total Payments (SEQ 1250) is not equal to
    Total Tax (SEQ 1150), then at least one of the following fields
    must be significant: Overpaid (SEQ 1260), Refund (SEQ 1270),
    Applied to ES Tax (SEQ 1280), Amount Owed (SEQ 1290).
  • 0117
  • Schedule C - At least one of the following fields must be
    significant: Gross Receipts/Sales (SEQ 200), Gross Income
    (SEQ 270), Total Expenses (SEQ 700), Tentative Profit/Loss
    (SEQ 702), Net Profit (Loss) (SEQ 710).
    Your Schedule C is NOT completed. Missing data.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0118
  • Form 5329 - Name of Person Subject to Penalty Tax (SEQ 010) must
    contain a less-than sign immediately preceding th e last name.
    If the name includes a suffix, another less -than sign is entered
    between the last name and the suffix. Allowable characters are:
    Alpha, hyphen (-), less-than (<), and space.
    The following cannot be present: Two or more consecutive
    embedded spaces, a space or less-than sign in the first
    position, a less-than sign in the last position, more than two
    less-than signs, a space preceding or following a less-than
  • 0119
  • Form 1040A - If Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "3", then
    State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) cannot equal any of the
    following states: AZ (Arizona), CA (California), ID (Idaho),
    LA Louisiana), NM (New Mexico), NV (Nevada), TX (Texas),
    WA (Washington), and WI (Wisconsin).
    Exception: If Filing Status equals "3" and Address Ind (SEQ 097)
    equals "2" (Stateside Military Address), then the State
    Abbreviation (SEQ 087) may equal one of the Community Property
    states listed above.
    You reside in one of the above states
    You cannot file Married Filing Separately, select another status.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0120
  • Reserved
  • 0121
  • Form 1040/1040A - Pensions Annuities Received (SEQ 485) cannot
    equal Taxable Pensions Amount (SEQ 495).
  • 0122
  • Form W-2 - Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0040) must be
    numeric, the first two digits of Employer Identification Number
    (SEQ 0040) must equal a valid District Office Code, Employer
    Name Control (SEQ 0045) must be significant, and W-2 Indicator
    (SEQ 0590) must equal "N" or "S". Refer to Attachment 8 for
    District Office Codes. See Section 7.05 for Business Name
    Control format.
    Note: The value "N" (Non-Standard) indicates that the Form W-2
    was altered, handwritten, or typed, or that a cumulative
    Earnings Statement or a substitute Form W-2 was used. The value
    "S" (Standard) identifies a Form W-2 that is a computer-produced
    print, an IRS form, or an IRS-approved facsimile.
    The Employer Id Number on the W-2s is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0123
  • Form W-2 - The following fields must be significant:
    Employer Name (SEQ 050), Employer Address (SEQ 060), Employee
    Name (SEQ 090), Employee Address (SEQ 100); Employee City
    (SEQ 110), Employee State (SEQ 113), Employee Zip Code
    (SEQ 115), and Wages (SEQ 120).
    Exception: The check for Wages (SEQ 120) is bypassed when Combat
    Pay has been excluded from Wages.
    Exception: When a period (.) is present in the Employee State
    (SEQ 0113) on Form W-2, the checks for Employee City (SEQ 0110)
    and Employee Zip Code (SEQ 0115) are bypassed.
    One or more of the above boxes on the W-2 is
    If this is a foreign address, select "." for STATE.
    City and zip code can be blank.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0124
  • Form W-2G - The following fields must be significant: Payer Name
    Control (SEQ 015), Payer Name (SEQ 020), and Payer
    Identification Number (SEQ 026).
    One or more of the above boxes is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0125
  • Form 1099-R - The following fields must be significant: Payer
    Name Control (SEQ 015), Payer Name (SEQ 020), and Payer
    Identification Number (SEQ 050).
    One or more of the above boxes is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0126
  • Tax Form - If any Paid Preparer information (SEQ 1340, 1350,
    1360, 1370, 1380, 1390, 1400, 1410) is significant, then either
    Preparer SSN/Preparer TIN (SEQ 1360) or Preparer Firm EIN
    (SEQ 1380) must be significant.
    If Preparer SSN/Preparer TIN (SEQ 1360) is significant, it must
    equal all numeric characters and cannot equal all zeros or all
    nines; or the first position must equal "P" or "S" and the last
    positions must be numeric characters and cannot equal all zeros
    or all nines.
    If Preparer Firm EIN (SEQ 1380) is significant, it must equal
    all numeric characters and cannot equal all zeros or all nines.
    When Paid Preparer information (SEQ 1340-1420) is significant,
    Non-Paid Preparer (SEQ 1338) cannot be significant, and vice
    versa. Refer to Attachment 6 for more information on Non-Paid
    and Paid Preparers.
    Either Preparer SSN or TIN is INVALID or MISSING.
    or the preparer is listed BOTH as Paid and Non-Paid.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0127
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Total Payments (SEQ 1250) is greater than
    Total Tax (SEQ 1150), and the total of Applied to ES Tax
    (SEQ 1280) plus ES Penalty Amount (SEQ 1300) is equal to
    Overpaid (SEQ 1260), then Refund (SEQ 1270) cannot be
  • 0128
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Total Payments (SEQ 1250) is greater than
    Total Tax (SEQ 1150), and the total of Applied to ES Tax
    (SEQ 1280) plus ES Penalty Amount (SEQ 1300) is less than
    Overpaid (SEQ 1260), then Refund (SEQ 1270) must be greater than
  • 0129
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Total Payments (SEQ 1250) equals Total Tax
    (SEQ 1138), then the following fields cannot be significant:
    Overpaid (SEQ 1260), Refund (SEQ 1270), and Applied to ES Tax
    (SEQ 1280).
  • 0130
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Total Itemized or Standard Deduction
    (SEQ 0789) contains one of the following amounts: $6,150, 7,150,
    6,400, 7,650, 8,800, 11,300, 10,050, 12,300, 13,300, or 14,300;
    and Modified Standard Deduction Ind (SEQ 0787) of Form 1040 is
    blank; then at least one of following fields must equal "X":
    Self 65 or Over Box (SEQ 0772), Self Blind Box (SEQ 0774),
    Spouse 65 or Over Box (SEQ 0776), Spouse Blind Box (SEQ 0778).
  • Exception for Form 1040: This check is not performed when one or
    more of the following forms are present: Schedule A, Form 4563.
  • 0131
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Number of Children Not Living with You
    (SEQ 0247) is significant, then at least one Relationship
    (SEQ 0177, 0187, 0197, 0207) must equal "CHILD", "DAUGHTER",
    "GRANDCHILD", or "SON".
  • 0132
  • Form 1040 - When Capital Distribution Box equals to "X",
    Capital Gain/Loss (SEQ 450) must contain a positive amount.
  • 0133
  • Schedule R/Schedule 3 - If Nontaxable SSB/RRB (SEQ 163) or
    Nontaxable Other (SEQ 167) is significant, then Pensions &
    Annuities (SEQ 170) must be significant.
  • 0134
  • Form 1040 - If Exempt Self (SEQ 160) equals "X", and Must Itemize
    Indicator (SEQ 786), and Modified Standard Deduction Ind (SEQ
    787) and Itemize Election Ind (SEQ 788) are blank, and Schedule A
    and Form 4563 are not present; then Total Itemized or Standard
    Deduction (SEQ 789) must equal a valid standard deduction.
    Form 1040A - If Exempt Self (SEQ 160) equals "X", and Must
    Itemize Indicator (SEQ 786) and Modified Standard Deduction Ind
    (SEQ 787) are blank; then Total Itemized or Standard Deduction
    (SEQ 789) must equal a valid standard deduction.
  • 0135
  • Form 1040 - When F4684 Literal (SEQ 460) equals "F4684",
    Form 4684 must be present.
  • 0136
  • Form 1040 - If Form 2210 or Form 2210F is present, then ES
    Penalty Amount (SEQ 1300) of Form 1040 must equal Underpayment
    Penalty/Short Method (SEQ 240) or Total Underpayment Penalty
    (SEQ 720) from Form 2210, or Underpayment Penalty/Farmers
    Fishermen (SEQ 180) from Form 2210F.
    Form 1040A - If Form 2210 is present, then ES Penalty Amount
    (SEQ 1300) of Form 1040A must equal Underpayment Penalty/Short
    Method (SEQ 240) or Total Underpayment Penalty (SEQ 720) from
    Form 2210.
  • 0137
  • Form 2441/Schedule 2 - When SSN/EIN 1 or 2 (SEQ 040, 090) is
    significant, the corresponding Amount Paid 1 or 2 (SEQ 050,
    100) must be significant.
    The amount paid to the care provider is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0138
  • Form 1040/1040A - Total Exemptions (SEQ 360) must equal the
    total of the following fields: Total Box 6a and 6b (SEQ 167);
    Number of Children Who Lived with You (SEQ 240); Number of
    Children Not Living with You (SEQ 247); and Number of Other
    Dependents Listed (SEQ 350).
  • 0139
  • Form W-2 - Employee SSN (SEQ 080) must equal Primary SSN
    (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of the Tax Form.
    The SSN of the employee is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0140
  • Form 1040 - Farm Income (SEQ 520) must equal Net Farm Profit or
    Loss (SEQ 680) from Schedule(s) F.
  • 0141
  • Schedule F - At least one of the following fields must be
    significant: Gross Income Amount (SEQ 280), Total Expenses
    (SEQ 650), Net Farm Profit or Loss (SEQ 680).
    The data in Schedule F is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0142
  • Schedule F - Accounting Method Cash Indicator (SEQ 050) or
    Accounting Method Accrual Indicator (SEQ 060) must equal "X".
    Both indicators cannot equal "X".
  • 0143
  • Schedule F - Materially Participate Yes Indicator (SEQ 100) and
    Materially Participate No Indicator (SEQ 110) cannot both equal
    "X" and cannot both equal blank.
  • 0144
  • Form W-2 - Employee SSN (SEQ 0080) must be a Valid SSN and the
    first digit can not equal a "9". See Attachment 9 for Valid
    The employee SSN is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0145
  • If Line 24 of Form 1040, Bus Expenses Reservists & others
    (SEQ 0624) is significant, then Form 2106/2106-EZ must be
    attached, else reject the return.
  • 0146
  • Tax Form - When Unemployment Compensation (SEQ 552) is
    significant, it must be numeric and greater than zero.
  • 0147
  • Form 2210 - One of the following fields must equal "X": Waiver
    Entire Penalty Box (SEQ 0135), Waiver of Part of Penalty Box
    (SEQ 0145), Annualized Income Installment Method Box (SEQ 0155),
    Actually Withheld Box (SEQ 0165) or Joint Return Box (SEQ 0173).
    Exception: When Hurricane Relief Indicator (SEQ 0015) is
  • 0148
  • Form 2210 - When Waiver of Entire Penalty Box (SEQ 0135) or
    Waiver of Part Penalty Box (SEQ 0145) equals "X", either Waived
    Explanation/Short Method (SEQ 0233) or Waiver Explanation
    (SEQ 0669) must equal "STMbnn".
  • Form 2210F - When Waiver of Penalty Box (SEQ 0013) equals "X",
    Waiver Explanation (SEQ 0177) must equal "STMbnn".
  • 0149
  • Schedule C - When Other Clos Inv Method (SEQ 744) equals "X",
    Other Meth Explanation (SEQ 746) must equal "STMbnn".
  • 0150
  • Form 1040 - When F4255 Literal (SEQ 1121) and F4255 Amount
    (SEQ 1122) are significant, Form 4255 must be present and Total
    Increase Tax (SEQ 530) of Form 4255 must be significant.
    When Form 4255 is present, F4255 Literal (SEQ 1121) and F4255
    Amount (SEQ 1122) of Form 1040 must be significant.
  • 0151
  • Summary Record - Number of Logical Records in Tax Return
    (SEQ 040) must equal the total logical record count computed by
    the IRS.
  • 0152
  • Summary Record - Number of Forms W-2 (SEQ 050) must equal the
    number of Forms W-2 computed by the IRS.
  • 0153
  • Summary Record - Number of Forms W-2G (SEQ 060) must equal the
    number of Forms W-2G computed by the IRS.
  • 0154
  • Summary Record - Number of Forms 1099-R (SEQ 070) must equal
    the number of Forms 1099-R computed by the IRS.
  • 0155
  • Summary Record - Number of Schedule Records (SEQ 080) must
    equal the number of schedule records computed by the IRS.
  • 0156
  • Summary Record - Number of Form Records (SEQ 090) must equal
    the number of form records computed by the IRS.
  • 0157
  • Summary Record - Number of Statement Record Lines (SEQ 100)
    must equal the number of statement record lines computed by
    the IRS.
  • 0158
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Credit for Elderly or Disabled (SEQ 930)
    is significant, and Self 65 or Over Box (SEQ 772) and Spouse 65
    or Over Box (SEQ 776) are blank, then one of the following
    fields from Schedule R/Schedule 3 must be significant:
    Retire/Disabled (SEQ 020); Both Under 65, One Retired
    (SEQ 040); Both Under 65, Both Retired (SEQ 050); Under 65, Did
    Not Live with Spouse (SEQ 090).
  • 0159
  • Form 1040EZ - When the Self Claimed Dependent Ind (SEQ 0770)
    and the Spouse Claimed Dependent Ind (SEQ 0775) are blank, then
    Combined Standard Deduction and Personal Exemption (SEQ 0815)
    must equal $8,450 when Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is not
    significant, and must equal $16,900 when Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 0030) is significant.
  • 0160
  • Form 1040EZ - When the Self Claimed Dependent Ind (SEQ 0770)
    and the Spouse Claimed Dependent Ind (SEQ 0775) equals "X",
    then Combined Standard Deduction and Personal Exemption
    (SEQ 0815) cannot exceed $10,300 when Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030)
    is significant.
  • When the Self Claimed Dependent Ind (SEQ 0770) equals "X", then
    Combined Standard Deduction and Personal Exemption (SEQ 0815)
    cannot exceed $5,150 when the Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) is NOT
  • 0161
  • Reserved
  • 0162
  • Form 1040EZ - Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot exceed
    $412 and Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750) must be less than
    $12,120 if single, and cannot exceed $13,750 if Married Filing
  • When the Self Claimed Dependent Ind (SEQ 0770) or the Spouse
    Claimed Dependent Ind (SEQ 0775) equals "X", Earned Income
    Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot be significant.
  • 0163
  • Schedule R/Schedule 3 - Only one of the following fields must
    be significant: SEQ 0010, 0020, 0030, 0040, 0050, 0060, 0070,
    0080, 0090.
  • 0164
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Credit for Retirement Savings Contribution
    (SEQ 0937) is significant, then all of the following apply:
  • Form 8880 must be attached.
  • Credit for Retirement Savings Contribution (SEQ 0937) cannot
    exceed the maximum possible credit for the Filing Status
    (SEQ 0130). The maximum possible credit is $1000 for "Head of
    Household", "Single", "Married Filing Separate", and "Qualifying
    Widow(er)", and $2000 for "Married Filing Joint".
  • Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750) cannot exceed the applicable
    AGI limit for the Filing Status (SEQ 0130). The applicable
    limits are $50,000 for "Married Filing Joint", $37,500 for
    "Head of Household", and $25,000 for "Single", "Married Filing
    Separate", and "Qualifying Widow(er)".
  • 0165
  • Form 8880 - If Credit Contributions (SEQ 0200) is significant,
    then it must equal Credit for Retirement Savings Contribution
    (SEQ 0937) of Tax Form.
  • 0166
  • Form 8880 – Neither Primary T/P Smaller of line 5 or $2000
    (SEQ 0110) nor Secondary T/P Smaller of line 5 or $2000
    (SEQ 0120) may be negative. The sum of these two fields
    must be positive.
  • 0167
  • Form 9465 - Monthly Payment Date (SEQ 310) must be significant
    and must be within the 01 to 28 range.
  • 0168
  • Form 9465 - Monthly Payment (SEQ 300) must be equal to or
    greater than $25.
  • 0169
  • Schedule E - At least one of the following fields must be
    significant on the first occurrence of Schedule E: Total Rents
    Received (SEQ 125); Total Royalties Rec'd (SEQ 155); Rental &
    Royalty Deduction (SEQ 1000); Total Income (SEQ 1110); Total
    Losses (SEQ 1120); Part/S-Corp Name A (SEQ 1170); Tot
    Part/S-Corp Income (SEQ 1750); Tot Part/S-Corp Loss and Sec 179
    Deduction (SEQ 1755); Tot Estate/Trust Inc (SEQ 1933); Tot
    Estate/Trust Loss (SEQ 1937); Total REMIC Income (SEQ 1977);
    Net Farm Rental Income/Loss (SEQ 1991); Farming/Fishing Share
    (SEQ 2020); Net Rental Real Estate Income/Loss (SEQ 2030).
    The data in Schedule E is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0170
  • Schedule A - Casualty/Theft Loss (SEQ 390) must equal Line 16
    Minus Line 17 (SEQ 450) from Form 4684, when either field is
  • 0171
  • Form 4797 - When Form 4684 is present, Gain/Loss for Entire
    Year (Form 4684 Sec B Gain) (SEQ 440) of Form 4797 must equal
    Loss Equal to or Smaller than Gain (SEQ 1120) from Form 4684.
  • 0172
  • Form 9465 - Amount Owed on Tax Return (SEQ 280) cannot be
    greater than $25000.
  • 0173
  • Reserved
  • 0174
  • Form 4684 - When Line 16 minus Line 17 (SEQ 450) is
    significant, Line 13 more than Line 14 (SEQ 430) must be
  • 0175
  • Form 1040 - When Other Adjustment Amount (SEQ 730) or Total
    Other Adjustments (SEQ 735) is significant, Total Adjustments
    (SEQ 740) must be significant.
  • 0176
  • Form 1040 - Total Other Adjustments (SEQ 0735) must equal the
    total of Other Adjustment Amount (SEQ 0730 or amounts from
    corresponding statement record).
  • 0177
  • Tax Form - If Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) is significant
    and Schedule E is not present, then the total of the following
    fields cannot exceed $2,800 unless Form 4797 is attached:
    Taxable Interest (SEQ 0380), Tax-Exempt Interest (SEQ 0385),
    Total Ordinary Dividends (SEQ 0394) of Form 1040/1040A, and
    Capital Gain/Loss (SEQ 0450) (when greater than zero) of
    Form 1040.
  • 0178
  • Form 1040 - When Specify Other Credit Block (SEQ 1006) equals "X", one
    of the following forms must be present: Form 3468, Form 6478,
    Form 8834, Form 8835, Form 8844, Form 8860, Form 8864,
    Form 8910, Form 8911, Form 8912, or "STMbnn" must be present in
    SEQ (1010).
  • 0179
  • Reserved
    When Nonconventional Source Fuel Credit Amount (SEQ 1018) is
    significant, then Nonconventional Source Fuel Credit (SEQ 1025)
    must contain "STMbnn".
  • 0180
  • Form 4835 - When one Form 4835 is present, Net Farm Rental
    Income/Loss (SEQ 1991) of Schedule E must equal one of the
    following fields from Form 4835: Net Farm Rent Profit (SEQ 610)
    or Net Farm Rent (Loss) (SEQ 630).
    When multiple Forms 4835 are present, Net Farm Rental
    Income/Loss (SEQ 1991) of Schedule E must equal the sum of the
    following from Forms 4835: Net Farm Rent Profit (SEQ 610) (when
    greater than zero) minus Net Farm Rent (Loss) (SEQ 630).
    Note: Net Farm Rent (Loss) (SEQ 630) of Form 4835 is assumed to
    be a loss; the minus sign is not transmitted.
  • 0181
  • Form 4835 - If Some is Not at Risk (SEQ 620) equals "X" on one
    or both Form(s) 4835, then Form 6198 or Form 8582 must be
  • 0182
  • Schedule F - When Net Farm Profit or Loss (SEQ 680) is less
    than zero and Some Is Not at Risk Indicator (SEQ 700) equals
    "X", Form 6198 must be present.
  • 0183
  • Schedule C - If Car/Truck Expenses (SEQ 293) is significant,
    then Vehicle Service Date (SEQ 820) and Business Miles
    (SEQ 830) must be significant, or Form 4562 must be present.
  • 0184
  • Schedule E - If Net Farm Rental Income/Loss (SEQ 1991) on the
    first occurrence of Schedule E is present, then Form 4835 must
    be present.
    When one Form 4835 is present, Net Farm Rental Income/Loss
    (SEQ 1991) of Schedule E must equal one of the following fields
    from Form 4835: Net Farm Rent Profit (SEQ 610) or Net Farm Rent
    (Loss) (SEQ 630).
    When multiple Forms 4835 are present, Net Farm Rental
    Income/Loss (SEQ 1991) of Schedule E must equal the sum of the
    following from Forms 4835: Net Farm Rent Profit (SEQ 610) (when
    greater than zero) minus Net Farm Rent (Loss) (SEQ 630).
    Note: Net Farm Rent (Loss) (SEQ 630) of Form 4835 is assumed to
    be a loss; the minus sign is not transmitted.
  • 0185
  • Schedule C - When Business Miles (SEQ 0830) is significant,
    then Vehicle Service Date (SEQ 0820) must be present.
  • 0186
  • Form 8829 - Total of "Home Business Expense" (SEQ 0703) of all
    Schedules C present must equal total of "Schedule C Allowable
    Expenses" (SEQ 0450) from all Forms 8829 present.
  • 0187
  • Schedule C - Employer ID Number (SEQ 060) cannot equal Primary
    SSN (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of Form 1040.
  • 0188
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Filing Status (SEQ 130) equals "3",
    Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot be significant.
  • 0189
  • Form 1040 - If Total Adjustments (SEQ 0740) is significant,
    then at least one of the following fields must be significant:
    SEQ 0622, 0624, 0635, 0637, 0640, 0650, 0670, 0680, 0697, 0700
    0702, 0707, 0710, 0730, 0735.
  • 0190
  • Reserved
  • 0191
  • Form 1040 - Total Credits (SEQ 1020) must equal the total of
    the following fields: Foreign Tax Credit (SEQ 0922), Credit for
    Child & Dependent Care (0925), Credit for Elderly or
    Disabled (SEQ 0930), Education Credits (F8863) (SEQ 0935),
    Credit for Retirement Savings Contribution (SEQ 0937)
    Residential Energy Credits (SEQ 0941), Child Tax Credit
    (SEQ 0955), Credits from F8396, F8839 & F8859 (SEQ 995) and
    Other Credits (SEQ 1015)
    Form 1040A - Total Credits (SEQ 1020) must equal the total
    of the following fields: Credit for Child & Dependent Care
    (SEQ 0925), Credit for Elderly or Disabled (SEQ 0930),
    Education Credits (F8863) (SEQ 0935), Credit for Retirement
    Savings Contribution (SEQ 0937), and Child Tax Credit
    (SEQ 0955).
  • 0192
  • Tax Form - At least one of the following fields must be
    significant for the forms listed below.
    Form 1040/1040A: Total Income (SEQ 600), Adjusted Gross Income
    (SEQ 750), AGI Repeated (SEQ 770), Tax (SEQ 915), Total Credits
    (SEQ 1020), Total Tax (SEQ 1150), Total Payments (SEQ 1250).
    Form 1040EZ: Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 750), Taxable Income
    (SEQ 820), Withholding (SEQ 1160), Total Tax (SEQ 1256), Refund
    (SEQ 1270), Amount Owed (SEQ 1290).
  • 0193
  • Form 8829 - Total Hours Available (SEQ 065) cannot exceed the
    maximum number of available hours (24 hrs x the number of days
    in the year).
    The total hours available for business use exceeds
    the possible maximum.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0194
  • Form 1040EZ - If Taxable Interest (SEQ 380) is not significant,
    then Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 750) must equal the total of
    Wages, Salaries, Tips (SEQ 375) plus Unemployment Compensation
    (SEQ 552).
  • 0195
  • Schedule SE - When Self-Employment Tax (SEQ 160) is
    significant, Deduction for 1/2 of Self Employment Tax (SEQ 165)
    must be significant, and vice versa.
    If Self-Employed Deduction Schedule SE (SEQ 640) of Form 1040
    is significant, it must equal Deduction for 1/2 of Self
    Employment Tax (SEQ 165) from Schedule(s) SE. If Deduction for
    1/2 of Self Employment Tax (SEQ 165) of Schedule SE is
    significant, and Exempt-Notary Literal (SEQ 050) is not
    significant, then Self-Employed Deduction Schedule SE (SEQ 640)
    of Form 1040 must be significant.
  • 0196
  • Form 1040 - When Social Security & Medicare Tax on Tips
    (SEQ 1080) is significant, Form 4137 must be present.
    When F1040 Social Security Medicare Tax on Tips (SEQ 200) of
    Form 4137(s) is significant, Social Security & Medicare Tax on
    Tips (SEQ 1080) of Form 1040 must be significant.
  • 0197
  • Schedule A - When Other Expense Amount (SEQ 485) is
    significant, Total Other Expenses Limit (SEQ 495) must be
  • 0198
  • Form 1040 - Total Payments (SEQ 1250) must equal the total of
    the following fields: Withholding (SEQ 1160), ES Payments
    (SEQ 1170), Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180), Additional Child
    Tax Credit (SEQ 1192), F4868 Amount (SEQ 1197), Excess SS Tax
    (SEQ 1188), and Other Payments (SEQ 1210).
    Form 1040A - Total Payments (SEQ 1250) must equal the total of
    the following fields: Withholding (SEQ 1160), ES Payments
    (SEQ 1170), Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180), Additional Child
    Tax Credit (SEQ 1192), F4868 Amount (SEQ 1197), and Excess SS
    Tax (SEQ 1200).
  • 0199
  • 0200
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) is
    greater than $412, Schedule EIC must be present.
  • 0201
  • Schedule EIC - If any field of the following "qualifying child
    group" is significant, then all fields in that group must be
    significant: Qualifying Child Name Control (SEQ 0007, 0077;
    Qualifying Child First Name (SEQ 0010, 0080); Qualifying Child
    Last Name (SEQ 0011, 0081); Qualifying SSN (SEQ 0015, 0085);
    Relationship (SEQ 0060, 0130); and Number of Months (SEQ 0070,
    Qualifying Child Name Control (SEQ 007, 077) must be in the
    correct format. See Section 7.01 for Name Control format.
  • 0202
  • Schedule EIC - Year of Birth (SEQ 020, 090) cannot be greater
    than current tax year.
  • 0203
  • Schedule EIC - Relationship (SEQ 060, 130) must equal one of
    the following: "CHILD", "DAUGHTER", "FOSTERCHILD",
    "GRANDCHILD", or "SON".
  • 0204
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) is
    significant and Schedule EIC is not present, then the primary
    taxpayer and/or the secondary taxpayer must be at least age 25
    but under age 65. If either taxpayer is born January 01, 1942,
    the taxpayer is considered to be age 25 at the end of 2006.
  • Form 1040EZ - If Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) is
    significant, then the primary taxpayer and/or the secondary
    taxpayer must be at least age 25 but under age 65. If either
    taxpayer is born January 01, 1942, the taxpayer is considered
    to be age 65 at the end of 2006.
  • 0205
  • Schedule EIC - When Qualifying SSN (SEQ 0015, 0085) is
    significant, it must be within the valid ranges of SSN's. It
    must equal all numeric characters and cannot equal all zeros or
    all nines. Refer to Attachment 9 for valid ranges of Social
    Security Numbers.
    The SSN of the qualifying dependent for EIC
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0206
  • Schedule EIC - If Year of Birth (SEQ 0020, 0090) is less than
    "1988" (age 19 and older) and greater than "1982", then the
    corresponding Student "Yes" Box (SEQ 0030, 0100) or the
    corresponding Disabled "Yes" Box (SEQ 0040, 0110) must
    equal "X".
  • 0207 0207 oSchedule EIC - If Relationship (SEQ 0060, 0130) equals "CHILD",
    "NEPHEW" or "FOSTERCHILD" and Year of Birth (SEQ 0020, 0090)
    does not equal "2005", then Number of Months (SEQ 0070, 0140)
    must be equal to or greater than "07".
  • Schedule H - Cash Wages Over $1400 Paid Yearly - Yes (SEQ 040)
    and Cash Wages Over $1400 Paid Yearly - No (SEQ 045) cannot
    both equal "X" and cannot both equal blank.
  • 0209
  • Schedule H - Employer SSN (SEQ 020) on the first Schedule H
    must be significant and equal to Primary SSN (SEQ 010) or
    Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of Form 1040.
  • 0210
  • Schedule H - Employer SSN (SEQ 020) on the second Schedule H
    must be significant and equal to Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of
    Form 1040 and must not be equal to Employer SSN (SEQ 020) on
    the first Schedule H. When both spouses are filing Schedule H,
    the Schedule H for the primary taxpayer must precede the
    Schedule H for the secondary taxpayer.
  • 0211
  • Schedule H - Employer Identification Number (SEQ 030) cannot
    equal Primary SSN (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of
    Form 1040.
  • 0212
  • Schedule H - Name of State Where Unemployment Contr Paid
    (SEQ 0200) must equal a standard state abbreviation for one of
    the fifty United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or
    U.S. Virgin Islands. Refer to Attachment 3 for Standard Postal
    Service State Abbreviations.
  • 0213
  • Schedule H - Employer SSN (SEQ 020) and Employer Identification
    Number (SEQ 030) must be significant, must equal all numeric
    characters and cannot equal all blanks or all zeros.
  • 0214
  • Schedule H - When two Schedules H are present, Employer
    Identification Number (SEQ 030) of the second Schedule H cannot
    equal Employer Identification Number of the first Schedule H.
  • 0215
  • Schedule H - Federal Income Tax Withheld - Yes (SEQ 050) and
    Federal Income Tax Withheld - No (SEQ 055) cannot both
    equal "X".
    Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Qtrly - No (SEQ 060) and Cash Wage
    Over $1000 Paid Qtrly - Yes (SEQ 065) cannot both equal "X".
    Cash Wages Over $1000 Paid Qtrly - No (SEQ 150) and Cash Wages
    Over $1000 Paid Qtrly - Yes (SEQ 155) cannot both equal "X".
  • 0216
  • Schedule EIC - Qualifying SSN - 1 (SEQ 015) cannot equal
    Qualifying SSN - 2 (SEQ 085). Qualifying SSN - 1 and - 2
    (SEQ 050, 120) cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 010) or Secondary
    SSN (SEQ 030) of Form 1040/1040A.
  • 0217
  • Schedule EIC - When Year of Birth (SEQ 0020, 0090) is less than
    "1983", the corresponding Disabled "Yes" Box (SEQ 0040, 0110)
    must equal "X".
  • 0218
  • Schedule EIC - When Year of Birth (SEQ 0020, 0090) equals
    "2006", the corresponding Number of Months (SEQ 0070, 0140)
    must equal "12".
  • 0219
  • Schedule H - Page 2 must be present when all of the following
    fields equal "X": Cash Wage Over $1400 Paid Yearly - No
    (SEQ 045), Federal Income Tax Withheld - No (SEQ 055), and Cash
    Wage Over $1000 Paid Qtrly - Yes (SEQ 065).
  • 0220
  • Schedule H - When all of the following fields equal "X",
    Schedule H cannot be filed: Cash Wage Over $1400 Paid Yearly -
    No (SEQ 045), Federal Income Tax Withheld - No (SEQ 055), and
    Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Qtrly - No (SEQ 060).
  • 0221
  • Form 1040/1040A - Advanced EIC Payments (SEQ 1105) must equal
    the total of Advance EIC Payment (SEQ 200) from Form(s) W-2.
    and/or W-2GU.
  • 0222
  • Schedule EIC - If Qualifying SSN - 1 (SEQ 0015) is significant
    and Qualifying SSN - 2 (SEQ 0085) is not significant, then
    Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) of Form 1040/1040A cannot
    exceed $2,747 and Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750) of
    Form 1040/1040A must be less than $32,001 if Single, Head of
    Household or Qualifying Widow(er) and less than $34,001 if
    Married Filing Jointly.
  • If Qualifying SSN - 1 (SEQ 0015) and Qualifying SSN - 2
    (SEQ 0085) are significant, then Earned Income Credit
    (SEQ 1180) of Form 1040/1040A cannot exceed $4,536 and Adjusted
    Gross Income (SEQ 0750) of Form 1040/1040A must be less than
    $36,348 if Single, Head of Household or Qualifying Widow(er)
    and less than $38,348 if Married Filing Jointly.
  • 0223
  • Schedule H - When Federal Income Tax Withheld - Yes (SEQ 050)
    equals "X", Federal Income Tax Withheld (SEQ 110) must be
  • 0224
  • Schedule H - If Cash Wage Over $1400 Paid Yearly - No (SEQ 045)
    and Federal Income Tax Withheld - Yes (SEQ 050) equal "X", then
    Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Qtrly - No (SEQ 060) and Cash Wage
    Over $1000 Paid Qtrly - Yes (SEQ 065) must be blank.
  • 0225
  • Schedule H - When Cash Wage Over $1400 Paid Yearly - Yes
    (SEQ 040) equals "X", Social Security Wages (SEQ 070) and
    Medicare Wages (SEQ 090) must each be equal to or greater than
  • 0226
  • Schedule H - When Cash Wage Over $1400 Paid Yearly - Yes
    (SEQ 040) equals "X", the following fields must be blank:
    Federal Income Tax Withheld - Yes (SEQ 050), Federal Income Tax
    Withheld - No (SEQ 055), Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Qtrly - No
    (SEQ 060), and Cash Wage Over $1000 Paid Qtrly - Yes (SEQ 065).
  • 0227
  • Schedule H - When Page 2 is present, Cash Wages Over $1000 Paid
    Qtrly - No (SEQ 150) cannot equal "X".
    When Page 2 is not present, Cash Wages Over $1000 Paid Qtrly -
    Yes (SEQ 155) cannot equal "X".
  • 0228
  • Schedule H - Social Security Wages (SEQ 070) cannot be greater
    than Medicare Wages (SEQ 090).
  • 0229
  • Schedule H - When Page 2 is present, Total Taxes from Line 8
    (SEQ 520) must equal Total Taxes Less Advance EIC Payments
    (SEQ 140) from Page 1.
  • 0230
  • Form 1116 - When only one Form 1116 is present, Smaller of Tax
    From Return or Foreign Tax Credit (SEQ 1185) must equal Gross
    Foreign Tax Credit (SEQ 1090) and the following fields must be
    blank: SEQs 1100, 1110, 1120, 1130, 1135, 1160, 1175, 1177 and
  • 0231
  • Form 1116 - If more than one Form 1116 is present, then only
    the first occurrence of Form 1116 can have significant data in
    Foreign Tax Credit (SEQ 1200). For subsequent occurrences of
    Form 1116, significant data can be present in Foreign Tax
    Credit (SEQ 1200) only when Alt. Min. Tax Literal (SEQ 010) of
    that occurrence is equal to "AMT".
  • 0232
  • Form 1116 - On each Form 1116, only one of the following fields
    can equal "X": SEQ 020, 030, 040, 050, 060, 070, 080, 093, 096
    When more than one Form 1116 is present, the same box (SEQ 020
    through 098) cannot equal "X" on more than one Form 1116.
    Exception: The same box (SEQ 020 through 098) can equal "X" on
    two Forms 1116 if Alt. Min. Tax Literal (SEQ 010) is
    significant on one of the two Forms 1116.
  • 0233
  • Form 1040 - If Direct Deposit No (SEQ 1263) equal "X",
    Direct Deposit Information (Tax Form SEQs 1272, 1274, 1276,
    1278, and Form 8888) must be not present.
  • 0234
  • Tax Form - One of the following must equal "X": Direct Deposit-
    Yes (SEQ 1262) or Direct Deposit-No (SEQ 1263). Both cannot be
    blank and both cannot equal "X".
  • 0235
  • Schedule H - When Page 2 is present, Total Taxable Wages for
    FUTA (Section A) (SEQ 230) must be significant.
  • 0236
  • Form 1040 - Household Employment Taxes (SEQ 1107) must equal
    the total of the following fields from Schedule(s) H: Total
    Taxes Less Advance EIC Payments (SEQ 140) plus FUTA Tax
    (SEQ 240).
  • 0237 0237-0239 Reserved
    0238 0237-0239 Reserved
    0239 0237-0239 Reserved
  • Schedule C-EZ - Total Expenses (SEQ 0700) cannot be greater
    than $5,000 and Net Profit (SEQ 0710) cannot be less than zero.
    Total expenses for Schedule C-EZ cannot be greater
    than $5,000 and you cannot incurr a LOSS; otherwise, use regular
    schedule C.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0241
  • Schedule C-EZ - At least one of the following fields must be
    significant: Gross Receipts/Sales (SEQ 200), Total Expenses
    (SEQ 700), Net Profit (SEQ 710).
    The data in Schedule C-EZ is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0242
  • Schedule C-EZ - Employer ID Number (SEQ 060) cannot equal
    Primary SSN (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of Form 1040.
  • 0243
  • Form 1040 - If Schedule A is not present and Must Itemize
    Indicator (SEQ 0786) equals "X" then Total Itemized or Standard
    Deduction (SEQ 0789) must equal zero.
    Form 1040A - If Must Itemize Indicator (SEQ 786) equals "X",
    then Total Itemized or Standard Deduction (SEQ 789) must equal
  • 0244
  • Form 1040 - When the Itemized Election Ind (SEQ 0788) equals
    "IE", then Schedule A must be present.
  • 0245
  • Form 1040 - When Form 8396 Block (SEQ 0985) equals "X",
    Form 8396 must be present.
    Form 1040 - When Form 3800 Block (SEQ 1000) equals "X",
    Form 3800 must be present.
  • 0246 0246 Reserved
  • Reserved
  • 0248 0248-0249 Reserved
    0249 0248-0249 Reserved
  • Reserved
  • 0251
  • Form 8615 - Child Taxable Income (SEQ 100) must equal Taxable
    Income (SEQ 820) from Form 1040/1040A.
  • 0252
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Form 8615 is present, Tax ( SEQ 915) of
    Form 1040 or Tax (SEQ 860) of Form 1040A must equal Form 8615
    Tax (SEQ 290) from Form 8615.
  • 0253
  • Form 8615 - Parent Filing Status (SEQ 060) must equal "1", "2",
    "3", "4", or "5".
  • 0254
  • Reserved
  • 0255
  • Form 8615 - Gross Unearned Income (SEQ 0070) must be greater
    than $1,700.
  • 0256
  • Form 8615 - Child Name (SEQ 010) must equal Name Line 1
    (SEQ 060) of Form 1040/1040A.
  • 0257
  • Form 8615 - Parent Name (SEQ 040) and Parent SSN (SEQ 050) must
    be significant.
  • 0258
  • Form 8615 - Child SSN (SEQ 020) must be significant and within
    the valid ranges of SSN/ITIN's. Refer to Attachment 9 for
    valid ranges of Social Security/Taxpayer Identification
  • 0259
  • Reserved
  • 0260
  • Form 1040 - When Form 8814 is present, Form 8814 Block
    (SEQ 853) of Form 1040 must equal "X" and Form 8814 Amount
    (SEQ 857) of Form 1040 must be significant. When Form 8814
    Block (SEQ 853) equals "X", Form 8814 must be present and
    Form 8814 Amount (SEQ 857) must be significant.
  • 0261
  • Form 8814 - When one Form 8814 is present, Multiple F8814
    Indicator (SEQ 030) cannot be significant. When more than one
    Form 8814 is present, Multiple F8814 Indicator (SEQ 030) of the
    first Form 8814 must be significant.
    Form 8814 Amount (SEQ 857) of Form 1040 must equal Form 8814
    Tax (SEQ 295) from Form(s) 8814.
  • 0262
  • Form 8814 - Child Taxable Unearned Income (SEQ 0170) must be
    greater than $850 and less than $8,500.
  • 0263
  • Form 1040 - If Form 1040 Other Income (SEQ 265) of Form 8814 is
    significant, then Type of Other Income (SEQ 560) of Form 1040
    must equal "FORM 8814" and Total Other Income (SEQ 590) of
    Form 1040 must be significant.
  • 0264
  • Form 8814 - When Tax Exempt Literal (SEQ 040) is significant,
    Tax Exempt Amount (SEQ 050) must be significant.
    When Nominee Dist. Literal 1 (SEQ 060) is significant, Nominee
    Dist. Amount 1 (SEQ 070) must be significant.
    When Non-Taxable Literal (SEQ 080) is significant, Non-Taxable
    Amount (SEQ 090) must be significant.
  • 0265
  • Form 8814 - When Nominee Dist. Literal 2 (SEQ 120) is
    significant, Nominee Dist. Amount 2 (SEQ 130) must be
  • 0266
  • Form 8814 - Child Name (SEQ 010) must be significant. Child
    SSN (SEQ 020) must be must be significant and within the valid
    ranges of SSN/ITIN/ATIN's. Refer to Attachment 8 for valid
    ranges of Social Security/Taxpayer Identification Numbers.
  • 0267
  • Form 8814 - Tax Amount Basis (SEQ 0275) cannot be less than
    zero. When Tax Amount Basis (SEQ 0275) is greater than zero
    and less than $850, Form 8814 Tax (SEQ 0295) must be
    significant. When Tax Amount Basis (SEQ 0275) is equal to or
    greater than $850, Form 8814 Tax (SEQ 0295) must equal $85.
  • 0268 0268,0269 Reserved
    0269 0268,0269 Reserved
  • Form 1040 - When Form 4972 Block (SEQ 880) equals "X",
    Form 4972 must be present.
  • 0271
  • Form 4972 - None of the following fields can equal "X":
    Distribution of Qualified Plan No Box (SEQ 026), Rollover Yes
    Box (SEQ 030), Prior Yr Distribution Yes Box (SEQ 190), and
    Beneficiary Distribution Yes Box (SEQ 201).
    All of the following fields must equal "X": Distribution of
    Qualified Plan Yes Box (SEQ 024), Rollover No Box (SEQ 040),
    and Prior Yr Distribution No Box (SEQ 200).
  • 0272
  • Form 4972 - Only one of the following fields can equal "X":
    Beneficiary of Qual Participant No Box (SEQ 044) or Qual Age -
    Five Yr Member No Box (SEQ 086).
  • 0273 0273,0274 Reserved
    0274 0273,0274 Reserved
  • Form 4972 - At least one of the following fields must be
    significant: Capital Gain Election (SEQ 220), Ordinary Income
    (SEQ 240), 10 Yr Method Average Tax (SEQ 690).
  • 0276
  • Form 4972 - Recipient SSN (SEQ 020) from the second Form 4972
    cannot equal Recipient SSN (SEQ 020) of the first Form 4972.
  • 0277
  • Form 1040 - When Other Tax Literal (SEQ 1110) equals "ADT",
    Form 4970 must be present, and vice versa.
  • 0278
  • Form 4970 - Accumulation Dist. Attributable Tax (SEQ 670) must
    be significant.
  • 0279
  • Form 4972 - For each of the following, one box must equal "X",
    but both cannot equal "X":
    Beneficiary of Qual Participant Yes Box (SEQ 042)/Beneficiary
    of Qual Participant No Box (SEQ 044);
    Qual Age - Five Yr Member Yes Box (SEQ 084)/Qual Age - Five Yr
    Member No Box (SEQ 086).
  • 0280
  • Schedule B/Schedule 1 - When Excludable Savings Bond Interest
    (SEQ 289) is significant, Form 8815 must be present.
    Excludable Savings Bond Interest (SEQ 289) of
    Schedule B/Schedule 1 must equal Excludable Savings Bond
    Interest (SEQ 290) from Form 8815.
  • 0281
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Filing Status (SEQ 130) equals "3",
    Form 8815 cannot be present.
  • 0282
  • Form 8815 - Taxable Expenses (SEQ 190) must be greater than
  • 0283
  • Form 8815 - If Filing Status (SEQ 0130) of Form 1040/1040A
    equals "2" or "5", then Modified AGI (SEQ 0240) of Form 8815
    must be less than $128,700. If Filing Status equals "1"
    or "4", then Modified AGI (SEQ 0240) must be less than $78,100.
  • 0284
  • Reserved
  • 0285
  • Reserved
  • 0286
  • Schedule E - When Non Passive Activity Literal (SEQ 1130) is
    present, Non Passive Activity Amount (SEQ 1140) must be
    present, and vice versa.
  • 0287
  • Form 1040 - When F8828 Literal (SEQ 1123) equals "FMSR",
    Form 8828 must be present.
    When F8828 Amount (SEQ 1124) is significant, Recapture Tax Due
    (SEQ 280) of Form 8828 must be significant, and vice versa.
  • 0288
  • Form 8828 - Original Loan Closing Date (SEQ 100) cannot be
    before January 1, 1991 (01011991).
  • 0289
  • Form W-2 - When Advance EIC Payment (SEQ 200) is significant,
    taxpayer cannot file Form 1040EZ.
  • 0290 The State and Zip Code of the Employer or Payer
    in one of the below form is INVALID or MISSING.
    For foreign address, use "." for state and zip code can be blank.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Form W-2 - Employer State (SEQ 073) and Employer Zip Code
    (SEQ 075) must be significant and valid. Employer Zip Code
    (SEQ 075) must be consistent with Employer State (SEQ 073).
    Form W-2G - Payer's State (SEQ 024) and Payer's Zip Code
    (SEQ 025) must be significant and valid. Payer's Zip Code
    (SEQ 025) must be consistent with Payer's State (SEQ 024).
    Form W-2GU - Employer State (SEQ 073) and Employer Zip Code
    (SEQ 075) must be significant and valid. Employer Zip Code
    (SEQ 075) must be consistent with Employer State (SEQ 073).
    Form 1099-R - Payer's State (SEQ 042) and Payer's Zip Code
    (SEQ 044) must be significant and valid. Payer's Zip Code
    (SEQ 044) must be consistent with Payer's State (SEQ 042).
    Exception: This check is not performed when Employer State
    (SEQ 0073) of Form W-2 and/or W-2GU, Payer’s State (SEQ 0024)
    of Form W-2G, and/or Payer’ State (SEQ 0042) of Form 1099-R
    contain a period (.), indicating a foreign address. See
    Section 7.06 for foreign address format.
  • 0291
  • Form W-2 - Employer City (SEQ 070) must contain at least three
    Employer City must have at least 3 characters.
    For foreign address, select "." for state and City can have less.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0292
  • Form W-2G - Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0026) must be
    numeric, the first two digits of Payer Identification Number
    (SEQ 0026) must equal a valid District Office Code, Payer Name
    Control (SEQ 0015) must be significant, and W-2G Indicator
    (SEQ 0220) must equal "N" or "S". Refer to Attachment 8 for
    District Office Codes. See Section 7.05 for Business Name
    Control format.
    Note: The value "N" (Non-Standard) indicates that the Form
    W-2G was altered, handwritten, or typed, or that a cumulative
    earnings statement or a substitute Form W-2G was used. The
    value "S" (Standard) identifies a Form W-2G that is a
    computer-produced print, an IRS form, or an IRS-approved
    The Payer ID is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0293
  • Form 1099-R - Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0050) must be
    numeric, the first two digits of Payer Identification Number
    (SEQ 0050) must equal a valid District Office Code, Payer Name
    Control (SEQ 0015) must be significant, and 1099-R Indicator
    (SEQ 0340) must equal "N" or "S". Refer to Attachment 8 for
    District Office Codes. See Section 7.05 for Business Name
    Control format.
    Note: The value "N" (Non-Standard) indicates that the Form
    1099-R was altered, handwritten, or typed, or that a cumulative
    earnings statement or a substitute Form 1099-R was used. The
    value "S" (Standard) identifies a Form 1099-R that is a
    computer-produced print, an IRS form, or an IRS-approved
    The Payer ID is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0294
  • Reserved
  • 0295 The W-2 withholding or Social Security Tax exceeds
    maximum. This is alloweed only if this W-2 is from combat pay.
    In this case, you must click [Information], select [Special Cases],
    Enter the amount of combat pay on line 2. Nontaxable Combat Pay Election
    Only [Select Combat Operation Code Name] if you are sure.
    For other forms, the withholding is too high.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Form W-2 - Neither Withholding (SEQ 130) nor Social Security
    Tax (SEQ 150) of the combined W-2s and/or W-2GU(s) can be
    greater than 1/2 (50%) of Wages (SEQ 120).
    Exception: This check is bypassed when Combat Pay has been
    excluded from Wages.
    Form W-2G - Withholding (SEQ 050) cannot be greater than 1/2
    (50%) of Gross Winnings, etc. (SEQ 040).
    Form 1099-R - Withholding (SEQ 160) cannot be greater than 1/2
    (50%) of Gross Distribution (SEQ 110).
  • 0296
  • Form 2441/Schedule 2 - If any field of the following
    "qualifying person group" is significant, then all fields in
    that group must be significant: Qualifying Person First Name
    (SEQ 0110, 0217); Qualifying Person Last Name (SEQ 0115, 0218);
    Qualifying Person Name Control (SEQ 0120, 0221); Qualifying
    Person SSN (SEQ 0214, 0223).
    The qualifying dependent care person
    information is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0297
  • If Primary or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0010, 0030) of Form 1040 equal
    the SSN/EIN (SEQ 0040 or 0090) of Form 2441, reject the return.
  • 0298
  • Form 2441/Schedule 2 - When Qualifying Person SSN (SEQ 214,
    223) is significant, it must be within the valid ranges of
    SSN/ITIN/ATIN's. Refer to Attachment 9 for valid ranges of
    Social Security/Taxpayer Identification Numbers.
    The SSN of the qualifying dependent care
    person is INVALID or MISSING.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0299
  • Tax Form - RAL Indicator (SEQ 1465) must equal "0", "1", or
  • RAL Indicator (SEQ 1465) is a required field.
  • 0300 0300-0302 Reserved
    0301 0300-0302 Reserved
    0302 0300-0302 Reserved
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Amount Owed (SEQ 1290) is greater than
    zero and ES Penalty Amount (SEQ 1300) is not significant, then
    Total Tax (SEQ 1150) must be greater than Total Payments
    (SEQ 1250).
    Form 1040EZ - If Amount Owed (SEQ 1290) is greater than zero,
    then Total Tax (SEQ 1256) must be greater than Total Payments
    (SEQ 1250).
  • 0304 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0305 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0306 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0307 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0308 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0309 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0310 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0311 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0312 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0313 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0314 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0315 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0316 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0317 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0318 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0319 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0320 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0321 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0322 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0323 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0324 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0325 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0326 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0327 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0328 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0329 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0330 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0331 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0332 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0333 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0334 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0335 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0336 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0337 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0338 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0339 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0340 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0341 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0342 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0343 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0344 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0345 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0346 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0347 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0348 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
    0349 0304-0349 Reserved for Electronically Transmitted Documents (ETD)
  • Form 8853 - Policyholder SSN (SEQ 289) must be numeric and
    within the valid range for an SSN or an ITIN.
    Insured SSN (SEQ 310) must be numeric and within the valid
    range for an SSN or an ITIN.
    Refer to Attachment 9 for valid ranges of Social
    Security/Taxpayer Identification Numbers.
  • 0351
  • Form 8853 - MSA Acct Holder SSN (SEQ 009) must equal either the
    Primary SSN (SEQ 010) or the Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of Form
  • 0352
  • Form 8853 - Policyholder SSN (SEQ 0289) must equal either
    the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or the Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of
    Form 1040.
  • 0353
  • Form 1040 - If Type of Other Income (SEQ 0560) equals "MEDMSA"
    and the corresponding Amount of Other Income (SEQ 0570) is
    present, then Form 8853 must be present.
  • If Taxable Medicare Advantage MSA Distributions (SEQ 0276) of
    Form 8853 is significant, then Type of Other Income (SEQ 0560)
    of Form 1040 must equal "MEDMSA" and the corresponding Amount of
    Other Income (SEQ 0570) of Form 1040 must be present.
  • 0354
  • Form 1040 - If Other Tax Literal (SEQ 1110) equals "MEDMSA" and
    the corresponding Other Tax Amount (SEQ 1112) is present, then
    Form 8853 must be present.
  • If Additional 50% Tax (SEQ 0279) of Form 8853 is significant,
    then Other Tax Literal (SEQ 1110) of Form 1040 must equal
    "MEDMSA" and the corresponding Other Tax Amount (SEQ 1112) of
    Form 1040 must be present.
  • 0355
  • Reserved
  • 0356
  • Reserved
  • 0357
  • Form 1040/8853 - If Archer MSA Deduction (SEQ 0622) is
    significant, then Form 8853 must be attached.
  • 0358
  • Form 8853 - If Taxable Medicare Advantage MSA Distributions
    (SEQ 0276) is significant, the following SEQs cannot both be
    blank; Exceptions to 50% Tax Box (SEQ 0278) and Additional 50%
    Tax (SEQ 0279).
  • 0359
  • Form 8853 - One box of the following pairs must equal "X", both
    cannot equal "X", and both cannot equal space:
    - Payments or Death Benefits - Yes (SEQ 320)
    - Payments or Death Benefits - No (SEQ 330) and
    - Insured Terminally Ill - Yes (SEQ 340)
    - Insured Terminally Ill - No (SEQ 350).
  • 0360
  • Form 1040 - If Type of Other Income (SEQ 560) equals "MSA" and
    the corresponding Amount of Other Income (SEQ 570) is present,
    then Form 8853 must be present.
    If Taxable Archer MSA Distributions (SEQ 250) of Form 8853 is
    significant, then Type of Other Income (SEQ 560) of Form 1040
    must equal "MSA" and the corresponding Amount of Other Income
    (SEQ 570) of Form 1040 must be present.
  • 0361
  • Form 1040 - If Other Tax Literal (SEQ 1110) equals "MSA" and
    the corresponding Other Tax Amount (SEQ 1112) is present, then
    Form 8853 must be present.
  • If Additional 15% Tax (SEQ 0270) of Form 8853 is significant,
    then Other Tax Literal (SEQ 1110) of Form 1040 must equal "MSA"
    and the corresponding Other Tax Amount (SEQ 1112) of Form 1040
    must be present.
  • 0362
  • 0363
  • Form 8853 - If Taxable Archer MSA Distributions (SEQ 0250) is
    significant, the following SEQs cannot both be blank;
    Exceptions to 15% Tax Box (SEQ 0260) and Additional 15% Tax
    (SEQ 0270).
  • 0364
  • Form 1040 - If Type of Other Income (SEQ 560) equals "LTC" and
    the corresponding Amount of Other Income (SEQ 570) is present,
    then Form 8853 must be present.
    If Taxable Payments (SEQ 450) of Form 8853 is greater than
    zero, then Type of Other Income (SEQ 560) must equal "LTC" and
    the corresponding Amount of Other Income (SEQ 570) must be
  • 0365 0365 Reserved
  • Form 8853 - If Primary Archer Contribution for Current TY - Yes
    (SEQ 0019) equals "X"; then for each of the following, one box
    must equal "X", both cannot equal "X", and both cannot equal
    - Primary Uninsured Acct Holder - Yes (SEQ 0030) or Primary
    Uninsured Acct Holder - No (SEQ 0040) must equal "X", and
    - Primary Self HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0050) or Primary Family
    HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0060) must equal "X".
  • 0367
  • Form 8853 - If Spouse Archer Contribution for Current TY - Yes
    (SEQ 0070) equals "X"; then for each of the following, one box
    must equal "X", both cannot equal "X", and both cannot equal
    - Spouse Uninsured Acct Holder - Yes (SEQ 0090) or Spouse
    Uninsured Acct Holder - No (SEQ 0100) must equal "X", and
    - Spouse Self HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0110) or Spouse Family
    HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0120) must equal "X".
  • 0368
  • Form 8853 - If Primary Archer Contribution for Current TY - No
    (SEQ 0020) equals "X"; then none of the following can equal "X":
    Primary Archer Contribution for Current TY - Yes (SEQ 0019),
    Primary Uninsured Acct Holder - Yes (SEQ 0030), Primary Uninsured
    Acct Holder - No (SEQ 0040), Primary Self HDHP Coverage Box
    (SEQ 0050), and Primary Family HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0060).
  • 0369
  • If Spouse Archer Contribution for Current TY - No (SEQ 0080)
    equals "X"; then none of the following can equal "X": Spouse
    Archer Contribution for Current TY - Yes (SEQ 0070), Spouse
    Uninsured Acct Holder - Yes (SEQ 0090), Spouse Uninsured Acct
    Holder - No (SEQ 0100), Spouse Self HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0110),
    and Spouse Family HDHP Coverage Box (SEQ 0120).
  • 0370
  • Form 1040/1040A - When any occurrence of Eligibility for Child
    Tax Credit (SEQ 0178, 0188, 0198, 0208) is significant, the
    corresponding Relationship (SEQ 0177, 0187, 0197, 0207) must
    NIECE, NEPHEW, or FOSTERCHILD and the Dependent's age must be
    under 17.
  • Form 8901 - When any occurrence of a qualifying child
    (SEQ 0010, 0060, 0110, 0160) is significant, the qualifying
    child’s age must be under 17.
    In order to be qualified fo child tax credit, the relationship
    of the dependent must be son, daughter, child, etc. and the age
    must be UNDER 17 at the end of the tax year. Click [INFORMATION],
    select dependent. Make sure the data is correct and the child
    qualifies for Child Tax Credit or remove the checkmark for the
    dependent who does not qualify for child tax credit. After
    correction, resubmit your tax return.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0371
  • Reserved
  • 0372 Because one of your dependent does NOT qualify for child tax credit
    the amount of child tax credit is too high. You need to make sure that
    your dependent qualifies (the relationship of the dependent
    must be son, daughter, child, etc. and the age
    must be UNDER 17 at the end of the tax year.) OR
    remove the checkmark for the dependent who does not qualify.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Form 1040/1040A - When either Child Tax Credit (SEQ 0955) or
    Additional Child Tax Credit (SEQ 1192) is significant, the sum
    of the two fields cannot exceed an amount equal to $1000
    multiplied by the number of qualifying children. A qualifying
    child is either a dependent for whom Eligibility for Child Tax
    Credit (SEQ 0178, 0188, 0198, 0208) equals "X", or a Form 8901
    qualifying child (SEQ 0010, 0060, 0110, 0160). Form 8901 must
    be attached for any qualifying children who are not dependents.
  • 0373 0373 oForm 1040/1040A - When Additional Child Tax Credit (SEQ 1192)
    is significant, Form 8812 must be present.
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Form 8812 is present, Additional Child
    Tax Credit (SEQ 1192) of Form 1040/1040A must equal Additional
    Child Tax Credit (SEQ 0140) from Form 8812.
  • 0375 0375-0378 Reserved
  • Form 8812 - Bona fide residents of Puerto Rico should file
    Form 1040-PR or Form 1040-SS to claim Additional Child Tax
  • 0377 0375-0378 Reserved
    0378 0375-0378 Reserved
  • Form 8863 - The student entries in Part I and in Part II
    begin on Line 1 in each part. No lines may be skipped when
    completing the student information in either part.
  • 0380
  • Form 8863 - Student's SSN (SEQ 0035, 0105, 0175, 0275, 0315,
    0355) may be used only once to claim an education credit (Hope
    or Lifetime Earning). No Student's SSN may be used in Part I
    (Hope Credit) and Part II (Lifetime Learning Credit).
    Student's SSN must be within the valid ranges of
    SSN/ITIN/ATIN's. Refer to Attachment 9 for valid ranges of
    Social Security/Taxpayer Identification Numbers.
  • 0381
  • Form 8863 -If any field of a student line in Part I or
    Part II, including statements, is significant then all fields
    of the student line must be significant. Each Hope Credit
    student line includes Student’s First Name, Student’s Last
    Name, Student’s Name Control, Student’s SSN, Qualified Expenses
    Paid in Current Tax Year, Smaller of Exp Paid in Current TY
    or $1100, Add Columns c and d, and Enter 1/2 of the Amt in
    Column e. Each Lifetime Learning Credit student line includes
    Student’s First Name, Student’s Last Name, Student’s Name
    Control, Student’s SSN, and Qualified Expenses. (See Part II
    Record Layouts for Field Numbers. See Part I Section 8 for
    Statement Record format).
  • 0382
  • Form 1040/1040A - If Education Credits (SEQ 0935) is
    significant, Form 8863 must be present. If Form 8863 is
    present, Education Credits (SEQ 0590) on Form 8863 must equal
    Education Credits (SEQ 0935) on Form 1040/1040A.
  • 0383
  • Form 8863 - Each Student's SSN (SEQ 0035, 0105, 0175, 0275,
    0315, 0355) must equal either the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010), the
    Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) or a Dependent SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185,
    0195, 0205) on Form 1040/1040A.
  • 0384
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Education Credits (SEQ 0935) is
    significant, Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750) must be less than
    the applicable amount for the Filing Status (SEQ 0130). The
    applicable amounts are $107,000 for "Married Filing Joint" and
    $53,000 for "Single", "Head of Household", and "Qualifying
  • When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is "Married Filing Separate",
    Education Credits (SEQ 0935) cannot be claimed.
  • 0385
  • Form 8863 - The following limits apply to each Hope Credit
    student in Part I. Qualified Expenses Paid in the Current Tax
    Year (SEQ 0040, 0110, 0180 statement) cannot exceed $4400.
    Smaller of Exp Paid in Current TY or $1100 (SEQ 0050, 0120,
    0190, statement) cannot exceed $2200. Enter 1/2 of the Amt in
    Column e (SEQ 0070, 0140, 0210, statement) cannot exceed $3300.
  • 0386
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 750) plus
    Student Loan Interest Deduction (SEQ 628) is more than $130,000
    for "Married Filing Joint" or is more than $65,000 for "Single"
    or "Head of Household" or "Qualifying Widow(er)", the Student
    Loan Interest Deduction (SEQ 628) is not allowed.
  • 0387
  • Form 8863 - Tentative Hope Credit (SEQ 0240) cannot exceed an
    amount equal to $3300 multiplied by the number of Hope Credit
    students in Part I. If the number of Hope Credit students is
    zero, Tentative Hope Credit (SEQ 0240) cannot be positive.
  • Tentative Lifetime Learning Credit (SEQ 0470) cannot exceed
    $4400 regardless of the number of Lifetime Learning Credit
    students. If the number of Lifetime Learning Credit students is
    zero, Tentative Lifetime Learning Credit (SEQ 0470) cannot be
  • Education Credits (SEQ 0590) cannot exceed the sum of Tentative
    Hope Credit (SEQ 0240) and Tentative Lifetime Learning Credit
    (SEQ 0470).
  • 0388
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Student Loan Interest Deduction (SEQ
    628) is significant, the filing status cannot equal "Married
    Filing Separately".
  • 0389
  • Form 1040/1040A - Student Loan Interest Deduction (SEQ 628)
    must not exceed $2500.
  • 0390
  • Schedule J - Amount from Line 6 (SEQ 100) must equal One-third
    Elected Farm Income (SEQ 060).
    One-third Elected Farm Income (SEQ 140) must equal One-third
    Elected Farm Income (SEQ 060).
  • 0391
  • Schedule J - The following fields must contain an amount
    greater than or equal to zero: SEQ 040, SEQ 060, SEQ 070,
    SEQ 080, SEQ 120, SEQ 160, SEQ 180, SEQ 190, SEQ 200, and
    SEQ 210.
  • 0392
  • Schedule J - Taxable Income (SEQ 010) must equal Taxable Income
    (SEQ 820) of Form 1040.
  • 0393
  • Schedule J - When Add Lines 4,8,12,and 16 (SEQ 170) is greater
    than zero, then one of the following fields must be greater
    than zero: Tax on Line 3 (SEQ 040) or Tax on Line 7 (SEQ 080)
    or Tax on Line 11 (SEQ 120) or Tax on Line 15 (SEQ 160).
  • 0394
  • Form Payment - The Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080) for any
    Estimated Payment with Tax Type Code (SEQ 0070) of "1040S"
    cannot equal the Requested Payment Date for subsequent
    occurrence of a "1040S" payment.
  • 0395
  • Form Payment - Primary SSN (SEQ 010) must equal Primary SSN
    (SEQ 010) of the Tax Form.
    When Filing Status (SEQ 130) equals "2", Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 020) must equal Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of the Tax Form.
  • 0396
  • Form Payment - Routing Transit Number (SEQ 030) (RTN) must
    contain numeric characters. The first two positions must be
    01 through 12, or 21 through 32; the RTN must be present on the
    Financial Organization Master File (FOMF); and the banking
    institution must process Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). See
    Section 6 for optional Routing Transit Number validation.
    Bank Account Number (SEQ 040) must be present, must be
    alphanumeric (i.e., only alpha characters, numeric characters,
    and hyphens), must be left-justified with trailing blanks if
    less than 17 positions, and cannot equal all zeros or all
    Type of Account (SEQ 050) must equal "1" or "2".
  • 0397
  • Form Payment - (Balance Due Payments) When the return is
    transmitted to the IRS on or before April 17 of the current
    processing year, the Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080) cannot be
    later than April 17.
  • When the return is transmitted to IRS after April 17, the
    Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080) cannot be later than the
    current processing date.
  • The year of the Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080) must equal
    the current processing year.
  • The Requested Payment Date cannot be prior to the current
    processing date minus five days.
  • 0398 The requested payment date for the amount you owe is INVALID or MISSING.
    It must meet the below requirements.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Form Payment (Estimated Payments) - The Requested Payment Date
    (SEQ 0080) must be one of the following: 20070416, 20070417,
    20070615, 20070917 or 20060915.
  • If the process date is prior to Juanuary 15, 2007, the Requested
    Payment Date (SEQ 0080) must be 20070416, 20070417, 20070615 or
  • If the process date is prior to April 24, 2007, the Requested
    Payment Date (SEQ 0080) must be 20070416, 20070417, 20070615,
    20070917, or 20080115.
  • If the current processing date is April 24, 2007 through
    June 22, 2007, the Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080) must be
    20070615, 20070917, or 20080115.
  • If the current processing date in June 23, 2007 through
    September 24, 2007 the Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080) must be
    20070917 or 20080115.
  • If the current processing date in June 23, 2007 through
    September 24, 2007 the Requested Payment Date (SEQ 0080) must be
    20070917 or 20080115.
  • The process date cannot be greater than October 20, 2007.
  • 0399
  • State Record (State Only Returns) - The Primary SSN (SEQ 0010)must match the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of Form 1040.
  • 0400
  • State Record - The Generic Record must be present in the state
    data packet.
    An Unformatted Record was present without the Generic Record,
    or the Unformatted Record preceded the Generic Record.
  • 0401
  • State Record - The State Code (SEQ 010) in the Header Section
    of the Generic Record must be valid for the processing service
  • The State Code must be consistent throughout Generic and
    associated Unformatted Records for the return.
    Exception: State-Only returns with State Abbreviation
    (SEQ 0095) that equal to "AS", "GU", "MP" "PR", or "VI" must be
    processed in Austin.
  • 0402
  • State Record - All "Required Entry" fields in the Entity
    Section of the Generic Record (SEQ 060, 075, 085, 095, 100)
    must be present.
  • 0403
  • State Record - Any entry present in the Consistency Section of
    the Generic Record must equal the corresponding federal
    Tax Form entry.
  • 0404
  • State Record - The DCN (SEQ 020) of the Generic Record must
    equal the DCN of the federal Tax Form.
    The DCN (SEQ 020) of the Generic Record must equal the DCN
    (SEQ 020) of the Unformatted Record.
  • 0405
  • State Record Form W-2 - Each Form W-2 associated with a State
    Record must contain a valid State Abbreviation in State Name
    (SEQ 0370, 0440, 0490, 0540) when there is a significant entry
    in State Income Tax (SEQ 0400, 0470, 0520, 0570).
  • 0406
  • The first two-digits contained in the EFIN of Originator
    (SEQ 0008b) must be valid for the Processing Site (SEQ 0040)
    of the TRANS Record A (TRANA) of the transmission.
  • Exception: A valid two-digit EFIN Prefix Code is permitted, if
    not assigned to a processing site, when State Data is present;
    or when Processing Site equals "E" (Austin) and at least one of
    the following is present: Form 2555, Form 2555-EZ,
    Form 4563, Form 5074, Form 8689, Form 8833, Form 8854, Form 8891
    and/or Form W-2GU; an Address Ind (SEQ 0097) of the Tax Form
    equal to "3"; a State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) of the Tax Form
    equal to "AS", "GU", "MP", "PR", or "VI".
  • 0407
  • State Record - The Return Sequence Number (RSN) (SEQ 023) of
    the Generic Record must equal the RSN of the Federal Tax Form.
  • 0408
  • State Record - When On-Line-State-Return (SEQ 049) of the
    Generic Record is equal to "O", the Transmission Type Code
    (SEQ 170) of the TRANS Record A (TRANA) must equal "O", and
    vice versa.
  • 0409
  • Tax Form - When Foreign Employer Compensation Literal (SEQ 0378)
    equals "FEC", then Foreign Employer Compensation Total (SEQ
    0379) must be significant and the FEC Record must be present.
    When the FEC Record is present, then Foreign Employer
    Compensation Literal (SEQ 0378) must equal "FEC" and Foreign
    Employer Compensation Total (SEQ 0379) must be significant.
  • 0410
  • State Only Record - If the RTN is present, it must be present onthe Financial Organization Master File (FOMF).
  • 0411
  • FEC Record - The SSN or ITIN of Employee of Foreign Employer
    (SEQ 0010) must match the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of the Tax Form
    and the Employee Name Control (SEQ 0020) must match the Primary
    Name Control (SEQ 0050) of the Tax Form
    The SSN or ITIN of Employee of Foreign Employer (SEQ 0010) must
    match the Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of the Tax Form and the
    Employee Name Control (SEQ 0020) must match the Spouse's Name
    Control (SEQ 0055) of the Tax Form.
  • 0412
  • FEC Record - The following fields must be significant: Street
    Address (SEQ 0050) and City (SEQ 0060),
    The following fields must be significant:
    State Abbreviation (SEQ 0070) and Zip Code (SEQ 0080)
    Foreign Country (SEQ 0110).
  • 0413
  • FEC Record - The Foreign Employer's Name (SEQ 0140) and the
    Foreign Employer's Street Address (SEQ 0160), Foreign Employer's
    City (SEQ 0170), and Foreign Employer's Country (SEQ 0200) must
    be significant.
  • 0414
  • FEC Record - The Country Code (SEQ 0130) must be significant and
    either equal to a valid Country Code or "US".
  • 0415
  • FEC Record - If Services Performed While Residing in U.S. Yes
    Ind (SEQ 0120) is equal to "X", then the Country Code
    (SEQ 0130) must equal "US"
    andIf the Country Code (SEQ 0130) is equal to "US", then Services
    Performed While Residing in U.S. Yes Ind (SEQ 0120) must equal
  • 0416
  • Summary Record - Number of FEC Records (SEQ 0075) must equal the
    number of FEC Records computed by the IRS.
  • 0417
  • Tax Form - If Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) is significant,
    then the FEC Record cannot be present and Foreign Employer
    Compensation Literal (SEQ 0378) and Foreign Employer
    Compensation Total (SEQ 0379) must be blank.
  • 0418
  • Tax Form - Foreign Employer Compensation Total (SEQ 0379)
    must equal the total of Foreign Employer Compensation Amount
    (SEQ 220) from the FEC Record(s).
  • 0419
  • State Record - If Address Ind (SEQ 0097) on the Tax Return is
    equal to "3" (indicating a foreign country), then the following
    fields must be present: Name Line (SEQ 0060), Foreign Street
    Address (SEQ 0077), Foreign City, State or Province, Postal
    Code (SEQ 0087), and Foreign Country (SEQ 0098); and the
    following fields cannot be present: Name Line 2 (SEQ 0065),
    Street Address (SEQ 0080), City (SEQ 0085), State Abbreviation
    SEQ 0095) and Zip Code (SEQ 0100).
    If Address Ind (SEQ 0097) on the Tax Return is not equal to
    "3", then the following fields cannot be present: Name Line
    (SEQ 0060), Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0077), Foreign City,
    State or Province, Postal Code (SEQ 0087), and Foreign Country
    (SEQ 0098).
  • 0420
  • Form 1040 - When Form 4136 Block (SEQ 1205) is equal to "X",
    Form 4136 must be present, and vice versa.
  • 0421
  • State Record (State Only Returns) - The Secondary SSN (SEQ 0055)
    must match the Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.
  • 0422
  • Reserved
  • 0423
  • Reserved
  • 0424
  • Reserved
  • 0425
  • Reserved
  • 0426
  • Form 1040 - Other Payments (SEQ 1210) must equal the total of
    Tax Paid by Regulated Investment Company (SEQ 0230) from
    Form 2439 plus Total Income Tax Credit Amount (SEQ 1050)
    from Form 4136 plus Health Coverage Tax Credit (SEQ 0250)
    from Form 8885.
  • 0427
  • Reserved
  • 0428 0428-0429 Reserved
    0429 0428-0429 Reserved
  • State Record - If State Abbreviation (SEQ 0095) equals "AS",
    "GU", "MP", "PR", or "VI"; or Address Ind SEQ (0097) on the
    State Only 1040 equals "3" it must be processed at Austin.
  • 0431
  • Reserved
  • 0432
  • Form 8271 - When Form 8271 is present, one of the following Tax
    Shelter group items must be present on the first occurrence:
    Tax Shelter Name - 1 (SEQ 030) or Tax Shelter Registration
    Number -1 (SEQ 040) or Name of Person Who Applied for
    Registration -1 (SEQ 050) or Tax Shelter Identifying Number -1.
    (SEQ 060)
  • 0433 0433-0434 Reserved
    0434 0433-0434 Reserved
  • Form 8582-CR - When Multiply Line 11 by 50% (SEQ 200) is
    significant, it cannot be greater then $25,000.
    When Multiply Line 23 by 50% (SEQ 330) is significant, it cannot
    be greater then $25,000.
  • 0436
  • Form 8582-CR - When Special Allowance for Rental Activity
    (SEQ 210) is significant, Form 8582 must be present.
    When Special Allowance for Rental Activity (SEQ 340) is
    significant, Form 8582 must be present.
  • 0437
  • Form 8582-CR - Modified Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 310) cannot
    be less than zero.
  • 0438
  • Summary Record - For On-Line Returns, the IP Address
    (SEQ 0190) cannot contain an IPv4 address where any of its 4
    parts is not a number from 0 to 255 and there are not 3 periods.
  • 0439
  • If the Transmission Type Code (SEQ 0170) of the TRANA Record is
    equal to "O", the following fields must be significant: IP
    Address (SEQ 0190), IP Date (SEQ 0200), IP Time (SEQ 0210) and
    IP Time Zone (SEQ 0215).
  • 0440 0440 Reserved
  • Summary Record - For On-Line Returns, IP Address (SEQ 0190)
    cannot contain an IPv6 address where any of its 8 parts is not a
    number from 0 to FFFF (hexadecimal) and there are not 7 colons.
  • 0442 0439-0445 Reserved
    0443 0439-0445 Reserved
    0444 0439-0445 Reserved
    0445 0439-0445 Reserved
  • Reserved
  • 0447
  • Reserved
  • 0448
  • Reserved
  • 0449
  • Form 8606 - The "Qualified First-Time Homebuyer Distr"
    (SEQ 0353) can not be greater than $10,000.
  • 0450
  • Form 8606 - Nondeductible IRA Name (SEQ 009) and SSN of
    Taxpayer with IRAs (SEQ 010) must be significant.
  • 0451
  • Form 8606 - Nondeductible IRA Name (SEQ 009) must contain a
    less-than sign immediately preceding the last name. If the
    name includes a suffix, another less-than sign is entered
    between the last name and the suffix. Allowable characters
    are: Alpha, hyphen (-), less-than (<), and space.
    Nondeductible IRA Name (SEQ 009) cannot contain the following:
    Two or more consecutive embedded spaces, a space or less-than
    sign in the first position, a less-than sign in the last
    position, more than two less-than signs, a space preceding or
    following a less-than sign.
  • 0452
  • Form 2555/2555EZ – When only one Form 2555/2555EZ is present,
    SSN of Taxpayer with Foreign Earned Income (SEQ 0007) must
    equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of
    Form 1040.
  • When two Forms 2555/2555EZ are present, SSN of Taxpayer with
    Foreign Earned Income (SEQ 0007) of the first Form 2555/2555EZ
    must equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of Form 1040 and SSN of
    Taxpayer with Foreign Earned Income (SEQ 0007) of the second
    Form 2555/2555EZ must equal Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of
    Form 1040. One occurrence of either Form 2555 or Form 2555EZ
    can be present for the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010). One occurrence
    of either Form 2555 or Form 2555EZ can be present for the
    Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030).
  • 0453
  • Form 2555EZ - Total Foreign Earned Income (SEQ 1210) cannot
    exceed $82,400.
  • 0454
  • Form 1040 - Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot be
    significant when Form 2555 or Form 2555EZ is present.
  • 0455
  • Form 2555 - Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (SEQ 1220) cannot
    exceed Foreign Earned Income (SEQ 1050). Foreign Earned Income
    Repeated (SEQ 1070) must equal Foreign Earned Income
    (SEQ 1050).
    Form 2555EZ - Max. Of Foreign Earned Inc. Exclusion (SEQ 1260)
    cannot exceed $82,400 Total Foreign Earned Income (SEQ 1210).
  • 0456
  • Form 1040 - When Housing/Foreign Earned Income Exclusion
    Literal (SEQ 574) equals "FORM 2555", Form 2555 must be
    When Housing/Foreign Earned Income Exclusion Literal (SEQ 574)
    equals "FORM 2555-EZ", Form 2555EZ must be present.
  • 0457
  • Form 1040 - The absolute value of Housing/Foreign Earned Income
    Exclusion Amount (SEQ 577) must equal the total of the
    following fields: Max. of Housing and Foreign Earned Inc.
    Exclusions (SEQ 1260) from Form 2555(s) plus Max. of Foreign
    Earned Inc. Exclusion (SEQ 1260) from Form(s) 2555EZ.
  • 0458
  • Form 1040 - When Other Adjustments Literal (SEQ 720) equals
    "FORM 2555", Form 2555 must be present.
  • 0459
  • Form 1040 - If Other Adjustments Literal (SEQ 720) equals
    "FORM 2555", then Other Adjustment Amount (SEQ 730) must equal
    Total Housing Deduction (SEQ 1310) from Form(s) 2555.
  • 0460
  • Form 2555/2555-EZ - Taxpayers must qualify for the Foreign
    Exclusion under the Bona Fide Residence or Physical Presence
    test. Both tests will be verified prior to the return being
    accepted. This Error Reject Code will be set in any case where
    the taxpayer did not qualify under either of the tests.
  • Form 2555 - When the taxpayer is qualifying under Bona Fide
    Residence: When Date Bona Fide Residence Ended (SEQ 225) is
    equal to 1231 of the current tax year or is equal to
    "CONTINUE", then Date Bona Fide Residence Began (SEQ 220) must
    equal 0101 of the current tax year or must be prior to the
    current tax year
    When Date Bona Fide Residence Ended (SEQ 0225) is prior to 1231
    of the current tax year (i.e., 20051031), then Date Bona Fide
    Residence Began (SEQ 0220) must equal 0101 of the previous tax
    year or earlier than the previous tax year (i.e., 20050101).
  • Form 2555 - When the taxpayer is qualifying under Physical
    Presence: The difference, in number of days, between Physical
    Presence Test From (SEQ 530) and Physical Presence Test Through
    (SEQ 540) minus the total of Number of Days in US on Business -
    1 through - 4 (SEQ 610, 670, 730, 790) must be at least 330
  • Form 2555EZ - When the taxpayer is qualifying under Bona Fide
    Residence: When Date Bona Fide Residence Ended (SEQ 040) is
    equal to 1231 of the current tax year or is equal to
    "CONTINUE", then Date Bona Fide Residence Began (SEQ 030) must
    equal 0101 of the current tax year or must be prior to the
    current tax year
    When Date Bona Fide Residence Ended (SEQ 0040) is prior to 1231
    of the current tax year (i.e., 20051031), then Date Bona Fide
    Residence Began (SEQ 0030) must equal 0101 of the previous tax
    year or earlier than the previous tax year (i.e., 20050101).
  • Form 2555EZ - When the taxpayer is qualifying under Physical
    Presence: The difference, in number of days, between Physical
    Presence Test From (SEQ 070) and Physical Presence Test Through
    (SEQ 080) minus the total of Number of Days in US on Business -
    1 through - 9 (SEQ 310, 350, 390, 430, 470, 510, 550, 590, 630)
    must be at least 330 days.
  • 0461
  • Form 2555 - Statement to Authorities - Yes (SEQ 300) and Req'd
    to Pay Income Tax - No (SEQ 330) cannot both be significant.
  • 0462
  • Form 2555 - If No Travel Statement (SEQ 560) is significant,
    then the following fields cannot be significant: Country Name
    (SEQ 570), Arrival Date (SEQ 580), Departure Date (SEQ 590),
    Full Days in Country (SEQ 600), Number of Days in US on
    Business (SEQ 610), and Income Earned in the US on Business
    (SEQ 620).
  • 0463
  • Form 2555 - Taxpayer Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0011),
    Taxpayer Foreign City (SEQ 0012), and Taxpayer Foreign Country
    (SEQ 0015) must be significant. Country Code (SEQ 0018) must
    be significant and equal to a valid Country code.
  • Form 2555EZ - Taxpayer Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0111),
    Taxpayer Foreign City (SEQ 0112), and Taxpayer Foreign Country
    (SEQ 0115) must be significant. Country Code (SEQ 0118) must
    be significant and equal to a valid Country code.
  • Refer to Attachment 10 for Country Codes.
  • 0464
  • Form 2555 - If Separate Foreign Residence - Yes (SEQ 170) is
    significant, then Yes - City & Country of Foreign Residence
    (SEQ 190) and Number of Days at That Address (SEQ 200) must be
  • 0465
  • Form 2555 - Housing Exclusion (SEQ 1140) cannot be greater than
    Employer-Provided Amounts (SEQ 1120).
  • 0466
  • Form 2555 - Total Housing and Foreign Earned Income Exclusions
    (SEQ 1230) must equal the total of Housing Exclusion (SEQ 1140)
    plus Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (SEQ 1220).
  • 0467
  • Form 2555EZ - If Bona Fide Residence - Yes (SEQ 010) is
    significant, then Date Bona Fide Residence Began (SEQ 030) and
    Date Bona Fide Residence Ended (SEQ 040) must be significant.
  • 0468
  • Form 2555EZ - If Physically Present - Yes (SEQ 050) is
    significant, then Physical Presence Test From (SEQ 070) and
    Physical Presence Test Through (SEQ 080) must be significant.
  • 0469
  • Form 2555EZ - Tax Home Test - Yes (SEQ 090) must be
  • 0470
  • Form 2555EZ - For each of the following, only one box can
    equal "X":
    Bona Fide Residence - Yes (SEQ 010) or Bona Fide Residence - No
    (SEQ 020);
    Physically Present - Yes (SEQ 050) or Physically Present - No
    (SEQ 060);
    Revoked Exclusions - Yes (SEQ 220) or Revoked Exclusions - No
    (SEQ 230).
    If no Form 2555/2555EZ Box (SEQ 0210) is checked, then
    Revoked Exclusions -Yes (SEQ 0220) and Revoked Exclusions - No
    (SEQ 230) should not be significant.
  • 0471
  • Form 2555 - Part II or Part III must be present, but not both.
  • 0472
  • Form 2555/2555EZ - Must be processed at the Austins Submission
    Processing Center.
  • 0473
  • Form 2555 - When Alt Method To Source Compensation (SEQ 0812)
    equals "X", Alt Method To Source Comp Statement (SEQ 0813) must
    equal "STMbnn".
  • 0474
  • Reserved
  • 0475 0475 Reserved
  • Schedule EIC - The following fields cannot equal "X":
    Disabled "No" Box - 1 (SEQ 045) or Disabled "No" Box - 2 (SEQ
  • 0477 0477-0479 Reserved
    0478 0477-0479 Reserved
    0479 0477-0479 Reserved
  • Form 8839 - When Identifying Number Child (SEQ 080, 160) is
    significant, it must be within the valid ranges of
    SSN/ITIN/ATIN's. Refer to Attachment 9 for valid ranges of
    Social Security/Taxpayer Identification Numbers.
  • 0481
  • Form 8839 - Eligible Child First Name - 1 (SEQ 010), Eligible
    Child Last Name - 1 (SEQ 020), Eligible Child Name Control - 1
    (SEQ 030), Year of Birth - 1 (SEQ 040), and Identifying Number
    Child - 1 (SEQ 080) must be significant.
    If any field of the following "eligible child group" is
    significant, then all fields in that group must be significant:
    Eligible Child First Name (SEQ 010, 090); Eligible Child Last
    Name (SEQ 020, 100); Eligible Child Name Control (SEQ 030,
    110); Year of Birth (SEQ 040, 120); and Identifying Number
    Child (SEQ 080, 160).
    Eligible Child Name Control (SEQ 030, 110) must be in the
    correct format. See Section 7.01 for Name Control format.
  • 0482
  • Form 8839 - Year of Birth - 1 (SEQ 040) and Year of Birth - 2
    (SEQ 120) cannot be greater than current tax year.
  • 0483
  • Form 8839 - Identifying Number Child (SEQ 0080, 0160) cannot
    equal another Identifying Number Child (SEQ 0080, 0160) on any
    occurrence of Form 8839 on the return. Identifying Number Child
    (SEQ 0080, 0160) cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or
    Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040/1040A.
  • 0484
  • Form 8839 - If Year of Birth - 1 or - 2 (SEQ 0040, 0120) is
    prior to "1988", then the corresponding Disabled Over 18
    Box - 1 or -2 (SEQ 0049, 0129) must equal "X".
  • 0485
  • Form 8839 - Modified AGI (SEQ 0240) must be less than $204,410
    unless one of the following exceptions applies:
  • Carryforward of Adoption Credit to Current Year (SEQ 0284) is
    significant and Adoption Literal (SEQ 0368) on Form 1040/1040A
    does not equal "SNE" or "PYAB".
  • Adoption Literal (SEQ 0368) on Form 1040/1040A equals "AB" and
    Adoption Amount (SEQ 0369) is positive.
  • 0486
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Adoption Credit Block (SEQ 0987) is
    significant, Form 8839 must be present.
  • When Adoption Literal (SEQ 0368) equals "AB", "SNE", or "PYAB",
    Adoption Amount (SEQ 0369) must be significant and page 2 of
    the first occurrence of Form 8839 must be present.
  • 0487
  • Reserved
  • 0488
  • Form 8839 - When more than one Form 8839 is present, only the
    first occurrence of Form 8839 can contain entries in the
    following fields: SEQs 0230 through 0297, 0350, and 0380
    through 0450.
  • 0489 0488-0489 Reserved
  • Summary Record - If Year of the Electronic Postmark Date
    (SEQ 260) is present, Year of Electronic Postmark Date must
    equal the current processing year.
  • 0491
  • Summary Record - If one of the three fields is present, then all
    of the following fields must be present: Electronic Postmark
    Date (SEQ 260), Electronic Postmark Time (SEQ 270), Electronic
    Postmark Time Zone (SEQ 280).
  • 0492
  • Reserved
  • 0493
  • Summary Record - Software Identification Number (SEQ 230) must
    be present.
  • 0494
  • Form 1040 - If Form 8689 Amount (SEQ 1246) is significant, then
    Form 8689 must be present.
  • 0495
  • Form 1040 - If Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is not equal to "2" ,then
    only one Form 4563 can be present.
    Form 1040 - If Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is equal to "2", then
    two Forms 4563 can be present.
  • 0496
  • Form 4563 - When only one Form 4563 is present, Taxpayer SSN
    (SEQ 0020) must equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.
    When two Forms 4563 are present, Taxpayer SSN (SEQ 0020) of the
    first Form 4563 must equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of Form 1040
    and Taxpayer SSN (SEQ 0020) of the second Form 4563 must equal
    Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.
  • 0497 0497-0498 Reserved
    0498 0497-0498 Reserved
  • The Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0040) of Form W-2
    and/or W-2GU, Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0026) of
    Form W-2G, and Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0050) of Form
    1099-R is invalid for processing an Individual e-filed return.
  • 0500
  • Primary SSN (SEQ 010) and Primary Name Control (SEQ 050) of the
    Tax Form must match data from the IRS Master File.
    SSN/NAME: Does not match IRS master record. You should contact IRS
    (1-800-829-1040) to confirm the SSN / Last Name in IRS master file.
    If it is not correct, they will advise you on how to correct the problem,
    which is very important for you to resolve. If IRS gives you the SSN /
    Last Name in its master file, temporarily, log in preferably during off
    peak hours to enter this SSN / Last Name EXACTLY matched IRS record to
    complete the efiling or you can send return by mail
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0501
  • Qualifying SSN (SEQ 0015, 0085) of Schedule EIC and the
    corresponding Qualifying Child Name Control (SEQ 0007, 0077)
    must match data from the IRS Master File.
    SSN/NAME of Dependent: Does not match IRS master record.
    You should contact IRS (1-800-829-1040)
    to confirm the SSN / Last Name in IRS master file.
    If it is not correct, they will advise you on how to correct the problem,
    which is very important for you to resolve. If IRS gives you the SSN /
    Last Name in its master file, temporarily, log in preferably during off
    peak hours to enter this SSN / Last Name EXACTLY matched IRS record to
    complete the efiling or you can send return by mail
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0502
  • Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0040) of Form W-2 and/or
    W-2GU, Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0026) of Form W-2G, and
    Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0050) of Form 1099-R and
    Company or Trust Identification Number (SEQ 0120) of Form 2439
    must match data from the IRS Master File.
    Note: Form 1099-R is ONLY required when federal income tax is
    The Employer/Payer Tax Id is not correct. Correct and resubmit.
    You can also call the Employer/Payer or IRS 800-829-1040 to verify.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0503
  • Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) and Spouse’s Name Control (SEQ 0055)
    of the Tax Form must match data from the IRS Master File
    If filing status (SEQ 0130) is equal to "4" and Exempt Spouse
    (SEQ 0163) is equal to "X", then the Spouse SSN (SEQ 0030) and
    Exempt Spouse Name Control (SEQ 0165) must match data from the
    IRS Master File.
    SSN/NAME of Spouse: Does not match IRS master record.
    You should contact IRS (1-800-829-1040)
    to confirm the SSN / Last Name in IRS master file.
    If it is not correct, they will advise you on how to correct the problem,
    which is very important for you to resolve. If IRS gives you the SSN /
    Last Name in its master file, temporarily, log in preferably during off
    peak hours to enter this SSN / Last Name EXACTLY matched IRS record to
    complete the efiling or you can send return by mail
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0504
  • Dependent’s SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185, 0195, 0205) of Form 1040/1040A
    and corresponding Dependent Name Control (SEQ 0172, 0182, 0192,
    0202) must match data from the IRS Master File.
    SSN/NAME of Dependent: Does not match IRS master record.
    You should contact IRS (1-800-829-1040)
    to confirm the SSN / Last Name in IRS master file.
    If it is not correct, they will advise you on how to correct the problem,
    which is very important for you to resolve. If IRS gives you the SSN /
    Last Name in its master file, temporarily, log in preferably during off
    peak hours to enter this SSN / Last Name EXACTLY matched IRS record to
    complete the efiling or you can send return by mail
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0505
  • Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0040) of Form W-2 and/or
    W-2GU, or Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0026) of Form W-2G,
    or Payer Identification Number (SEQ 0050) of Form 1099-R or
    Company/Trust Identification Number (SEQ 0120) of Form 2439 was
    issued in the current processing year.
  • 0506
  • Qualifying SSN (SEQ 015, 085) of Schedule EIC was previously
    used for the same purpose.
    Your dependent was already claimed by another tax return.
    You have to remove the dependent or you can call IRS (800-829-1040)
    to get advice to resolve this problem.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0507
  • Dependent’s SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185, 0195, 0205) of Form 1040/1040A
    was previously used for the same purpose.
    Your dependent was already claimed by another tax return.
    You have to remove the dependent or you can call IRS (800-829-1040)
    to get advice to resolve this problem.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0508
  • Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) has been used as a Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 0030) on another return with filing status 2 - Married
    filing joint status (SEQ 0130) or with filing status 4 -
    Head of Household and Exempt Spouse (SEQ 0163) equals to "X";
    or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) has been used as a Primary SSN
    (SEQ 0010) on another return.Your OR your spouse's SSN was used to file jointly on another return.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040)
    to get advice to resolve this problem.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0509
  • Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) was previously used as a Dependent's SSN
    or as a Schedule EIC Qualifying SSN on a previous or current
    return; or Dependent's SSN was used as a Secondary SSN on a
    previous or current return; or Schedule EIC Qualifying SSN was
    used as a Secondary SSN on a current or previous return.
    Your spouse's or your dependent's SSN was used as
    a DEPENDENT on another return.
    You can remove the dependent or change your filing status or
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040)
    to get advice to resolve this problem.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0510
  • Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) and/or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) where the
    SSN was claimed as an exemption (SEQ 0160) on the return and was
    also used as a Dependent’s SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185, 0195, 0205) on
    another return or the dependent's SSN has been used on another
    return as a Primary or Secondary SSN.
    Your or Your spouse's SSN was used as a DEPENDENT on another return
    OR Your dependent filed tax return WITHOUT declaring himself/herself
    You can remove the dependent or change your filing status or
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040)
    to get advice to resolve this problem.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0511
  • Primary SSN (SEQ 010) was used with the Filing Status (SEQ 130)
    other than "3" or "4", and was also used as a Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 030) on another return with filing status value "3".
    Your spouse already filed tax return, so you cannot file as SINGLE
    You may want to file Married Filing Separately.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040)
    to get advice to resolve this problem.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0512
  • Form 8863 - Student’s Name Control (SEQ 0030, 0100, 0170, 0270,
    0310, 0350) and corresponding Student’s SSN (SEQ 0035, 0105,
    0175, 0275, 0315, 0355) must match data from the IRS Master
    The name of the STUDENT listed on form 8863
    does not match IRS master record.
    You should contact IRS (1-800-829-1040)
    to confirm the SSN / Last Name in IRS master file.
    If it is not correct, they will advise you on how to correct the problem,
    which is very important for you to resolve. If IRS gives you the SSN /
    Last Name in its master file, temporarily, log in preferably during off
    peak hours to enter this SSN / Last Name EXACTLY matched IRS record to
    complete the efiling or you can send return by mail
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0513
  • Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) was used as a Secondary SSN more than
    Your spouse's SSN was used to file other tax return already.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040)
    to get advice to resolve this problem.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0514
  • Insured Name Control (SEQ 295) and Insured SSN (SEQ 310) of
    Form 8853 must match data from the IRS Master File.
  • 0515
  • Primary SSN (SEQ 010) was used as a Primary SSN more than
    Your SSN was used to file other tax return already.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040)
    to get advice to resolve this problem.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0516
  • Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) and the Primary Name Control (SEQ 0050)
    of the State-Only 1040 Return must match data from the IRS
    Master File.
  • 0517
  • Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) and the Secondary Name Control (SEQ
    0055) of the State-Only 1040 Return must match data from the
    IRS Master File.
    If filing status (SEQ 0130) is equal to "4" and Exempt Spouse
    (SEQ 0163) is equal to "X", then the Spouse SSN (SEQ 0030) and
    Exempt Spouse Name Control (SEQ 0165) must match data from the
    IRS Master File.
  • 0518
  • Form 1310 - The Name Control of Person Claiming Refund (SEQ
    0050) and the SSN of Person Claiming Refund (SEQ 0070) must
    match data from the IRS Master File.
  • 0519
  • Form 8697 - Employer Identification Number of Entity (SEQ 150)
    and Employee Name Control (SEQ 155) on Form 8697, must match
    data from the IRS Master File.
  • 0520
  • Declaration Control Number (DCN) (SEQ 0008) of the Tax Return
    Record Identification Page 1 cannot duplicate a DCN on a
    previously accepted electronic return for the current
    processing year.
  • 0521
  • Year of Birth for the following cannot equal the current
    processing year: Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) and Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 0030) of the Tax Form; Dependent's SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185,
    0195, 0205) of Form 1040/1040A; Qualifying SSN - 1 (SEQ 0015)
    and Qualifying SSN - 2 (SEQ 0085) of Schedule EIC, and Child’s
    SSN (SEQ 0040, 0090, 0140, 0190) of Form 8901.
  • 0522
  • Primary Date of Birth (SEQ 0010) in the Authentication Record
    of an Online Return does not match data from the IRS Master
  • Exceptions:
    Primary Date of Birth is not required when the Primary Date of
    Death (SEQ 0020) on Form 1040/A/EZ is significant AND the
    filing status is MFJ.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), and the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100) of the
    COMBATbZONE, or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", then the Primary Date of
    Birth (SEQ 0010) in the Authentication Record of an Online Return
    is not required.
    Your DOB does not match IRS master record.
    You should contact IRS (1-800-829-1040)
    to confirm the DOB in IRS master file.
    If it is not correct, they will advise you on how to correct the problem,
    which is very important for you to resolve. If IRS gives you the DOB
    in its master file, temporarily, log in preferably during off
    peak hours to enter the DOB matched IRS record to
    complete the efiling or you can send return by mail
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0523
  • Spouse Date of Birth (SEQ 0040) in the Authentication Record of
    an Online Return does not match data from the IRS Master File.
  • Exceptions:
    Spouse Date of Birth is not required when the Secondary Date of
    Death (SEQ 0040) on Form 1040/A/EZ is significant.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), and the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100) of the
    COMBATbZONE, or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", then the Spouse Date of
    Birth (SEQ 0040) in the Authentication Record of an Online Return
    is not required.
    Your spouse's DOB does not match IRS master record.
    You should contact IRS (1-800-829-1040)
    to confirm the DOB in IRS master file.
    If it is not correct, they will advise you on how to correct the problem,
    which is very important for you to resolve. If IRS gives you the DOB
    in its master file, temporarily, log in preferably during off
    peak hours to enter the DOB matched IRS record to
    complete the efiling or you can send return by mail
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0524
  • Qualifying Person Name Control - 1, - 2 (SEQ 120, 221) and
    Qualifying Person SSN - 1, - 2 (SEQ 214, 223) of
    Form 2441/Schedule 2 do not match data from the IRS Master
    SSN/NAME of the qualifying Dependent for dependent care credits
    does not match IRS master record.
    You should contact IRS (1-800-829-1040)
    to confirm the SSN / Last Name in IRS master file.
    If it is not correct, they will advise you on how to correct the problem,
    which is very important for you to resolve. If IRS gives you the SSN /
    Last Name in its master file, temporarily, log in preferably during off
    peak hours to enter this SSN / Last Name EXACTLY matched IRS record to
    complete the efiling or you can send return by mail
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0525
  • Eligible Child Name Control - 1, - 2 (SEQ 030, 110) and
    Identifying Number Child - 1, - 2 (SEQ 080, 160) of Form 8839
    do not match data from the IRS Master File.
    SSN/NAME of the Dependent on form 8839
    does not match IRS master record.
    You should contact IRS (1-800-829-1040)
    to confirm the SSN / Last Name in IRS master file.
    If it is not correct, they will advise you on how to correct the problem,
    which is very important for you to resolve. If IRS gives you the SSN /
    Last Name in its master file, temporarily, log in preferably during off
    peak hours to enter this SSN / Last Name EXACTLY matched IRS record to
    complete the efiling or you can send return by mail
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0526
  • Qualifying Person SSN - 1, - 2 (SEQ 214, 223) of
    Form 2441/Schedule 2 was previously used for same purpose.
    Your child care qualifying dependent was filed under another return
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0527
  • Identifying Number Child - 1, - 2 (SEQ 080, 160) of Form 8839
    was previously used for same purpose.
    Your dependent was filed under another return Form 8839
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0528
  • Form 8863 - Student's SSN (SEQ 0035, 0105, 0175, 0275, 0315,
    0355) was previously used to claim Education Credit on another
    tax return.
    Your dependent was filed under another return Form 8863
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0529
  • Declaration Control Number (DCN) (SEQ 0008) of the Tax Return
    Record Identification Page 1 cannot duplicate a DCN on a
    previously accepted electronic return for the current
    processing year.
  • 0530
  • Reserved
  • 0531
  • Form 1040/A/EZ - A Date of Death is present on IRS records for
    the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010).
  • 0532
  • Form 1040/A/EZ - A Date of Death is present on IRS records for
    the Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030).
  • 0533
  • Form 1040/1040A - A Date of Death is present on IRS records for
    one or more of the Dependents SSN (SEQ +0175, 0185, 0195, 0205
    and/or statement records).
  • 0534
  • Schedule EIC - A Date of Death is present on IRS records for the
    Qualifying Child (ren) SSN (SEQ 0015, 0085).
  • 0535
  • Schedule EIC - Qualifying SSN (SEQ 0015, 0085) of Schedule EIC
    and the corresponding Year of Birth (SEQ 0020, 0090) must match
    data received from the Social Security Administration.
    SSN/NAME of EIC Dependent: Does not match IRS master record.
    You should contact IRS (1-800-829-1040)
    to confirm the SSN / Last Name in IRS master file.
    If it is not correct, they will advise you on how to correct the problem,
    which is very important for you to resolve. If IRS gives you the SSN /
    Last Name in its master file, temporarily, log in preferably during off
    peak hours to enter this SSN / Last Name EXACTLY matched IRS record to
    complete the efiling or you can send return by mail
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0536 0535-0536 Reserved
  • Form 1040/1040A - Exempt Spouse Name Control (SEQ 0165) and
    Spouse SSN (SEQ 0030) match data from the IRS Master File.
  • 0538 0538-0599 Reserved
    0539 0538-0599 Reserved
  • Tax Form – Individuals who have filed returns in a U.S.
    Possession in the prior year are not eligible to claim Earned
    Income Tax Credit on electronically filed returns.
  • 0541 0538-0599 Reserved
    0542 0538-0599 Reserved
    0543 0538-0599 Reserved
    0544 0538-0599 Reserved
    0545 0538-0599 Reserved
    0546 0538-0599 Reserved
    0547 0538-0599 Reserved
    0548 0538-0599 Reserved
    0549 0538-0599 Reserved
    0550 0538-0599 Reserved
    0551 0538-0599 Reserved
    0552 0538-0599 Reserved
    0553 0538-0599 Reserved
  • Form 1040/1040A - If the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) was claimed as
    a dependent’s SSN on another return, then reject the return if
    there are any dependents SSNs claimed on the return.
  • 0555 0538-0599 Reserved
    0556 0538-0599 Reserved
    0557 0538-0599 Reserved
    0558 0538-0599 Reserved
    0559 0538-0599 Reserved
  • Form 8901 - Child’s SSN (SEQ 0040, 0090, 0140, 0190) and
    corresponding Child Name Control (SEQ 0030, 0080, 0130, 0180)
    must match data from the IRS Master File.
  • 0561 0538-0599 Reserved
    0562 0538-0599 Reserved
  • Form 1040/1040A - Dependent’s SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185, 0195, 0205)
    with Eligibility for Child Tax Credit (SEQ 0178, 0188, 0198,
    0208) equal to “X” was previously used for child tax credit.
  • Form 8901 - Child’s SSN (SEQ 0040, 0090, 0140, 0190) was
    previously used for child tax credit.
    Your dependent was used for Child Tax Credit already.
    Remove the dependent or call IRS (800-829-1040) for help to resolve
    this error.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0564 0538-0599 Reserved
    0565 0538-0599 Reserved
  • Form 8901 – A Date of Death is present on IRS records for one
    or more Child’s SSN (SEQ 0040, 0090, 0140, 0190).
  • 0567 0538-0599 Reserved
    0568 0538-0599 Reserved
    0569 0538-0599 Reserved
    0570 0538-0599 Reserved
    0571 0538-0599 Reserved
    0572 0538-0599 Reserved
    0573 0538-0599 Reserved
    0574 0538-0599 Reserved
    0575 0538-0599 Reserved
    0576 0538-0599 Reserved
    0577 0538-0599 Reserved
    0578 0538-0599 Reserved
    0579 0538-0599 Reserved
    0580 0538-0599 Reserved
    0581 0538-0599 Reserved
    0582 0538-0599 Reserved
    0583 0538-0599 Reserved
    0584 0538-0599 Reserved
    0585 0538-0599 Reserved
    0586 0538-0599 Reserved
    0587 0538-0599 Reserved
    0588 0538-0599 Reserved
    0589 0538-0599 Reserved
    0590 0538-0599 Reserved
    0591 0538-0599 Reserved
    0592 0538-0599 Reserved
    0593 0538-0599 Reserved
    0594 0538-0599 Reserved
    0595 0538-0599 Reserved
    0596 0538-0599 Reserved
    0597 0538-0599 Reserved
    0598 0538-0599 Reserved
    0599 0538-0599 Reserved
  • Tax Form - IRS Master File indicates that the taxpayer must
    file Form 8862 to Claim Earned Income Credit after
    disallowance. Form 8862 is missing from the tax return and it
    is required.
  • 0601
  • Reserved
  • 0602
  • Form 8862- Year for Which You Are Filing This Form (SEQ 010)
    must equal the current tax year.
  • 0603
  • Form 8862 - Qualifying Child of Another Person (SEQ 0030)
    must equal "X". If Qualifying Child of Another Person - No Box
    (SEQ 0030) does not equal "X", the taxpayer is not eligible to
    file Form 8862 and claim Earned Income Credit.
  • 0604
  • Reserved
  • 0605
  • Reserved
  • 0606
  • Tax Form - IRS Master File indicates that the taxpayer is not
    allowed to claim the Earned Income Credit for this tax year.
  • 0607
  • Form 8866 - If more than one Form 8866 is present, then only the
    first occurrence of Form 8866 can have significant data in Total
    Interest Due on Increase (SEQ 430) or Total Interest to be
    Refunded on Decrease (SEQ 440).
  • 0608 0608-0609 Reserved
    0609 0608-0609 Reserved
  • Tax Form - If Address Ind (SEQ 097) is equal to "3" (indicating
    a foreign country), then the following fields must be present:
    Foreign Street Address (SEQ 062), Foreign City, State or
    Province, Postal Code (SEQ 064), and Foreign Country (SEQ 066);
    and the following fields cannot be present: Name Line 2
    (SEQ 070), Street Address (SEQ 080), City (SEQ 083), State
    Abbreviation (SEQ 087), and Zip Code (SEQ 095).
    If Address Ind (SEQ 097) is not equal to "3", then the
    following fields cannot be present: Foreign Street Address
    (SEQ 062), Foreign City, State or Province, Postal Code
    (SEQ 064), and Foreign Country (SEQ 066).
    You cannot enter United States for foreign country.
    If you have foreign address, select "." for state.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0611
  • Tax Form - Foreign Street Address (SEQ 062) is alphanumeric and
    cannot have leading or consecutive embedded spaces. The only
    special characters permitted are space, hyphen (-), and slash
    Your foreign address is NOT valid. Refer to above rules.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0612
  • Tax Form - Foreign City, State or Province, Postal Code (SEQ 064)
    is alphanumeric and cannot have leading or consecutive embedded
    spaces. The left-most position must contain an alpha or numeric
    character. The only special characters permitted are space,
    hyphen (-), and slash (/).
    Your foreign City, State or Province is NOT valid. Refer to above rules.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0613
  • Tax Form - Foreign Country (SEQ 066) must be left justified and
    must contain a minimum of three alpha characters. This field
    cannot contain consecutive embedded spaces and must contain only
    alpha characters and spaces. Do not abbreviate the country name.
  • 0614
  • Tax Form - Earned Income Credit (SEQ 1180) cannot be significant
    when State Abbreviation (SEQ 087) equals "AS", "GU", "MP", "PR",
    or "VI", or when Address Ind (SEQ 097) equals "3".
  • 0615
  • Tax Form - If State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) equals "AS", "GU",
    "MP", "PR", or "VI"; or Address Ind (SEQ 0097) equals "3"; or any
    of the following forms are present: Form 4563, Form 5074,
    Form 8689, Form 8833, Form 8854, Form 8891 and/or Form W-2GU,
    then the return must be processed at Austin Submission
    Processing Center.
  • 0616
  • Form W2 - When Employee Address Continuation (SEQ 105) is
    significant, then a period (.) must be present in Employee State
    (SEQ 113).
    Form W2G - When Winner’s Address Continuation (SEQ 143) is
    significant, then a period (.) must be present in Winners' State
    (SEQ 146).
    Form W-2GU - When Employee Address Continuation (SEQ 105) is
    significant, then a period (.) must be present in Employee
    State (SEQ 113).
    Form 1099R - When Recipient’s Address Continuation (SEQ 080) is
    significant, then a period (.) must be present in Recipient's
    State (SEQ 092).
  • 0617 0617-0618 Reserved
  • When Form 8379 is present, all of the following must be true.
    Filing Status (SEQ 0130) of the tax form must equal "2".
  • 0619
  • Form 8379 - First Injured Spouse Box (SEQ 030) and Second
    Injured Spouse Box (SEQ 060) cannot both equal "X" and cannot
    both equal blank.
  • 0620
  • Form 8379 - When Form 8379 is present, the following fields must
    be significant: either First Injured Spouse Box (SEQ 030) or
    Second Injured Spouse Box (SEQ 060), and either Community
    Property State-Yes Box (SEQ 150) or Community Property State-No
    Box (SEQ 160).
  • 0621
  • Form 8379 - When Community Property State Yes Box (SEQ 150) is
    equal to "X", one or more of the following community state's
    abbreviation must be significant:
    SEQ 161 Community Property State Abbreviation for Arizona;
    SEQ 162 Community Property State Abbreviation for California;
    SEQ 163 Community Property State Abbreviation for Idaho;
    SEQ 164 Community Property State Abbreviation for Louisiana;
    SEQ 165 Community Property State Abbreviation for Nevada;
    SEQ 166 Community Property State Abbreviation for New Mexico;
    SEQ 167 Community Property State Abbreviation for Texas;
    SEQ 168 Community Property State Abbreviation for Washington;
    SEQ 169 Community Property State Abbreviation for Wisconsin.
    See Attachment 5 - Community Property States Abbreviations
  • 0622
  • Form 8379 - When Total Other Income-Joint Return (SEQ 210) is
    significant, then the sum of Total Other Income-Injured Spouse
    (SEQ 220) and Total Other Income-Other Spouse (SEQ 230) must
    equal Total Other Income-Joint Return (SEQ 210).
  • 0623
  • Reserved
  • 0624
  • Form 8379 - When Standard or Itemized Deduction - Joint Return
    (SEQ 0540) is significant, then the sum of Standard or Itemized
    Deduction-Injured Spouse (SEQ 0550) and Standard or Itemized
    Deduction-Other Spouse (SEQ 0560) must equal Standard or
    Itemized Deduction-Joint Return (SEQ 0540).
  • 0625
  • Form 8379 - When Exemptions-Joint Return (SEQ 570) is present ,
    then either Exemptions-Injured Spouse (SEQ 580) or Exemptions-
    Other Spouse (SEQ 590) must be present and Exemptions-Joint
    Return (SEQ 570) must equal Total Exemptions (SEQ 360) of Form
  • 0626
  • Form 8379 - When Credits-Joint Return (SEQ 600) is present, then
    the sum of Credits-Injured Spouse (SEQ 610) and Credits-Other
    Spouse (SEQ 620) must equal Credits-Joint Return (SEQ
  • 0627
  • Form 8379 - When Estimated Tax Payments-Joint Return (SEQ 690)
    is significant, the sum of Estimated Tax Payments-Injured Spouse
    (SEQ 700) and Estimated Tax Payments-Other Spouse (SEQ 710) must
    equal Estimated Tax Payments-Joint Return (SEQ 690).
  • 0628
  • Form 8379 - When Form 8379 is present, Form 2555/2555EZ, 8833,
    8854 and 8891 must not be present.
  • 0629
  • Form 8379 - When Form 8379 is present, the following fields on
    Form 1040/1040A/1040EZ must not be present: Foreign Street
    Address (SEQ 062), Foreign City, State or Province (SEQ 064), or
    Foreign Country (SEQ 066).
  • 0630
  • Form 8379 - When Form 8379 is present, the State Abbreviation
    (SEQ 087) of Form 1040/1040A/1040EZ cannot equal "AS", "GU",
    "MP", "PR", or "VI".
    When Form 8379 is present, Forms W-2GU, 4563, 5074, and 8689
    must not be present.
  • 0631
  • Form 8379 - When 8379 is present, Filing Status (SEQ 130) of
    Form 1040/1040A must equal "2" (Married Filing Joint) or
    Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of Form 1040EZ must be present.
  • 0632
  • Form 5471 - When Category of Filer-3 (SEQ 135) is significant,
    Category 3 Attachment (SEQ 136) must equal "STMbnn".
  • When Other Income (Functional Currency) (SEQ 2110) or Other
    Income (U.S. Dollars) (SEQ 2130) is significant, Attach
    Schedule-Other Income (SEQ 2140) must equal "STMbnn".
  • When Other Deductions (Functional Currency) (SEQ 2290) or Other
    Deductions (U.S. Dollars) (SEQ 2310) is significant, Attach
    Schedule-Other Deductions (SEQ 2320) must equal "STMbnn".
  • When Other Current Assets - Beginning (SEQ 2770) or Other
    Current Assets - End (SEQ 2790) is significant, Other Current
    Assets (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 2800) must equal "STMbnn".
  • When Investment In Subsidiaries - Beginning (SEQ 2830) or
    Investment In Subsidiaries - End (SEQ 2850) is significant,
    Investment In Subsidiaries (Attach Schedule)(SEQ 2860) must
    equal "STMbnn".
  • When Other Investments - Beginning (SEQ 2870) or Other
    Investments - End (SEQ 2890) is significant, Other Investments
    (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 2900) must equal "STMbnn".
  • When Other Assets - Beginning (SEQ 3090) or
    Other Assets - End (SEQ 3110) is significant, Other Assets
    (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3120) must equal "STMbnn".
  • When Other Current Liabilities - Beginning (SEQ 3170) or Other
    Current Liabilities - End (SEQ 3190) is significant, Other
    Current Liabilities (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3200) must equal
  • When Other Liabilities - Beginning (SEQ 3230) or Other
    Liabilities - End (SEQ 3250) is significant, Other Liabilities
    (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3260) must equal "STMbnn".
  • When Paid-in or Capital Surplus - Beginning (SEQ 3305) or
    Paid-in or Capital Surplus - End (SEQ 3315) is significant,
    Paid-in or Capital Surplus (Attach Reconciliation) (SEQ 3320)
    must equal "STMbnn".
  • When Own 10% Interest in a Partnership - Yes (SEQ 3410) is
    significant, Own 10% Yes Attachment (SEQ 3425) must equal
  • When Own Foreign Entities - Yes (SEQ 3450) is significant, Own
    Foreign Entities Yes Attachment (SEQ 3465) must equal "STMbnn"
    Paper Document Indicator 2 (Form 8858) of the Summary Record
    must contain 1 in the Summary Record.
  • When Other Earnings (Net Additions) (SEQ 3620) or Other Earnings
    (Net Subtractions) (SEQ 3630) is significant, Other Earnings
    (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3635) must equal "STMbnn".
  • When Income of Foreign Corporation Blocked (Yes Box) (SEQ 3790)
    or Did Any Become Unblocked (Yes Box) (SEQ 3800) is significant,
    Statement (If Yes, Explain) (SEQ 3810) must equal " STMbnn".
  • 0633
  • Form 5471 - The following fields must be positive: SEQs 2730,
    2740, 2930, 2940, 2970, 2980, 3070, 3080, 3350 and 3360.
  • 0634
  • Schedule N (Form 5471) - If Deduction for Dividends Paid During
    Tax Year (SEQ 750) is significant, then Deduction for Dividends
    Paid During Tax Year (SEQ 750) must equal Deduction for
    Dividends Paid (SEQ 640).
  • 0635
  • Reserved
  • 0636
  • Form 8865 - For Each Form 8865 present, when Category 2 Filer
    (SEQ 0090) is significant, at least one Schedule K-1 (Form 8865)
    must be present.
  • 0637
  • Form 8865 - Business Activity Code (SEQ 690) must be within the
    valid range (111100 - 813000).
  • 0638
  • Form 8865 - When Owns Constructive Interest (SEQ 1045) is
    significant, all of the following fields must be significant:
    Name Constructive Ownership (SEQ 1050), Address Constructive
    Ownership (SEQ 1060), City Constructive Ownership (SEQ 1070),
    State Constructive Ownership (SEQ 1080), Zip Code Constructive
    Ownership (SEQ 1090) and Identifying Number Constructive
    Ownership (SEQ 1100).
  • 0639
  • Form 8865 - When Total (SEQ 2240) is significant, Gross
    Receipts or Sales (SEQ 2220) or Less Returns and Allowances
    (SEQ 2230) must be significant.
  • 0640
  • Form 8865 - When Gross Profit (SEQ 2260) is significant, Total
    (SEQ 2240) or Cost of Goods Sold (SEQ 2250) must be significant.
  • 0641
  • Form 8865 - When Net Farm Profit (Loss) (SEQ 2280) is
    significant, Schedule F (Form 1040) must be present.
  • 0642
  • Form 8865 - When Total Income (Loss) (SEQ 2310) is significant,
    one of the following fields must be significant: Gross Profits
    (SEQ 2260), Ordinary Income (Loss) (SEQ 2270), Net Farm Profit
    (Loss) (SEQ 2280), Net Gain (Loss)(SEQ 2290) or Other Income
    (Loss) (SEQ 2300).
  • 0643
  • Form 8865 - When Total Deductions (SEQ 2450) is significant,
    one of the following fields must be significant: Salaries &
    Wages (SEQ 2320), Guaranteed Payments to Partners (SEQ 2330),
    Repairs & Maintenance (SEQ 2340), Bad Debts (SEQ 2350),
    Rent(SEQ 2360), Taxes & Licenses (SEQ 2370), Interest
    (SEQ 2380), Depreciation (SEQ 2390), Less Depreciation Reported
    on Schedule A (SEQ 2400), Depletion (SEQ 2410), Retirement
    Plans (SEQ 2420), Employee Benefit Programs (SEQ 2430) or
    Other Deductions (SEQ 2440).
  • 0644
  • Form 8865 - When Net S-T Capital Gain (Loss) (SEQ 2750) is
    significant, Net S-T Entire Year Capital Gain (Loss)
    (SEQ 3230) or Other Income (Loss) (SEQ 3280) must be
  • 0645
  • Reserved
  • 0646
  • Form 8865 - When Net Long-Term Capital Gain (Loss) (SEQ 3130)
    is significant, Net L-T Capital Gain (Loss) (SEQ 3240) or Other
    Income (Loss) (SEQ 3280) must be significant.
  • 0647
  • Form 8865 - When Net Section 1231 Gain (Loss) (SEQ 3270)
    is significant, Form 4797 must be present.
  • 0648
  • Form 8865 - When Rehabilitation Expenditures Rental Real Estate
    (SEQ 3410) is significant, Form 3468 must be present.
  • 0649
  • Reserved
  • 0650
  • Reserved
  • 0651
  • 0652
  • 0653
  • Form 8586 - If "Current Year Credit" (SEQ 0110) is significant,
    one or more Forms 8609-A must be present.
  • 0654
  • Form 8586 - If "Number of Forms 8609-A Attached" (SEQ 0020) is
    significant, a matching number of Forms 8609-A must be present.
  • 0655
  • Form 8865 - If File Form 1065 (SEQ 0800) is equal to "X", then
    the EIN Foreign Partnership (SEQ 0650) must be numeric and the
    first two positions must be equal to a valid District Office
    Code. Refer to Attachment 7 for EIN's Prefix Codes.
  • 0656
  • Reserved
  • 0657
  • Reserved
  • 0658 0658, 0659 Reserved
    0659 0658, 0659 Reserved
  • Reserved
  • 0661
  • Form 8865 - When Number of Foreign Disregarded Entities
    (SEQ 0960) is significant, Attach List of Entities (SEQ 0965)
    must equal "STMbnn"
    Paper Document Indicator 2 (Form 8858) of the Summary Record
    must contain 1 in Summary Record.
    When Ordinary Income (Loss)(SEQ 2270) is significant, Ordinary
    Income (Loss)(Attach Schedule)(SEQ 2275) must equal " STMbnn".
    When Other Income (Loss) (SEQ 2300) is significant, Other Income
    (Loss)(Attach Schedule)(SEQ 2305) must equal " STMbnn".
    When Other Deductions (SEQ 2440) is significant, Other
    Deductions (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 2445) must equal "STMbnn".
    When Expenses From Other Rental Activities (SEQ 3180) is
    significant, Expenses (Attach Schedule)(SEQ 3185) must equal
    When Other Income (Loss) (SEQ 3280) is significant, Other Income
    (Loss) (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3285) must equal "STMbnn".
    When Contributions (SEQ 3300) is significant, Charitable
    Contributions (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3305) must equal "STMbnn".
    When Other Deductions (SEQ 3350) is significant, Other
    Deductions (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3355) must equal "STMbnn".
    When Other AMT (SEQ 3720) is significant, Other AMT Items
    (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 3725) must equal "STMbnn".
    When Other Current Assets BOY (SEQ 3940) or Other Current Assets
    EOY (SEQ 3950) is significant, Other Current Assets (Attach
    Schedule) (SEQ 3955) must equal " STMbnn".
    When Other Investments BOY (SEQ 3980) or Other Investments EOY
    (SEQ 3990) is significant, Other Investments (Attach Schedule)
    (SEQ 3995) must equal "STMbnn".
    When Other Assets BOY (SEQ 4200) or Other Assets EOY (SEQ 4210)
    is significant, Other Assets (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 4215) must
    equal "STMbnn".
    When Other Current Liabilities BOY (SEQ 4280) or Other Current
    Liabilities EOY (SEQ 4290) is significant, Other Current
    Liabilities (Attach Schedule) (SEQ 4295) must equal " STMbnn".
    When Other Liabilities BOY (SEQ 4340) or Other Liabilities EOY
    (SEQ 4350) is significant, Other Liabilities (Attach Schedule)
    (SEQ 4355) must equal "STMbnn".
    When Listed Categories BOY (SEQ 4460) or Listed Categories EOY
    (SEQ 4470) is significant, Listed Categories (Attach Schedule)
    (SEQ 4475) must equal "STMbnn".
    When Total Other Increases (SEQ 4690) is significant, Other
    Increases (Itemize) (SEQ 4685) must equal " STMbnn".
    When Total Other Decreases (SEQ 4730) is significant, Other
    Decreases (Itemize) (SEQ 4725) must equal " STMbnn".
  • 0662
  • Form 8865 - The following fields must be positive: SEQs 2320,
    2330, 2360, 2370, 2380 and 3100.
  • 0663
  • Reserved
  • 0664
  • Authentication Record - When the Transmission Type Code (SEQ
    0170) of the TRANA Record is equal to "O", then the PIN Type
    Code (SEQ 008) must equal either "O" or Blank.
    Authentication Record - When the Transmission Type Code (SEQ
    0170) of the TRANA Record is equal to Blank, then the PIN Type
    Code (SEQ 008) must equal "P", or "S".
  • 0665
  • Form 8801 - Total Tax Credits (SEQ 220) must be greater
    than zero.
  • 0666
  • Form 1040 - If Form 8801 Block (SEQ 1005) is equal to "X", then
    Form 8801 must be present.
  • 0667
  • Form 4797 - If Form 4797 is present and Gain/Loss (Form 8824 Sec
    1231) (SEQ 456) or Form 8824 Ordinary Gain/Loss for Entire Yr
    (SEQ 974) is significant, then Form 8824 must be present.
  • 0668
  • Self-Select PIN Program - The Primary Taxpayer is ineligible to
    participate in the Self-Select PIN program since the Primary
    Taxpayer is a duplicate on the IRS File.
    You already filed your return. PIN is not valid.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0669
  • Self-Select PIN Program - The Secondary Taxpayer is ineligible
    to participate in the Self-Select PIN program since the
    Secondary Taxpayer is a duplicate on the IRS File.
    Your spouse already filed his/her return. PIN is not valid.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0670 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) equals
    "S", then the following fields must be present; Primary Date of
    Birth (SEQ 0010), Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ
    0020) or Primary Prior Year PIN (SEQ 0025), Primary Taxpayer
    Signature (SEQ 0035).
  • Exception: When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is significant
    and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is not significant
    on the Tax Return, only the secondary fields (SEQ 0040, 0050 or
    0055 and 0065) are required on the Authentication Record.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) "AND" the
    Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax
    Return, only the primary fields (SEQ 0010, 0020 or 0025 and
    0035) are required on the Authentication Record.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), and the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100) of the
    COMBATbZONE, or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", then either the
    primary fields (SEQ 0010, 0020, 0025, 0035)
    The Secondary fields (SEQ 0040, 0050, 0055, 0065 are
    required on the Authentication Record.
  • 0671 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is
    equal to "S" and Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), then the following fields must be present; Spouse Date
    of Birth (SEQ 0040), Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income
    (SEQ 0050) and Spouse Signature (SEQ 0055), and Spouse
    Signature (SEQ 0065)
    Exception: When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is
    significant on the Tax Return, only the primary fields
    (SEQ 0010, 0020 or 0025 and 0035) are required on the
    Authentication Record.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), and the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100) of the
    COMBATbZONE, or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", then either the
    primary fields (SEQ 0010, 0020, 0025, 0035)
    The secondary fields (SEQ 0040, 0050, 0055, 0065) are,
    required on the Authentication Record.
  • 0672 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 008) is
    equal to "P" or "S", then the ERO EFIN/PIN (SEQ 090) must be
    When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 008) is equal to "O", then the ERO
    EFIN/PIN (SEQ 090) cannot be present.
  • 0673
  • 0674 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 008) is
    equal to "P", "S" or "O", then Primary Taxpayer Signature
    (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return must be five digits and cannot be
    all zeros.
    The Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return must
    match the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 035) on the
    Authentication Record.
  • Exception: When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married
    Filing Jointly), the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is
    significant and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is "NOT"
    significant on the Tax Return, the Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on
    the Tax Return must be five digits and cannot be all zeros.
    The Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return must match the
    Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065) on the Authentication Record.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) "AND" the
    Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax
    Return, the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax
    Return must be five digits and cannot be all zeros.
    The Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return
    must match the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035) on the
    Authentication Record.
  • When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is "Blank", then the Primary
    Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035) cannot be present.
  • When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and
    the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100) on the Tax Return
    COMBATbZONE, or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", the Primary Taxpayer
    Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return must be five digits
    and cannot be all zeros and the Primary Taxpayer Signature
    (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return must match the Primary Taxpayer
    Signature (SEQ 0035) on the Authentication Record
    The Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return must be
    five digits and cannot be all zeros and the Spouse Signature
    (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return must match the Spouse Signature
    (SEQ 0065) on the Authentication Record.
  • 0675 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 008) is
    equal to "P", "S" or "O" and the Filing Status (SEQ 130) is "2"
    (Married Filing Jointly), then Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on
    the Tax Return must be five digits and cannot be all zeros.
    The Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return must match the
    Spouse Signature (SEQ 065) on the Authentication Record.
  • Exception: When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is
    significant on the Tax Return, Primary Taxpayer Signature
    (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return must be five digits and cannot be
    all zeros;
    The Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return
    Must match the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035) on the
    Authentication Record.
  • When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is "Blank" and the Filing
    Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) on the
    return, the Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065) cannot be present on the
    Authentication Record.
  • When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and
    the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100) on the Tax Return
    COMBATbZONE, or COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD”, the Primary Taxpayer
    Signature (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return must be five digits
    and cannot be all zeros and the Primary Taxpayer Signature
    (SEQ 1321) on the Tax Return must match the Primary Taxpayer
    Signature (SEQ 0035) on the Authentication Record
    The Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return must be
    five digits and cannot be all zeros and the Spouse Signature
    (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return must match the Spouse Signature
    (SEQ 0065) on the Authentication Record.
  • 0676 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is
    equal to "P", "S", or "O" and the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is
    "2" (Married Filing Jointly), then the Primary Taxpayer
    Signature (SEQ 0035) and Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065) both must
    be present.
  • Exception: When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is
    significant and on the Tax Return, only the Primary TaxpayerRecord.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is
    significant and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is "NOT"
    significant on the Tax Return, only the primary field (SEQ 0035)
    must be present on the Authentication Record.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) "AND" the
    Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax
    Return, only the primary field (SEQ 0035) must be present on the
    Authentication Record.
  • When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) is equal to "P", "S" or "O" and
    the Filing Status is other than "2" (Married Filing Jointly), the
    Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065) cannot be present on the
    Authentication Record.
  • When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and
    the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100) of the
    the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035)
    Spouse Signature (SEQ 0065) must be present on the Authentication
  • 0677
  • Self-Select PIN Program - The Primary Taxpayer is ineligible to
    participate in the Self-Select PIN program, if they are under
    the age of sixteen and has never filed a tax return.
    Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0678
  • Self-Select PIN Program - The Secondary Taxpayer is ineligible
    to participate in the Self-Select PIN program since they are
    under the age of sixteen and did not file a tax return in the previous year.
    Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • 0679 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN TYPE Code (SEQ 008) is
    equal to "S" or "O", the Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income
    (SEQ 020) or Primary Prior Year PIN (SEQ 0025) must match the
    Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income or Primary Prior Year
    PIN on the IRS Master File
  • Exception: When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is significant
    and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is not significant on
    the Tax Return, the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income
    (SEQ 0050) or Spouse Prior Year PIN (SEQ 0055) on the
    Authentication Record must match the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted
    Gross Income or Spouse Prior Year PIN on the IRS Master File.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) "AND" the
    Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax
    Return, the primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income on the
    Authentication Record must match the Primary Prior Year Adjusted
    Gross Income on the IRS Masterfile.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) and the
    Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax
    Return, the primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income or Primary
    Prior Year PIN on the Authentication Record must match the
    Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income or Primary Prior Year
    PIN on the IRS Masterfile.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100) of the Tax
    "COMBATbZONE", or "COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", the Primary Prior Year
    Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0020) or Primary Prior Year PIN
    (SEQ 0025) on on the Authentication Record must match the Primary
    Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income or Primary Prior Year PIN on the
    IRS Master File
    The Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0050) or Spouse
    Prior Year PIN (SEQ 0055) on the Authentication Record must match
    the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income or Spouse Prior Year
    PIN on the IRS Master File.
  • 0680 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN TYPE Code (SEQ 0008)
    equals "S" or "O" and the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is "2"
    (Married Filing Jointly), the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross
    Income (SEQ 0050) or Spouse Prior Year PIN (SEQ 0055) must match
    the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income or Spouse Prior Year
    PIN on the IRS Master File.
  • Exception: When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is significant
    on the Tax Return, the Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income
    (SEQ 0020) or Primary Prior Year PIN (SEQ 0025) on the
    Authentication Record must match the Primary Prior Year Adjusted
    Gross Income or Primary Prior Year PIN on the IRS Master File.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100) of the
    "COMBATbZONE", or "COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", the Primary Prior Year
    Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0020) or Primary Prior Year PIN
    (SEQ 0025) on the Authentication Record must match the Primary
    Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income or Primary Prior Year PIN on
    the IRS Master File
    The Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0050) or Spouse
    Prior Year PIN (SEQ 0055) on the Authentication Record must
    match the Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income or Spouse
    Prior Year PIN on the IRS Master File.
  • 0681 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) equals
    "O", then the following fields must be present; Primary Date of
    Birth (SEQ 0010), Primary Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income
    (SEQ 0020) or Primary Prior Year PIN (SEQ 0025), Primary
    Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035).
  • Exception: When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is significant
    and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is not significant on
    the Tax Return, the secondary fields (SEQ 0040, 0050 or 0055,
    0065) are required on the Authentication Record.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) and the
    Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax
    Return, the primary fields (SEQ 0010, 0020 or 0025, 0035) are
    required on the Authentication Record.
  • When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100) of the Tax
    "COMBATbZONE", or "COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", then either the
    primary fields (SEQ 0010, 0020 or 0025, 0035)
    the secondary fields (SEQ 0040, 0050 or 0055, 0065) are required
    on the Authentication Record.
  • 0682 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) equals
    "O" and Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is "2" (Married Filingof Birth (SEQ 0040), Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income
    (SEQ 0050) or Spouse Prior Year PIN (SEQ 0055) and Spouse
    Signature (SEQ 0065).
  • Exception: When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is0020, or 0025, 0035) are required on the Authentication Record.
    When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married FilingTax Return equals "DESERTbSTORM", "HAITI", "FORMERbYUGOSLAVIA",
    "COMBATbZONE", or "COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", the primary fields
    (SEQ 0010, 0020 or 0025, 0035) are required on the Authentication
    The secondary fields (SEQ 0040, 0050 or 0055, 0065) are required
    on the Authentication Record.
  • 0683 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN TYPE Code (SEQ 008) is
    equal to "P" or "S", the first six numeric of the ERO EFIN/PIN
    (SEQ 090) must equal the Electronic Filer ID Number (EFIN) in
    the Declaration Control Number (DCN)(11 digits total).
  • 0684 Your electronic signature authenication is INVALID or MISSING.
    You can call IRS (800-829-1040) to get correct AGI or preferably
    you can efile without AGI. You can bypass AGI authenication by submit
    form 8453-OL by click [PRINT/FILE], then select [Electronic Signature],
    select NO for question about AGI.
    Please correct and resubmit BOTH federal and state return.
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN TYPE Code (SEQ 0008)
    equals "P", "S" or "O", then the Paper Document Indicator 1Z
    (SEQ 0150) or Paper Document Indicator 2 (SEQ 0153) or Paper(SEQ 0159) or Paper Document Indicator 5 (SEQ 0162) or Paper
    Document Indicator 6 (SEQ 0165) or Paper Document Indicator 7
    (SEQ 0168) or Paper Document Indicator 8 (SEQ 0171) or Paper
    Document Indicator 9 (SEQ 0174) or Paper Document Indicator 10
    (SEQ 0177) or Paper Document Indicator 11 (SEQ 0181) of Summary
    Record cannot be present.
  • 0685
  • Summary Record - Number of Preparer Note Records (SEQ 110) must
    equal the number of preparer notes computed by the IRS.
  • 0686
  • Summary Record - Number of Election Explanation Records
    (SEQ 120) must equal the number of election explanations
    computed by the IRS.
  • 0687
  • Summary Record - Number of Regulatory Explanation Records
    (SEQ 130) must equal the number of regulatory explanations
    computed by the IRS.
  • 0688
  • Summary Record - Count of Authentication Record (SEQ 140) must
    equal the count of authentication record computed by the IRS.
  • 0689
  • Authentication Record - The year of Taxpayer Signature Date
    (SEQ 070) must equal current processing year.
  • 0690
  • Form Payment (Balance Due) – If Refund (SEQ 1270) of the Tax
    Form is greater than zero, then a Tax Type Code of Form 1040,
    Form 1040A or Form 1040EZ cannot be present.
  • 0691
  • Form Payment (Balance Due) - Amount of Tax Payment (SEQ 060)
    cannot be greater than Amount Owed (SEQ 1290) of the Tax Form.
  • 0692
  • Form Payment - Amount of Tax Payment (SEQ 060) must be greater
    than zero.
  • 0693
  • Form Payment - When there is more than 1 occurrence of FormType Code (SEQ 0070) of "1040E", "1040A", or "1040Z". There can
    be up to four additional occurrences, for Estimated Payment,
    with Tax Type Code (SEQ 0070) of "1040S".
  • 0694
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 008) is
    equal to "S", then the Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 075) must
    equal "C".
  • 0695
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 008) is
    equal to "P", then the Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 075) must
    equal "D".
  • 0696
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 008) is
    equal to "O", then the Jurat/Disclosure Code (SEQ 075) must
    equal "A".
  • 0697
  • Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) equals
    "P", then the following field must be present;
    Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 0035).
    When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), and the Primary Date of Death (Seq 0020) is significant
    and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is not significant on
    the Tax Return , the secondary field (SEQ 0065) is required onWhen the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) and the
    Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) are significant on the Tax
    Return, the primary field (SEQ 0035) is required on the
    Authentication Record.
    When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100) of the Tax
    "COMBATbZONE", or "COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", the primary field
    (SEQ 0035) is required on the Authentication Record
  • 0698
  • Authentication Record – When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) equals
    "P" and Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly), then the following field must be present; Spouse
    Signature (SEQ 0065).When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) equals "2" (Married Filing
    Jointly) and the Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is
    significant on the Tax Return, the primary field (SEQ 0035) is
    required on the Authentication Record.
    When the Filing Status equals "2" (Married Filing Jointly) and
    the Special Processing Literal (SEQ 0100) of the Tax Return
    "COMBATbZONE", or "COMBATbZONEbYYYYMMDD", the primary field
    (SEQ 0035) is required on the Authentication Record
    The secondary field (SEQ 0065) is required on the Authentication
  • 0699
  • Authentication Record - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) equals
    "P", then the following fields must not be present; Primary
    Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0020), Primary Prior
    Year PIN (SEQ 0025), Spouse Prior Year Adjusted Gross Income
    (SEQ 0050) and Spouse Prior Year PIN (SEQ 0055).
  • 0700
  • Form 6781 - When Mixed Straddle Account Election Box (SEQ 040)
    equals "X", Statement Required by Regulations (SEQ 050) must
    equal "STMbnn".
  • 0701
  • Form 6781 - When Form 1099-B Adjustments Col. (b) (SEQ 0200)
    or Form 1099-B Adjustments Col. (c) (SEQ 0205) is significant,
    Form 1099-B Adjustment Schedule (SEQ 0190) must contain
  • 0702
  • Form 2120 - First name (SEQ 020) and Person
    Support Last (SEQ 030) must be significant.
  • 0703
  • Form 2120 - Eligible First Name (SEQ 040), Eligible Last Name
    (SEQ 045), SSN (SEQ 050), Street Address (SEQ 060), City
    (SEQ 070), State Abbr (SEQ 080), and Zip Code (SEQ 090) must be
    significant, else reject the return.
  • 0704
  • Reserved
  • 0705
  • Reserved
  • 0706
  • Form 2120 - The Calendar Year (SEQ 010) must equal the Current
    Tax Year, else reject the return.
  • 0707
  • Form 2120 - The Person Supported First Name (SEQ 0020) must
    equal one of the following Dependent First (SEQs 0170, 0180,
    0190, 0200).
    Last Name of Person Supported (SEQ 0030) must equal one of the
    following: Dependent Last Name (SEQs 0171, 0181, 0191, 0201)
  • 0708
  • Form 2120 - SSN of Eligible Person (SEQ 050, 110, and 230) must
    be within the valid ranges of SSNs. It must be all numeric
    characters and cannot equal all zeroes or all nines. Refer to
    Attachment 9 for valid ranges of Social security Numbers.
    Form 2120 - SSN of T/P Not Claiming Dependent (SEQ 170, 050,
    110, and 230) cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 010) of Form
    1040/1040A and Filing Status (SEQ 130) equals "1", "3", "4", or "5"
    Form 2120 - SSN of T/P Not Claiming Dependent (SEQ 170)
    cannot equal Primary SSN (010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of
    Form 1040/1040A with Filing Status (SEQ 130) equals "2".
  • 0709
  • Tax Form - When both the Form 9465 (Installment Agreement
    Request) and a Form Payment (Balance Due Payment) are attached to
    the 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ, the Payment With Tax Return
    (SEQ 0290) on the Form 9465 must equal to the Amount of Tax
    Payment (SEQ 0060) on the Form Payment.
  • 0710
  • Form 9465 - When Direct Debit information is present, Routing
    Transit Number (SEQ 330)(RTN) must contain nine numeric
    characters. The first two positions must be 01 through 12, or
    21 through 32; the RTN must be present on the Financial
    Organization Master File (FOMF); and the banking institution
    must process Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). See Section 6
    for optional Routing Transmit Number validation.
    Bank Account Number (SEQ 340) must be alphanumeric (i.e., only
    alpha characters, numeric characters, and hyphens), must be
    left-justified with trailing blanks if less than 17 positions,
    and cannot equal all zeros.
  • 0711
  • Form 8082 - Only one of the Following fields can equal "X":
    Pass-Through Entity (Partnership) (SEQ 050) or Pass-Through
    Entity (Electing large Partnership) (SEQ 055) or Pass-Through
    Entity (S Corporation) (SEQ 060) or Pass-Through Entity
    (Estate) (SEQ 065) or Pass-Through Entity (Trust)(SEQ 070) or
    Pass-Through Entity (REMIC)(SEQ 075).
  • 0712
  • Form 8082 - Identifying Number of Pass-Through Entity (SEQ 080)
    and Name of Pass-Through Entity (SEQ 090) must be significant.
  • 0713
  • Form 8082 - The Identifying Number (SEQ 010) must be
    significant and equal to Primary SSN (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 030) of Form 1040.
  • 0714
  • Form 8697 - Employer Identification Number of Entity (SEQ 150)
    and Name of Entity (SEQ 140) on Form 8697 must be present.
  • 0715
  • Form 8697 - Only one of the following fields can be
    significant; REG-Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0460) or
    SMI-Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0830).
  • 0716
  • Form 8697 - Identifying Number (SEQ 080) must equal either
    Primary SSN (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of Form 1040.
  • 0717
  • Form 1040 - When F8697 Literal or F8866 Literal (SEQ 1129) is
    equal to "FORM 8697", then Form 8697 must be present and
    when F8697 Literal or F8866 Literal (SEQ 1129) is equal to
    "FORM 8866", then Form 8866 must be present.
  • Form 1040 - When F8697 or F8866 Amount (SEQ 1131) is significant
    and F8697 Literal or F8866 Literal (SEQ 1129) is equal to
    "FORM 8697", then REG-Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0460)
    or SMI-Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0830) of Form 8697
    must be significant.
  • Form 1040 - When F8697 or F8866 Amount (SEQ 1131) is significant
    and F8697 Literal or F8866 Literal (SEQ 1129) is equal to
    "FORM 8866", then Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0460) of
    Form 8866 must be significant.
  • When REG-Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0460) or SMI-Net
    Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0830) of Form 8697 is
    significant, then F8697 or F8866 Amount (SEQ 1131) of Form 1040
    must be significant.
  • When Net Amount of Interest You Owe (SEQ 0460) of Form 8866 is
    significant, then F8697 or F8866 Amount (SEQ 1131) of Form 1040
    must be significant.
  • 0718 0718-0719 Reserved
    0719 0718-0719 Reserved
  • Form 3800 - When one or more of the following forms is present, Form 3800
    must be present: Form 3468, Form 5884, Form 5884-A, Form 6765, Form
    8586, Form 8820, Form 8826, Form 8830,
    Form 8845, Form 8846, Form 8847, Form 8861, Form 8864,
    Form 8874, Form 8881, Form 8882, Form 8896, Form 8900,
    Form 8906, Form 8907, or Form 8908.
  • When one or more of the following fields is significant,
    Form 3800 must be present: Current Year Credit (SEQ 0200) of
    Form 8835, Business/Investment Use Part of AMV Credit (SEQ 0310)
    of Form 8910, or Current Year Business/Invest Credit (SEQ 0090)
    of Form 8911.
  • 0721
  • Form 1040 - When Specify Other Credit Literal (SEQ 1010) equals
    "8834", Form 8834 must be present.
  • When Specify Other Credit Literal (SEQ 1010) equals "8844",
    Form 8844 must be present.
  • If Form 1040, SEQ. 1010 (Specify Other Credit Literal) contains
    "8860", Form 8860 must be present.
  • 0722
  • Form 1040 - When Other Credits (SEQ 1015) is significant, at
    least one of the following forms must be present:
    Form 3468, Form 3800, Form 6478, Form 8801, Form 8834,
    Form 8835, Form 8844, Form 8860, Form 8864, Form 8910,
    Form 8911, Form 8912 or "STMbnn" must be present in SEQ (1010).
  • 0723
  • Form 3468 - If Certified Historic Structures (SEQ 0070) or
    Calculated Expenditures Certified Historic Struct. (SEQ 0071)
    is significant, Qualified Rehabilitation NPS Number must be
    significant (SEQ 0080).
  • Form 3468 - If Certified Historic Structures (SEQ 0070) or
    Calculated Expenditures Certified Historic Struct. (SEQ 0071)
    is significant, Date of NPS Approval (SEQ 0081) must be
    significant. (Certified Historic Structures)
  • 0724
  • Reserved
  • 0725
  • Form 3800 - If Current Year Investment Credit (SEQ 020) is
    significant, then Form 3468 must be present.
  • 0726
  • Reserved
  • 0727
  • Reserved
  • 0728
  • Reserved
  • 0729
  • Reserved
  • 0730
  • Form 3800 - When Low-Income Housing Credit Pass-Through EIN
    (SEQ 0065) is not significant, and Current Year Low-Income
    Housing Credit (SEQ 0070) is significant, then Form 8586 must be
  • 0731
  • Reserved
  • 0732
  • Reserved
  • 0733
  • Reserved
  • 0734
  • Reserved
  • 0735
  • Reserved
  • 0736
  • Reserved
  • 0737
  • Reserved
  • 0738
  • Form 3800 - If Current Year Trans-Alaska Pipeline Credit
    (SEQ 0680) is significant, then Current Yr Trans-Alaska
    Pipeline Attach Statement (SEQ 0675) must equal "STMbnn".
  • 0739
  • Form 3800 - If Passive Activity Credits (SEQ 180) is
    significant, then Passive Activity Credits (SEQ 180) must not be
    greater than Current Year General Business Credit (SEQ 170) .
  • 0740
  • Form 3800 - If Subtract Line 3 from Line 2 (SEQ 190) is
    significant, then Subtract Line 3 from Line 2 (SEQ 190) must
    not be less than zero.
  • 0741
  • Form 3800 - If Passive Activity Credits Allowed (SEQ 0200) is
    significant, then Form 8582-CR must be present unless Passive
    Activity from Publicly Traded Partnership (SEQ 0205) contains
  • 0742
  • Form 3800 - When Tentative General Business Credit (SEQ 0850)
    and Net Income Tax (SEQ 1110) are both positive, Form 6251 must
    be present.
  • 0743
  • Form 3800 - The following fields must be positive: SEQs 0020,
    0030, 0040, 0060, 0070, 0080, 0090, 0100, 0110, 0120, 0130,
    0540, 0550, 0560, 0570, 0580, 0590, 0600, 0610, 0620, 0640,
    0650, 0660, 0680, 0690, 0705, 0770, 0790, and 0810.
  • 0744
  • Reserved
  • 0745
  • Form 6478 - Qualified Ethanol Fuel Production (020)
    cannot be greater than 15000000 (fifteen million).
  • 0746
  • Form 6478 - When Current Year Credit for Alcohol Used as Fuel
    SEQ 0150) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 0390) are both positive,
    Form 6251 must be present.
  • 0747
  • Form 6765 - Fixed-base Percentage (SEQ 100) cannot be greater
    than 16% (016000).
  • 0748
  • Form 6765 - If Subtract Line 3 from Line 2 - Sect. A
    SEQ 0040), Subtract Line 12 from Line 9 (SEQ 0130), Subtract
    Line 20 from Line 19 (SEQ 0220), Subtract Line 30 from Line 28
    SEQ 0310), Subtract Line 32 from Line 28 (SEQ 0330) Subtract
    Line 33 from Line 31 (SEQ 0340), Subtract Line 35 from Line 28
    SEQ 0360), and Subtract Line 36 from Line 33 (SEQ 0370) cannot
    be less than zero.
  • 0749
  • Reserved
  • 0750
  • Form 8820 - If Total Current Year Orphan Drug Credit (SEQ 050)
    and Net Income Tax (SEQ 210) both contain an entry greater than
    zero, then Form 6251 must be present.
  • 0751
  • Form 8826 - Subtract Line 2 from Line 1 (SEQ 030) cannot be
    less than zero.
  • 0752
  • Form 8826 - Total Current Year Disabled Access Credit (SEQ 070)
    cannot be greater than 5000.
  • 0753
  • Form 8826 - If Total Current Year Disabled Access Credit
    (SEQ 070) and Net Income Tax (SEQ 230) both contain an entry
    greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.
  • 0754
  • Reserved
  • 0755
  • Form 8834 - If Tentative Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit
    (SEQ 230) and Net Regular Tax (SEQ 360) both contain an entry
    greater than zero, then Form 6251 must be present.
  • 0756
  • Form 8835 - When Section B Current Year Credit (SEQ 1260) and
    Regular Tax Before Credits (SEQ 1300) are both positive,
    Form 6251 must be present.
  • 0757
  • Form 8844 - If Add Line 6 through 9 (SEQ 0120) and Net Income
    Tax (SEQ 0280) both contain an entry greater than zero, then
    Form 6251 must be present.
  • 0758
  • Reserved
  • 0759
  • Reserved
  • 0760
  • Form 8847 - If Total Current Year CDC Credit (SEQ 050) and Net
    Income Tax (SEQ 210) both contain an entry greater than zero,
    then Form 6251 must be present.
  • 0761
  • Reserved
  • 0762
  • Reserved
  • 0763
  • Reserved
  • 0764
  • Form 8881 - Smaller of Line 4 or $500 (SEQ 0060) cannot
    be greater than $500.
  • 0765
  • Reserved
  • 0766
  • Reserved
  • 0767
  • Tax Form - When Third Party Designee "Yes" Box (SEQ 1303)
    equals to "X", Third Party Designee Name (SEQ 1307) and Third
    Party Designee PIN (SEQ 1313) must be present.
    If the literal "PREPARER" is in Third Party Designee Name (SEQ
    1307), then Third Party Designee PIN (SEQ 1313) is not
  • 0768
  • Form 8621 - If Deemed Dividend Election (SEQ 0250) equals "X",
    then Attach Statement For Post 1986 Earnings & Profits (SEQ
    0255) must contain "STMbnn".
  • 0769
  • 0770
  • Tax Form - Third Party Designee "Yes" Box (SEQ 1303) and Third
    Party Designee "No" Box (SEQ 1305) cannot both equal "X".
  • 0771
  • Form 8621- Identifying Number (SEQ 020) must be significant.
  • 0772
  • Form 8621 - When Total Distributions From PFIC During Current
    Tax Year (SEQ 500) or Total Distributions, Reduced (SEQ 510)
    or Enter Gain (LOSS) of A Sec. 1291 Fund (SEQ 550) is
    significant then Attach statement for each Distribution and
    Disposition (SEQ 555) must contain "STMbnn".
  • 0773
  • Form 8621 - When Subtract Line 1b from Line 1a (SEQ 0310) of
    Form 8621 contains a significant entry, Total Ordinary
    Dividends (SEQ 0394) of Form 1040 must contain a significant
  • When Subtract Line 2b from Line 2a (SEQ 0340) of Form 8621
    contains a significant entry, Schedule D must be present.
  • 0774
  • 0775
  • Form 8621 - When Elect to Treat POST 1986 Earnings & Profits as
    an Excess Distribution (SEQ 250) equals "X", then Subtract Line
    10d from Line 10a (SEQ 540) must be significant.
  • 0776
  • Form 8621 - When Elect to Extend Time of PYMT (SEQ 0260) equal
    "X", then Subtract Line 3d From Line 3a (SEQ 0390) must be
    significant. When Subtract Line 3d From Line 3a (SEQ 0390) is
    positive, Subtract Line 4b from Line 4a (SEQ 0420) must be
  • 0777
  • Form 8621 - If Election To Recognize Gain On Deemed Sale Of
    Pfic (SEQ 0270) equals "X", then Enter Gain (Loss) Of Stock Of
    A Sec. 1291 Fund (SEQ 0550) must be significant.
  • 0778
  • Form 1040 - When F8611 Literal (SEQ 1114) equals "LIHCR" and
    F8611 Amount (SEQ 1116) is significant, then Form 8611 must be
  • 0779
  • Form 1040 - If F8693 Approved Indicator (SEQ 1118) is
    significant, then F8693 Approved Date (SEQ 1119) must be
    significant. If F8693 Approved Date (SEQ 1119) is significant,
    then F8693 Approved Indicator (SEQ 1118) must be significant
  • 0780
  • 0781
  • Reserved
  • 0782
  • Form 982 - When Discharge of Indebtedness in a Title 11 Case
    (SEQ 020) equals blank, Discharge of Indebtedness to the Extent
    Insolvent (SEQ 030) equals blank, Discharge of Qualified Real
    Prop Bus Indebtedness (SEQ 050) equals blank and Discharge of
    Qualified Farm Indebtedness (SEQ 040) is equal to "X", then Amt
    Excluded From Inc: To Reduce Basis (SEQ 150) must be blank.
  • 0783
  • Form 982 - When Amt Excluded From Inc: Under Section 108(b)(5)
    (SEQ 100) is significant, then Attach ERROR DESCRIPTION of
    Transactions (SEQ 085) must equal " STMbnn".
  • 0784
  • Form 982 - When Discharge of Qualified Real Prop Bus
    Indebtedness (SEQ 050) is significant, then Amt Excluded From
    Inc: Discharge of Qual Real Prop (SEQ 090) must be significant.
  • 0785
  • Form 2439 - All of these fields must be significant: Company or
    Trust Name Control (SEQ 050), Company or Trust Name (SEQ 060),
    and Company or Trust Identification Number (SEQ 120).
  • 0786
  • Form 2439 - Shareholder SSN (SEQ 130) must equal Primary SSN
    (SEQ 010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of Form 1040.
  • 0787 0787-0789 Reserved
    0788 0787-0789 Reserved
    0789 0787-0789 Reserved
  • Form 1040 - If Form 2439 Block (SEQ 1202) equal "X", then Form
    2439 must be present and vice versa.
  • 0791
  • Form 1040 - If Other Payments (SEQ 1210) is significant, then at
    least one of the following must equal "X": Form 2439 Block
    (SEQ 1202), Form 4136 Block (SEQ 1205).
  • 0792 0792-0794 Reserved
    0793 0792-0794 Reserved
    0794 0792-0794 Reserved
  • Reserved
  • 0796
  • Reserved
  • 0797 0797-0804 Reserved
    0798 0797-0804 Reserved
    0799 0797-0804 Reserved
    0800 0797-0804 Reserved
    0801 0797-0804 Reserved
    0802 0797-0804 Reserved
    0803 0797-0804 Reserved
    0804 0797-0804 Reserved
  • TRANS Record B (TRANB) must be present.
  • 0806
  • TRANS Record A (TRANA) - Processing Site (SEQ 0040) must equal
    a valid Electronic Filing site: "C" = Andover, "D" = Memphis,
    "E" = Austin, "F" = Kansas, "G" = Philadelphia.
  • 0807 0807-0821 Reserved
    0808 0807-0821 Reserved
    0809 0807-0821 Reserved
    0810 0807-0821 Reserved
    0811 0807-0821 Reserved
    0812 0807-0821 Reserved
    0813 0807-0821 Reserved
    0814 0807-0821 Reserved
    0815 0807-0821 Reserved
    0816 0807-0821 Reserved
    0817 0807-0821 Reserved
    0818 0807-0821 Reserved
    0819 0807-0821 Reserved
    0820 0807-0821 Reserved
    0821 0807-0821 Reserved
  • Reserved
  • 0823
  • Unrecognizable Transmission - If there are any unrecognizable
    or inconsistent control data, the transmission will be
  • 0824
  • TRANS Record A (TRANA) - Transmitter EFIN (SEQ 110) must be
  • 0825
  • Invalid Sequence of Records in Transmission - The data records
    of the transmission must be in the following sequence: TRANA,
    TRANB, Return Records (1-500 for dial -up or 1-10,000 for
    dedicated/leased line or high speed protocol), and RECAP.
    The format and content of the TRANA, TRANB, and RECAP Records
    must be exactly as defined in Part II Record Layouts.
  • 0826 0826-0829 Reserved
    0827 0826-0829 Reserved
    0828 0826-0829 Reserved
    0829 0826-0829 Reserved
  • RECAP Record - Total EFT (SEQ 020) does not equal program computed
    count. Total EFT Count is a count of Direct Deposit
    Requests and is incremented for each return that contains a
    non-blank character in any one of the Direct Deposit data
    fields (SEQ 1272, 1274, 1276, 1278) of the Tax Form. If an
    extraneous character is present within those fields, it will be
    counted as an EFT.
  • 0831
  • RECAP Record - Total Return Count (SEQ 030) does not equal
    program-computed count. Total Return Count is a count of
    returns transmitted and is incremented each time the Primary
    SSN within a Record ID changes.
  • 0832
  • RECAP Record - Total State Only Return Count (SEQ 0130) does
    not equal program computed count. Total State only Return
    Count is a count of State Only Returns transmitted and is
    incremented each time the Primary SSN within a Record ID
  • 0833 0833-0839 Reserved
    0834 0832-0839 Reserved
    0835 0832-0839 Reserved
    0836 0832-0839 Reserved
    0837 0832-0839 Reserved
    0838 0832-0839 Reserved
    0839 0832-0839 Reserved
  • RECAP Record - The following fields must equal those in the
    Trans Record A (TRANA):
    Electronic Trnsmtr Identification
    Number (ETIN)
    SEQ 060
    SEQ 040
    Julian Day of Transmission
    SEQ 070
    SEQ 050
    Transmission Sequence Number for
    SEQ 080
    SEQ 060
    Julian Day
  • 0841 0841-0899 Reserved
    0842 0841-0899 Reserved
    0843 0841-0899 Reserved
    0844 0841-0899 Reserved
    0845 0841-0899 Reserved
    0846 0841-0899 Reserved
    0847 0841-0899 Reserved
    0848 0841-0899 Reserved
    0849 0841-0899 Reserved
    0850 0841-0899 Reserved
    0851 0841-0899 Reserved
    0852 0841-0899 Reserved
    0853 0841-0899 Reserved
    0854 0841-0899 Reserved
    0855 0841-0899 Reserved
    0856 0841-0899 Reserved
    0857 0841-0899 Reserved
    0858 0841-0899 Reserved
    0859 0841-0899 Reserved
    0860 0841-0899 Reserved
    0861 0841-0899 Reserved
    0862 0841-0899 Reserved
    0863 0841-0899 Reserved
    0864 0841-0899 Reserved
    0865 0841-0899 Reserved
    0866 0841-0899 Reserved
    0867 0841-0899 Reserved
    0868 0841-0899 Reserved
    0869 0841-0899 Reserved
    0870 0841-0899 Reserved
    0871 0841-0899 Reserved
    0872 0841-0899 Reserved
    0873 0841-0899 Reserved
    0874 0841-0899 Reserved
    0875 0841-0899 Reserved
    0876 0841-0899 Reserved
    0877 0841-0899 Reserved
    0878 0841-0899 Reserved
    0879 0841-0899 Reserved
    0880 0841-0899 Reserved
    0881 0841-0899 Reserved
    0882 0841-0899 Reserved
    0883 0841-0899 Reserved
    0884 0841-0899 Reserved
    0885 0841-0899 Reserved
    0886 0841-0899 Reserved
    0887 0841-0899 Reserved
    0888 0841-0899 Reserved
    0889 0841-0899 Reserved
    0890 0841-0899 Reserved
    0891 0841-0899 Reserved
    0892 0841-0899 Reserved
    0893 0841-0899 Reserved
    0894 0841-0899 Reserved
    0895 0841-0899 Reserved
    0896 0841-0899 Reserved
    0897 0841-0899 Reserved
    0898 0841-0899 Reserved
    0899 0841-0899 Reserved
  • Reserved
  • 0901
  • Reserved
  • 0902
  • Reserved
  • 0903
  • Reserved
  • 0904
  • Primary SSN (SEQ 010) of the Tax Form cannot duplicate a
    Primary SSN within the same "drain" of returns.
  • 0905
  • Reserved
  • 0906
  • Secondary SSN (SEQ 030) of the Tax Return cannot duplicate a
    Secondary SSN within the same "drain" of returns.
  • 0907
  • Reserved
  • 0908
  • Form 8283 - When Qualified Conservation or Reduced FMV
    Contribution (SEQ +0060, 0115, 0170, 0280 or 0390) equals "X",
    then the corresponding field Qualified Conservation or FMV
    Statement, (SEQ +0065, 0120, 0180, 0290 or 0400) is required.
    An explanation is required.
  • 0909 0909 o Form 8283 - When Restriction Yes (SEQ 0500) equals "X", then
    the corresponding field Restriction Statement (SEQ 0510) must
    equal "STMBnn". An explanation is required.
    0910 0910 o Form 8283 - When Give Rights Yes (SEQ 0530) equals "X", then
    the corresponding field Give Rights Yes Statement (SEQ 0540)
    must equal "STMBnn". An explanation is required.
    0911 0911 Form 8283 - When Restriction on Use (SEQ 0560) equals "X", then
    the corresponding field Restriction on Use Statement (SEQ 0570)
    must equal "STMBnn". An explanation is required.
    0912 0912 Reserved
    0913 0913 Reserved
    0914 0914 Reserved
  • Form 8609-A - If Have Form 8609-No (SEQ 0060) contains "X", the
    rest of the fields on the form must be blank.
  • 0916
  • Form 8609-A - If Building Qualified Low-Income - No (SEQ 0080)
    contains "X", the rest of the fields on the form must be blank.
  • 0917 0917 Reserved
    0918 0918 Reserved
    0919 0919 Reserved
    0920 0920 Reserved
    0921 0921 Reserved
    0922 0922 Reserved
    0923 0923 Reserved
    0924 0924 Reserved
    0925 0925 Reserved
    0926 0926 Reserved
    0927 0927 Reserved
    0928 0928 Reserved
    0929 0929 Reserved
  • Form 6251 - The following fields (when significant) may not be
    negative: SEQs 0085, 0098, 0100, 0102, 0146, 0150, 0267, 0330.
  • 0931 0931 Reserved
    0932 0932 Reserved
    0933 0933 Reserved
    0934 0934 Reserved
    0935 0935 Reserved
    0936 0936 Reserved
    0937 0937 Reserved
    0938 0938 Reserved
    0939 0939 Reserved
    0940 0940 Reserved
    0941 0941 Reserved
    0942 0942 Reserved
    0943 0943 Reserved
    0944 0944 Reserved
    0945 0945 Reserved
    0946 0946 Reserved
    0947 0947 Reserved
    0948 0948 Reserved
    0949 0949 Reserved
  • Form 8873 - When Election Under Section 942(a)(3) (SEQ 0020)
    equals "X", Attachment Election Under Section 942(a)(3)
    (SEQ 0025) must equal "STMbnn".
  • 0951
  • Form 8873 - When Election Extraterritorial Income Exclusion FSC
    (SEQ 0030) equals "X", Attachment Election Extraterritorial
    Exclusion FSC (SEQ 0035) must equal "STMbnn".
  • 0952
  • Form 8873 - When Aggregate on Tabular Schedule (SEQ 0085)
    equals "X", Attachment to Tabular Schedule (SEQ 0090) must
    equal "STMbnn".
  • 0953
  • Form 8873 - When Tabular Schedule of Transactions (SEQ 0095)
    equals "X", Attachment to Schedule of Transactions (SEQ 0100)
    must equal "STMbnn".
  • 0954
  • Form 8873 - When Group of Transactions (SEQ 0110) equals "X",
    Attachment to Group of Transactions (SEQ 0115) must equal
  • 0955
  • Form 8873 - When Additional Section 263A Costs Trade (SEQ 0310)
    or Additional Section 263A Costs Sale and Lease (SEQ 0320) is
    significant, Attachment to Section 263A Costs (SEQ 0325) must
    equal "STMbnn".
  • 0956
  • Form 8873 - When Other Costs Trade (SEQ 0330) or Other Costs
    Sale and Lease (SEQ 0340) is significant, Attachment Other
    Costs (SEQ 0345) must equal "STMbnn".
  • 0957
  • Form 8873 - When Other Expenses and Deductions Trade (SEQ 0430)
    or Other Expenses and Deductions Sale and Lease (SEQ 0440) is
    significant, Attachment for Other Expenses and Deductions
    (SEQ 0445) must equal "STMbnn".
  • 0958 0958 Reserved
    0959 0959 o Form 8900 - When Miles RR Track Assigned to Other Taxpayers
    (SEQ 0050) is significant, Assignee Name (SEQ 0055) must be
    significant. When Miles RR Track Assigned to You (SEQ 0060) is
    significant, Assignor Name (SEQ 0065) must be significant.
    0960 0960 Reserved
  • Form 8901 - Qualifying child data must be complete and correctly
  • Child First Name (SEQ 0010, 0060, 0110, 0160) and Child Last
    Name (SEQ 0020, 0070, 0120, 0170) must contain only alpha
    characters and spaces. A space cannot be in the first position
    of either Child First Name or Child Last Name.
  • Child Name Control (SEQ 0030, 0080, 0130, 0180) must be in the
    correct format. See Section 7.01 for Name Control format.
  • Child's SSN (SEQ 0040, 0090, 0140, 0190) must be within the
    valid ranges of SSN/ITIN/ATINs. It must equal all numeric
    characters and cannot equal all zeros or all nines. Refer to
    Attachment 9 for valid ranges of Social Security/Taxpayer
    Identification Numbers.
  • If any field of the following "qualifying child group" is
    significant, then all fields in that group must be significant:
    Child First Name, Child Last Name, Child Name Control, Child's
    SSN, and Relationship. (See Part II Record Layouts for Field
  • Qualifying children must be listed starting on the first line,
    with no blank lines allowed between children.
  • 0962
  • Form 8901 - Form 8901 may not be e-filed when all of the
    following are true:
  • Exempt Self (SEQ 0160) equals "X",
  • If married filing jointly, Exempt Spouse (SEQ 0163) also equals
    "X", and
  • Any child on Form 8901 (SEQ 0010, 0060, 0110, 0160) was under
    age 16 at the end of the tax year. (Note: A paper return may be
    filed to include on Form 8901 a married qualifying child, under
    age 16, who files a joint return for the tax year.)
  • 0963 0963 Reserved
  • Form 8901 - Child's SSN (SEQ 0040, 0090, 0140, 0190) cannot
    equal another Child's SSN from Form 8901. It cannot equal
    Primary SSN (SEQ 0010), Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030), or a
    Dependent’s SSN (SEQ 0175, 0185, 0195, 0205) from Form 1040
    or 1040A.
  • 0965 0965 Reserved
    0966 0966 Reserved
    0967 0967 Reserved
    0968 0968 Reserved
    0969 0969 Reserved
  • Form 1116 - When Financial Services Income (SEQ 0040) equals
    "X", Financial Services Income Statement (SEQ 0045) must equal
    Exception: When Financial Services Income (SEQ 0040) equals "X"
    on two Forms 1116 and the Alt. Min. Tax Literal (SEQ 0010) is
    significant on one of the two Forms 1116, Financial Services
    Income Statement (SEQ 0045) must equal "STMbnn" only for the
    Form 1116 on which the Alt. Min. Tax Literal (SEQ 0010) is not
  • 0971
  • Form 1116 - When Allocable Expenses A (SEQ 0200) is significant,
    Allocable Expense Statement A (SEQ 0205) must equal "STMbnn",
    When Allocable Expenses B (SEQ 0320) is significant, Allocable
    Expense Statement B (SEQ 0325) must equal "STMbnn",
    When Allocable Expenses C (SEQ 0440) is significant, Allocable
    Expense Statement C (SEQ 0445) must equal "STMbnn".
  • 0972
  • Form 1116 - When Other Deductions A (SEQ 0220) is significant,
    Other Deductions Statement A (SEQ 0225) must equal "STMbnn",
    When Other Deductions B (SEQ 0340) is significant, Other
    Deductions Statement B (SEQ 0345) must equal "STMbnn",
    When Other Deductions C (SEQ 0460) is significant, Other
    Deductions Statement C (SEQ 0465) must equal "STMbnn".
  • 0973
  • Form 1116 - When Taxes Wthld on Dividends Foreign Curr. A
    (SEQ 0610), or Taxes Wthld Rent/Roy. Foreign Curr. A (SEQ 0620),
    or Taxes Wthld on Interest Foreign Curr. A (SEQ 0630), or Other
    Taxes Paid/Accrued Foreign Curr. A (SEQ 0640) is significant,
    Taxes Wthld/Paid/Accrued Curr. A Statement (SEQ 0645) must
    equal "STMbnn",
    When Taxes Wthld on Dividends Foreign Curr. B (SEQ 0710), or
    Taxes Wthld Rent/Roy. Foreign Curr. B (SEQ 0720), or Taxes
    Wthld on Interest Foreign Curr. B (SEQ 0730), or Other Taxes
    Paid/Accrued Foreign Curr. B (SEQ 0740) is significant,
    Taxes Wthld/Paid/Accrued Curr. B Statement (SEQ 0745) must
    equal "STMbnn",
    When Taxes Wthld on Dividends Foreign Curr. C (SEQ 0810),
    or Taxes Wthld Rent/Roy. Foreign Curr. C (SEQ 0820), or
    Taxes Wthld on Interest Foreign Curr. C (SEQ 0830), or Other
    Taxes Paid/Accrued Foreign Curr. C (SEQ 0840) is significant,
    Taxes Wthld/Paid/Accrued Curr. C Statement (SEQ 0845) must
    equal "STMbnn".
  • 0974
  • Form 1116 - When Carryback/Carryover Amount (SEQ 0950) is
    significant, Carryback/Carryover Explanation (SEQ 0940) must
    equal "STMbnn".
  • 0975
  • Form 1116 - When Foreign Tax Reduction Amount (SEQ 0980) is
    significant, Foreign Tax Reduction Explanation (SEQ 0970) must
    equal "STMbnn".
  • 0976
  • Form 1116 - When Adjustments to Taxable Income (SEQ 1020) is
    significant, Adjustments Explanation (SEQ 1010) must equal
  • 0977 0977 o Form 1116 - When Alt Method To Source Compensation (SEQ 0194)
    equals "X", Alt Method To Source Comp Statement (SEQ 0195) must
    equal "STMbnn".
    0978 0978 Reserved
    0979 0979 Reserved
    0980 0980 Reserved
    0981 0981 Reserved
  • Form 1040 - When Domestic Production Activities Ded (SEQ 0710)
    is significant it must equal Domestic Production Activities
    Deduction (SEQ 0530) of Form 8903, and vice versa.
  • 0983
  • Form 8903 - When Wage-Limited DPA Deduction (SEQ 0390) is
    significant and Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750) of Form 1040
    is positive, Income Limitation (SEQ 0210) must equal the sum of
    Domestic Production Activities Ded (SEQ 0710) of Form 1040 and
    Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750) of Form 1040.
  • 0984 0984 Reserved
    0985 0985 Reserved
  • Form T - When Other Consideration Amount (SEQ 0130) is
    significant, Other Consideration Amount Statement (SEQ 0135)
    must equal "STMbnn".
  • 0987
  • Form T - When Section 631(a) Timber Cutting Election - Yes Box
    (SEQ 1310) equals "X",
    Section 631(a) Adjusted Basis Statement (SEQ 1315) must equal
    Section 631(a) Cut Timber Detail Statement (SEQ 1325) must equal
    Section 631(a) Timber Valuation Statement (SEQ 1335) must equal
    Section 631(a) Valuation Comparison Statement (SEQ 1345) must
    equal "STMbnn",
    Section 631(a) Operations Statement (SEQ 1355) must equal
    Section 631(a) Activity Status Statement (SEQ 1365) must equal
  • 0988
  • Form T - When Other Consideration Amount-S (SEQ 1440) is
    significant, Other Consideration Amount-S Statement (SEQ 1445)
    must equal "STMbnn".
  • 0989 0989-0998 Reserved
    0990 0989-0998 Reserved
    0991 0989-0998 Reserved
    0992 0989-0998 Reserved
    0993 0989-0998 Reserved
    0994 0989-0998 Reserved
    0995 0989-0998 Reserved
    0996 0989-0998 Reserved
    0997 0989-0998 Reserved
    0998 0989-0998 Reserved
  • A maximum of 96 Error Reject Codes can be provided in the
    acknowledgment file. If more than 96 reject conditions are
    identified, the 96th Error Reject Code will be replaced
    with "0999".
  • 1000
  • Form 1310 - When the Filing Status Code (SEQ 0130) of the Tax
    Form is NOT equal to "Married Filing Joint" and the Refund
    (SEQ 1270) of the Tax Form is significant, then Form 1310
    must be present and the Decedent's SSN (SEQ 0040) must equal
    the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of the Tax Form.
  • 1001
  • Form 1310 - When the Filing Status Code (SEQ 0130) of the Tax
    Form is equal to "Married Filing Joint", the Decedent's SSN
    (SEQ 0040) must equal either the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or the
    Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of the Tax Form.
  • 1002
  • Form 1310 - The Tax Year Decedent Due Refund (SEQ 0010) must
    equal the current tax year.
  • 1003
  • Form 1310 - The year of the Date of Death (SEQ 0030) must equal
    the current tax year or processing year.
  • 1004
  • Form 1310 - The Date of Death (SEQ 0030) must be significant and
    match either the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) or the
    Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on the Tax Form.
  • 1005
  • Form 1310 - When Person Other Than A or B Claiming Decedent
    Refund (SEQ 0190) equals "X", then all of the following fields
    must also equal "X": Did Decedent Leave a Will "YES" Box (SEQ
    0210) or Did Decedent Leave a Will "NO" Box (SEQ 0220), Court
    Appointed Personal Rep "NO" Box (SEQ 0240), Personal Rep will
    be Appointed "NO" Box (SEQ 0260) and Refund Paid out
    According to State Laws "YES" Box (SEQ 0270).
  • 1006
  • Form 1310 - When Person Other Than A or B Claiming Decedent
    Refund (SEQ 0190) and Refund Paid Out According to State Laws
    "YES" Box (SEQ 0270) are equal to "X", then at least one of
    the following fields on the Tax Form must be significant:
    Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) or Secondary Date of Death
  • 1007
  • Form 1310 - Person Claiming Refund Signature (SEQ 0290) and
    Signature Date (SEQ 0300) must be significant.
  • 1008
  • Form 1310 - Valid Proof of Death is in my Possession (SEQ
    0200) must equal "X".
  • 1009
  • Form 1310 - Street Address (SEQ 0110) is alphanumeric and cannot
    have leading or consecutive embedded spaces. The left-most
    position must contain an alpha or numeric character. The only
    special characters permitted are space, hyphen (-), and slash
    (/). See Section 7.03 for Street Address format.
    Street Address (SEQ 0110) is a required field.
  • 1010
  • Form 1310 - Zip Code (SEQ 0150) must be within the valid
    ranges of zip codes listed for the corresponding State
    Abbreviation (SEQ 0140). The zip code cannot end in "00",
    with the exception of 20500 (the White House zip code). Refer
    to Attachment 3.
  • 1011
  • Form 1310 - State Abbreviation (SEQ 0140) must be significant
    and consistent with the standard state abbreviations issued by
    the Postal Service. Refer to Attachment 3 for State
    State Abbreviation (SEQ 0140) is a required field.
  • 1012
  • Form 1310 - City (SEQ 0130) must be left-justified and must
    contain a minimum of three alpha characters. This field
    cannot contain consecutive embedded spaces and must contain
    only alphabetic characters and spaces. Do not abbreviate the
    city name.
    City (SEQ 0130) is a required field.
  • 1013
  • Form 1310 - If Address Ind (SEQ 0160) equals "1" (APO/FPO
    Address), then City (SEQ 0160) must equal "APO" or "FPO", and
    State Abbreviation (SEQ 0140) must equal "AA", "AE", or "AP"
    with the appropriate Zip Code (SEQ 0150). If State
    Abbreviation (SEQ 0140) equals "AA", "AE", or "AP", then
    Address Ind (SEQ 0160) must equal "1". Refer to Attachment 4.
  • 1014
  • Tax Form - When Filing Status Code (SEQ 0130) is equal to "2"
    and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) and the Secondary Date
    of Death (SEQ 0040) and Refund (SEQ 1270) are significant, then
    Form a 1310 must be present for both taxpayers and Name of
    Person Claiming Refund (SEQ 0060) on the first Form 1310 must be
    equal to Name of Person Claiming Refund (SEQ 0060) of the second
    Form 1310.
  • 1015
  • Tax Form - When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is equal to "2" and
    either the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) or the Secondary
    Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is significant, then Surviving Spouse
    Yes (SEQ 1325) must also be significant.
  • 1016
  • Tax Form - When Filing Status Code (SEQ 0130) is NOT equal to
    "2" and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) and the Refund
    (SEQ 1270) are significant, then Form 1310 must be present and
    Person other than A or B Claiming Decedent Refund (SEQ 0190)
    must be significant.
  • 1017
  • Form 1310 - The SSN of Person Claiming Refund must be
    significant and cannot equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or
    econdary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040. S
    When two Form 1310 are present, the SSN of Person Claiming
    Refund (SEQ 0070) of the first Form 1310 must equal the SSN of
    Person Claiming Refund (SEQ 0070) of the second Form 1310.
    Exception: When the Filing Status is MFS, the SSN of Person
    Claiming Refund must be significant and MUST equal Secondary
    SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040/A/EZ.
  • 1018
  • Form 1310 - When only one Form 1310 is present, Decedent's SSN
    (SEQ 0040) must equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.
    When two Forms 1310 are present, Decedent's SSN (SEQ 0040) of
    the first Form 1310 must equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of Form
    1040 and Decedent's SSN (SEQ 0040) of the second Form 1310
    must equal Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.
  • 1019
  • Tax Form - When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is "Other Than 2" and
    the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is significant, then
    Personal Representative (SEQ 1326) must also be significant.
    Tax Form - When Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is equal to "2" and
    the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) and the Secondary Date of
    Death (SEQ 0040) are significant, then Personal Representative
    (SEQ 1326) must also be significant.
  • 1020
  • Reserved
  • 1021
  • Reserved
  • 1022
  • Reserved
  • 1023
  • Reserved
  • 1024
  • Reserved
  • 1025
  • Reserved
  • 1026
  • Reserved
  • 1027
  • Reserved
  • 1028
  • Reserved
  • 1029
  • Reserved
  • 1030
  • Reserved
  • 1031
  • Reserved
  • 1032
  • Tax Form - When Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) on the Tax
    Return is significant, the year of Primary Date of Death must
    equal the current tax year or processing year and must match
    data from the IRS Master File.
  • When Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on the Tax Return is
    significant, the year of Secondary Date of Death must equal the
    current tax year or processing year and must match data from
    the IRS Master File.
  • 1033
  • Tax Form - When Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) on the Tax
    Return is significant, then the following fields cannot be
    present: Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0062), Foreign City, State
    or Province, Postal Code (SEQ 0064), and Foreign Country
    (SEQ 0066).
  • When Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on the Tax Return is
    significant, then the following fields cannot be present:
    Foreign Street Address (SEQ 0062), Foreign City, State or
    Province, Postal Code (SEQ 0064), and Foreign Country
    (SEQ 0066).
  • 1034
  • Tax Form - When Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) on the Tax
    Return is significant, then Name Line 2 (SEQ 0070) must also be
  • When Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) on the Tax Return is
    significant, then Name Line 2 (SEQ 0070) must also be
  • 1035
  • Tax Form - When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is Other Than "2"
    and the Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is significant, then
    Name Line 1 (SEQ 0060) must contain "space DECD or less than sign
    DECD", else reject. See Section 7.2 for Name Line 1 formats.
  • 1036
  • Form 1310 - Name of Person Claiming Refund (SEQ 0060) must equal
    Name Line 2 (SEQ 0070) of Tax Form.
    Name Line 2 (SEQ 0070) of Tax Form must equal Name of Person
    Claiming Refund (SEQ 0060) on Form 1310 if present.
  • 1037
  • Tax Form - When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is "2", and the
    Primary Date of Death (SEQ 0020) is significant, then Name Line 1
    (SEQ 0060) must contain "DECD space ampersand sign", else reject.
  • 1038
  • Tax Form - When the Filing Status (SEQ 0130) is "2", and the
    Secondary Date of Death (SEQ 0040) is significant, then Name
    Line 1 (SEQ 0060) must contain "space DECD", else reject.
  • 1039 1039 Reserved
    1040 1040 Reserved
  • Form W-2GU - When Advance EIC Payment (SEQ 0200) is
    significant, taxpayers cannot file Form 1040EZ.
  • 1042
  • Form W-2GU - Employer City (SEQ 0070) must contain at least
    three characters.
  • 1043
  • Form W-2GU - Employer Identification Number (SEQ 0040) must be
    numeric, then first two digits of Employer Identification Number
    (SEQ 0040) must equal a valid District Office Code, Employer
    Name Control (SEQ 0045) must be significant, and W-2GU Indicator
    (SEQ 0300) must equal "N" or "S". Refer to Attachment 8 for
    District Office Codes. See Section 7.05 for Business Name
    Control format.
    Note: The value "N" (Non-Standard) indicates that the
    Form W-2GU was altered, handwritten, or typed, or that a
    cumulative earnings statement or a substitute Form W-2GU was
    used. The value "S" (Standard) identifies a Form W-2GU that is
    a computer-produced print, an IRS form, or an IRS-approved
  • 1044
  • Form W-2GU - The following fields must be significant: Employer
    Name (SEQ 0050), Employer Address (SEQ 0060), Employee Name
    (SEQ 0090), Employee Address (SEQ 0100), Employee City (SEQ
    0110), Employee State (SEQ 0113), Employee Zip Code (SEQ 0115),
    and Wages (SEQ 0120).
    Exception: The check for Wages (SEQ 0120) is bypassed when
    Combat Pay has been excluded from Wages.
    Exception: When a period (.) is present in the Employee State
    (SEQ 0113), the checks for Employee City (SEQ 0110) and
    Employee Zip Code (SEQ 0115) are bypassed.
  • 1045
  • Form W-2GU - Employee SSN (SEQ 0080) must equal either the
    Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of the Tax
  • 1046
  • Summary Record - Number of Forms W-2GU Records (SEQ 0063) must
    equal the number of Forms W-2GU computed by the IRS.
  • 1047
  • Form W-2GU - If the total of Wages (SEQ 0120) from Form(s) W-2GU
    is greater than $4,999 and the Adjusted Gross Income (SEQ 0750)
    of Tax Form is greater than $49,999, then Form 1040 must be
    used, Form 5074 must be attached and the return must be
    processed at the Austin Submission Processing Center.
  • 1048
  • Tax Form - If the State Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) is equal to "GU"
    Wages, Salaries, and Tips (SEQ 0375) equals the total amount(s)
    of Wages (SEQ 0120) from Form(s) W-2GU
    Wages, Salaries, and Tips (SEQ 0375) equals Total Income
    (SEQ 0600) from Form 1040/A or Adjusted Gross Income
    (SEQ 0750) from Form 1040EZ
    Total Payments (SEQ 1250) equals the total amount(s) of Guam
    Withholding (SEQ 0130) from Form(s) W-2GU, then this return
    must be filed with the Department of Revenue and Taxation,
    Government of Guam.
  • 1049
  • Tax Form - Tax returns from the U.S. Possessions of American
    Samoa, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
    may not be electronically filed.
  • 1050
  • Form 8594 - When SEQ 300 is present, then SEQ 315 must equal
  • 1051 1051-1054 Reserved
    1052 1051-1054 Reserved
    1053 1051-1054 Reserved
    1054 1051-1054 Reserved
  • Reserved
  • 1056
  • Reserved
  • 1057
  • Reserved
  • 1058 1058-1059 Reserved
    1059 1058-1059 Reserved
  • STCGL/LTCGL - Schedule D Page 1 or Form 8865 Page 1 must be the
    next record after the Capital Gain/Loss Records.
    The Subpart Type (SEQ 0001) and Subpart Occurrence Number (SEQ
    0005) must match the Record ID (SEQ 0000) and Schedule/Form
    Occurrence Number (SEQ 0005) from the parent (Schedule D or Form
    8865) that immediately follows the Capital Gain Records.
  • 1061
  • STCGL/LTCGL - The Transaction Occurrence Number (SEQ 0010) must
    be significant and in ascending, consecutive numerical sequence
    beginning with "0000001".
  • 1062
  • STCGL/LTCGL - any STCGL Reference number "STCGL" occurring
    within a tax return must have a corresponding STCGL Record.
    Any LTCGL Reference number "LTCGL" occurring within a tax return
    must have a corresponding LTCGL Record.
    If ST Property Desc 1 of Schedule D (SEQ 0020) is equal to
    "STCGL" then SEQ 0030 - 0290 must be blank. If LT Property
    Desc 1 of Schedule D (SEQ 0880) is equal to "LTCGL" then SEQ
    0890 - 1155 must be blank.
    If S-T ERROR DESCRIPTION of Property of Form 8865 (SEQ 2480) is equal
    to "STCGL" then SEQ 2490 - 2710 must be blank. IF L-T
    ERROR DESCRIPTION of Property of Form 8865 (SEQ 2760) is equal to
    "LTCGL" then SEQ 2770 - 3030 must be blank.
  • 1063
  • Summary Record - Number of STCGL Records (SEQ 133) must equal
    the number of STCGL Records computed by the IRS.
  • 1064
  • Summary Record - Number of LTCGL Records (SEQ 135) must equal
    the number of LTCGL Records computed by the IRS.
  • 1065 1065 - 1067 Reserved
    1066 1065 - 1067 Reserved
    1067 1065 - 1067 Reserved
  • Tax Form - If Nontaxable Combat Pay Election (SEQ 1185) is
    significant, it must equal total nontaxable combat pay on
    Forms W-2. On Form W-2, nontaxable combat pay is the amount in
    Employer’s Use Amount (SEQ 0246, 0256, 0259, 0262, statement)
    when the corresponding Employer’s Use Code (SEQ 0242, 0252,
    0257, 0260, statement) is "Q".
  • 1069
  • Reserved
  • 1070
  • Form 8885 - When only one Form 8885 is present, SSN of Recipient
    (SEQ 0020) must equal the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary
    SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.
    When two Forms 8885 are present, SSN of Recipient (SEQ 0020) of
    the first Form 8885 must equal the Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) of
    Form 1040 and SSN of Recipient (SEQ 0020) of the second Form
    8885 must equal the secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.
    When two Forms 8885 are present, SSN of Recipient (SEQ 0020) of
    the first Form 8885 cannot equal SSN of Recipient (SEQ 0020) of
    the Form 8885 of the second Form 8885.
  • 1071
  • Form 1040 - If Form 8885 Block (SEQ 1208) is significant, then
    Form 8885 must be attached and vice versa.
  • 1072
  • Form 8885 - On each Form 8885 at least one of the following
    fields must equal "X": SEQ 0035, 0045, 0055, 0065, 0075, 0085,
    0095, 0105, 0115, 0125, 0135 or 0145.
  • 1073
  • Form 8885 - Amount Paid for Health Insurance (SEQ 0190) must
    contain a significant entry.
  • 1074 1074 Reserved
  • Form 8885 - Information provided to the IRS indicates that
    filer is not eligible to claim the Health Coverage Tax Credit.
    Eligibility is determined through either filer’s state workforce
    agency (Department of Labor) or the Pension Benefit Guaranty
    Corporation (PBGC). Only these organizations can determine
    filer’s potential eligibility.
    To determine eligibility, trade adjustment assistance (TAA) and
    alternative trade adjustment recipients (ATAA) may call the DOL
    at 1-877-US-2JOBS (TTY 1-877-889-5627). PBGC recipients should
    call 1-800-400-7242.
  • 1076
  • Form 8885 - When any of the Month boxes (SEQ 0035, 0045, 0055,
    0065, 0075, 0085, 0095, 0105, 0115, 0125, 0135, 0145)
    Amount Paid for Health Insurance (SEQ 0190) contain a
    significant entry, then the PIN TYPE Code (SEQ 0008) of the
    Authentication Record (if the Authentication Record is present)
    must be blank.
    Note: This error will be set on the PIN TYPE Code).
  • 1077 1076 - 1079 Reserved
    1078 1076 - 1079 Reserved
    1079 1076 - 1079 Reserved
  • Form 1040 - If Form 8859 Block (SEQ 0990) equals "X", then
    Form 8859 must be attached.
  • 1081 1081 - 1084 Reserved
    1082 1081 - 1084 Reserved
    1083 1081 - 1084 Reserved
    1084 1081 - 1084 Reserved
  • Form 8889 - SSN of HSA account beneficiary (SEQ 0010) of
    Form 8889 must equal Primary SSN (SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040.
  • 1086
  • Reserved
  • 1087 1087 - 1089 Reserved
    1088 1087 - 1089 Reserved
    1089 1087 - 1089 Reserved
    1090 1090 Reserved
    1091 1091 - 1093 Reserved
    1092 1091 - 1093 Reserved
    1093 1091 - 1093 Reserved
  • Form 1040 - When Filing A Community Property State Return
    (SEQ 1317) is significant, the Allocation Record must be
    present and the Filing Status equals "3", the State
    Abbreviation (SEQ 0087) must equal one of the following states:
    AZ (Arizona), CA (California), ID (Idaho), LA (Louisiana),
    NM (New Mexico), NV (Nevada), TX (Texas), WA (Washington) and
    WI (Wisconsin) and vice versa.
  • 1095
  • Allocation Record - When the Allocation Record is present,
    Total Income (SEQ 0250) must be significant and cannot be zero
    filled or blank.
  • 1096
  • Summary Record - Count of Allocation Record (SEQ 0105) must
    equal the count of Allocation Record computed by the IRS.
  • 1097 1096 - 1099 Reserved
    1098 1096 - 1099 Reserved
    1099 1096 - 1099 Reserved
    1100 1100 - 1104 Reserved
    1101 1100 - 1101 Reserved
    1102 1100 - 1104 Reserved
    1103 1100 - 1104 Reserved
    1104 1100 - 1104 Reserved
  • Form 4562 - When only one Form 4562 is present, Sect 179 Summary
    Form Indicator (SEQ 0008) must not equal "X". When more than
    one Form 4562 is present, Sect 179 Summary Form Indicator
    (SEQ 0008) of the second and subsequent occurrences must not
    equal "X".
  • 1106
  • Form 4562 - When more than one Form 4562 is present and Sect 179
    Summary Form Indicator (SEQ 0008) of the first occurrence does
    not equal "X", only the first occurrence of the form can contain
    entries in SEQs 0011 through 0094. In other words, if a Section
    179 deduction is allocated entirely to one business or activity,
    the first Form 4562 occurrence must be for that business or
    activity, and second and subsequent occurrences must not contain
    a Section 179 deduction.
  • 1107
  • Form 4562 - When more than one Form 4562 is present and Sect 179
    Summary Form Indicator (SEQ 0008) of the first occurrence equals
    "X", the following restrictions apply. Only the first
    occurrence of the form can contain entries in SEQs 0008, 0011
    through 0090, and 0094. The first occurrence cannot contain
    entries in SEQs 0095 through 2420. Refer to Form 4562 Line 12
  • 1108 1108 - 1109 Reserved
    1109 1108 - 1109 Reserved
  • Form 8888 - Total amount to be directly deposited (SEQ 0190)
    must equal the Amount you want refunded to you (SEQ 1270) on
    1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ.
  • 1111
  • Form 8888 - If Form 8888 Box (SEQ 1271) on 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ
    is checked, then Form 8888 must be present.
  • 1112
  • Form 8888 - If form 8888 is present, then Form 8888 Box
    (SEQ 1271) on form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ must be checked.
  • 1113
  • Form 8888 – First Account (SEQ 0010), Second Account (SEQ 0070)
    and Third Account (SEQ0130) or any combination of these three
    lines must equal the Total amount to be directly deposited
    (SEQ 0190).
  • 1114
  • Form 8888 - When Direct Deposit amount (SEQ 0010) is present,
    the following fields must be significant:
    Routing Transit Number (SEQ 0020);
    Checking Account Indicator (SEQ 0030) or
    Savings Account Indicator (SEQ 0040) and
    Depositor Account Number (SEQ 0060).
    This is true for the second and third occurences as well.
  • 1115
  • Form 8888 - When Direct Deposit information is present, Routing
    Transit Number (RTN) (SEQ 0020, 0080, 0140) must contain nine
    numeric characters. The first two positions must be 01 through
    12, or 21 through 32; The RTN must be present on the Financial
    Organization Master File (FOMF); and the banking institution
    must process Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). See Section 6 for
    optional RTN validation.
  • 1116
  • Form 8888 - Depositor Account Number (SEQ 0060, 0120, 0180) must
    be alphanumeric (i.e., only alpha characters, numeric characters
    and hyphens) and must be left justified with trailing blanks if
    less than 17 positions, and cannot equal all zeros.
  • 1117
  • Form 8888 - If Routing Transit Number (SEQ 0020, 0080 and/or
    0140) or Depositor Account Number (SEQ 0060, 0120 and/or 0180)
    is significant, then Checking Account Indicator (SEQ 0030, 0090
    and/or 0150) or Savings Account Indicator (SEQ 0040, 0100 and/or
    0160) must equal "X". Both cannot equal "X".
  • 1118
  • Form 8888 - Direct Deposit account lines (SEQs 0010-0060,
    0070-0120, and 0130-0180) must be completed in order (first
    account, second account, third account) without skipping lines.
  • 1119
  • Tax Form - When Direct Deposit information (SEQs 1272, 1274,
    1276, 1278) is present, Form 8888 may not be present, and vice
  • 1120
  • Form 4684 - If more than one Form 4684 is present, only the
    first occurrence of Form 4684 can contain entries in the
    following fields: SEQ 0400, 0410, 0420, 0430, 0440, and 0450.
  • 1121 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1122 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1123 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1124 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1125 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1126 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1127 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1128 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1129 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1130 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1131 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1132 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1133 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1134 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1135 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1136 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1137 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1138 1121 - 1139 Reserved
    1139 1121 - 1139 Reserved
  • Form 6765 - When Section 280C Election "No" Box - A (SEQ 0185)
    equals "X", Attach Schedule (SEQ 0190) must equal "STMbnn", and
    vice versa. When Section 280C Election "No" Box - B (SEQ 0435)
    equals "X", Attach Schedule (SEQ 0440) must equal "STMbnn", and
    vice versa.
  • 1141 1141 - 1149 Reserved
    1142 1141 - 1149 Reserved
    1143 1141 - 1149 Reserved
    1144 1141 - 1149 Reserved
    1145 1141 - 1149 Reserved
    1146 1141 - 1149 Reserved
    1147 1141 - 1149 Reserved
    1148 1141 - 1149 Reserved
    1149 1141 - 1149 Reserved
  • Authentication Record - An Authentication Record must be presentwhen the Practitioner PIN, Self-Select PIN by Practitioner,Online Self-Select PIN or Regular Online (Form 8453-OL) is used.
  • 1151 1151 o Authentication Record - When the PIN Type Code (SEQ 0008) equals
    "P", "S", or "O", the following fields must be significant:
    Taxpayer Signature Date (SEQ 0070), Jurat/Disclosure Code
    (SEQ 0075), and PIN Authorization Code (SEQ 0080).
    1152 1152 - 1154 Reserved
    1153 1152 - 1154 Reserved
    1154 1152 - 1154 Reserved
  • Authentication Record - When the Primary Taxpayer Signature
    (SEQ 1321) or Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) on the Tax Return is
    significant, the PIN TYPE Code (SEQ 0008) on the Authentication
    Record must be present and must be P, S, or O.
  • 1156
  • Tax Form - If the Primary Taxpayer Signature (SEQ 1321) or the
    Spouse Signature (SEQ 1324) of the Tax Return is significant,
    then it must be numeric and not all zeros, and the
    Authentication Record must be present.
  • 1157 1157 - 1169 Reserved
    1158 1157 - 1169 Reserved
    1159 1157 - 1169 Reserved
    1160 1157 - 1169 Reserved
    1161 1157 - 1169 Reserved
    1162 1157 - 1169 Reserved
    1163 1157 - 1169 Reserved
    1164 1157 - 1169 Reserved
    1165 1157 - 1169 Reserved
    1166 1157 - 1169 Reserved
    1167 1157 - 1169 Reserved
    1168 1157 - 1169 Reserved
    1169 1157 - 1169 Reserved
  • Form 3800 - When NMC Pass-Through EIN (SEQ 0535) is not
    significant and Current Year New Markets Credit (SEQ 0540) is
    significant, Form 8874 must be present.
  • 1171 1171 Reserved
  • Form 3800 - When EPCCC Pass-Through EIN (SEQ 0555) is not
    significant and Credit for Employer-Provided Child Care
    Facilities (SEQ 0560) is significant, Form 8882 must be
  • 1173
  • Form 3800 - If Current Year Biodiesel Fuels Credit (SEQ 0141)
    is significant, then Form 8864 must be present.
  • 1174 1174 Reserved
    1175 1175 Reserved
    1176 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1177 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1178 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1177 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1178 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1179 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1180 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1181 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1182 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1183 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1184 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1185 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1186 1176 - 1169 Reserved
    1187 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1188 1176 - 1189 Reserved
    1189 1176 - 1189 Reserved
  • Form 8834 - Vehicle 1 Credit (SEQ 0060), Vehicle 2 Credit
    (SEQ 0110), and Vehicle 3 Credit (SEQ 0160) each may not exceed
  • 1191 1191 - 1199 Reserved
    1192 1191 - 1199 Reserved
    1193 1191 - 1199 Reserved
    1194 1191 - 1199 Reserved
    1195 1191 - 1199 Reserved
    1196 1191 - 1199 Reserved
    1197 1191 - 1199 Reserved
    1198 1191 - 1199 Reserved
    1199 1191 - 1199 Reserved
  • Form 8891 - Registered Retirement Savings Plan Box (SEQ 0110)
    and Registered Retirement Income Fund Box (SEQ 0120) cannot
    both equal "X", and cannot both equal blank.
  • 1201
  • Form 8891 - Beneficiary Plan Status Box (SEQ 0130) and
    Annuitant Plan Status Box (SEQ 0140) cannot both equal "X",
    and cannot both equal blank.
  • 1202
  • Form 8891 - If Annuitant Plan Status Box (SEQ 0140) equals "X",
    Previous U.S. Tax Deferral Elect "Yes" Box (SEQ 0150), and
    Previous U.S. Tax Deferral Elect "No" Box (SEQ 0160), and
    U.S. Tax Deferral New Elect Box (SEQ 0180) cannot equal "X",
    and First Year U.S. Tax Deferral Elect (SEQ 0170) cannot be
  • 1203
  • Form 8891 - If Annuitant Plan Status Box (SEQ 0140) equals
    blank, Previous U.S. Tax Deferral Elect "Yes" Box (SEQ 0150)
    and Previous U.S. Tax Deferral Elect "No" Box (SEQ 0160)
    cannot both equal "X", and cannot both equal blank.
  • 1204
  • Form 8891 - If Annuitant Plan Status Box (SEQ 0140) equals
    blank, and if Previous U.S. Tax Deferral Elect "Yes" Box
    (SEQ 0150) equals "X", First Year U.S. Tax Deferral Elect
    (SEQ 0170) must be significant, and U.S. Tax Deferral New Elect
    Box (SEQ 0180) cannot equal "X".
  • 1205
  • Form 8891 - If Annuitant Plan Status Box (SEQ 0140) equals
    blank, and if Previous U.S. Tax Deferral Elect "Yes" Box
    (SEQ 0150) or U.S. Tax Deferral New Elect Box (SEQ 0180)
    equals "X", Current Year Plan Contributions (SEQ 0220),
    and Current Year Undistributed Interest (SEQ 0230),
    and Current Year Undistributed Ordinary Dividends (SEQ 0240),
    and Current Year Undistributed Qualified Dividends (SEQ 0250),
    and Current Year Undistributed Capital Gains (SEQ 0260),
    and Current Year distrib Other Income Total Amount (SEQ 0280)
    cannot be significant,
    and Current Year Undistrib Other Income List Statement(SEQ 0270)
    cannot be significant, and cannot equal "STMbnn".
  • 1206 1206 - 1214 Reserved
    1207 1206 - 1214 Reserved
    1208 1206 - 1214 Reserved
    1209 1206 - 1215 Reserved
    1210 1206 - 1214 Reserved
    1211 1206 - 1214 Reserved
    1212 1206 - 1214 Reserved
    1213 1206 - 1214 Reserved
    1214 1206 - 1214 Reserved
  • Form 1040/1040A - When Form 8914 is not present, the maximum
    possible Exemption Amount (SEQ 0810) equals $3,300 multiplied by
    Total Exemptions (SEQ 0355).
  • When Form 8914 is present, the maximum possible Exemption
    Amount (SEQ 0810) is $2,000 higher than the above maximum
    without Form 8914.
  • 1216
  • Form 8914 - Entries for displaced individuals must begin on the
    first line. No lines may be skipped between individuals.
  • If any field of a displaced individual’s entry is significant
    then all fields of the entry must be significant. Each entry
    consists of Individual First Name, Individual Last Name,
    Individual Name Control, Individual SSN, Former Street Address,
    Former City, Former State, Former Zip Code, and Days Lived With
  • Individuals' SSNs must be within the valid ranges of
    SSN/ITIN/ATIN's. Refer to Attachment 9 for valid ranges of
    Social Security/Taxpayer Identification Numbers.
  • 1217 1217 - 1220 Reserved
    1218 1217 - 1220 Reserved
    1219 1217 - 1220 Reserved
    1220 1217 - 1220 Reserved
  • Form 8915 - SSN of Qualified Taxpayer (SEQ 0020) on the first
    Form 8915 must be significant and equal to Primary SSN
    SEQ 0010) or Secondary SSN (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040/1040A.
  • 1222
  • Form 8915 - SSN of Qualified Taxpayer (SEQ 0020) on the second
    Form 8915 must be significant and equal to Secondary SSN
    (SEQ 0030) of Form 1040/1040A and must not be equal to SSN of
    Qualified Taxpayer (SEQ 0020) on the first Form 8915. When
    both spouses are filing Form 8915, Form 8915 for the primary
    taxpayer must precede Form 8915 for the secondary taxpayer.
  • 1223 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1224 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1225 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1226 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1227 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1228 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1229 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1230 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1231 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1232 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1233 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1234 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1235 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1236 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1237 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1238 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1239 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1240 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1241 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1242 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1243 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1244 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1245 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1246 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1247 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1248 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1249 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1250 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1251 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1252 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1253 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1254 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1255 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1256 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1257 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1258 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1259 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1260 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1261 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1262 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1263 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1264 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1265 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1266 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1267 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1268 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1269 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1270 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1271 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1272 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1273 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1274 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1275 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1276 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1277 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1278 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1279 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1280 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1281 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1282 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1283 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1284 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1285 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1286 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1287 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1288 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1289 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1290 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1291 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1292 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1293 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1295 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1296 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1297 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1298 1223 - 1299 Reserved
    1299 1223 - 1299 Reserved
  • Reserved
  • 1301
  • Reserved
  • 1302
  • Reserved
  • 1303
  • Form 8862 - If Number of Days Child 1/Child 2 Lived in U.S.
    (SEQ 0062/0072) is less than 184, then Child 1/Child 2 Date
    of Birth (SEQ 0082/0092) or Child 1/Child 2 Date of Death
    (SEQ 0084/0094) must be present.
  • 1304
  • Reserved
  • 1305
  • If Person Lived w/Child -Yes (SEQ 0290) equal "X", then one of
    the following must be present;
    Other Person Name -1 Child 1(SEQ 0310) and Other Person
    Relationship -1 Child 1(SEQ 0320).
    If Child 2 is present, then the following must be present;
    Other Person Name -1 Child 2 (SEQ 0380) and Other Person
    Relationship -1 Child 2 (SEQ 0390).
  • 1306 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1307 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1307 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1308 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1309 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1309 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1310 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1311 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1312 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1313 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1314 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1315 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1316 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1317 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1318 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1319 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1320 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1321 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1322 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1323 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1323 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1324 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1325 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1326 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1327 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1328 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1329 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1330 1306 - 1399 Reserved
    1331 1306 - 1399 Reserved
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  • When Nontaxable Use of Gasoline Credit Amount (SEQ 0070) is
    greater than zero, at least one of the following must be
    significant: SEQ 0010 or 0020 or 0040.
  • 1401
  • When Exported Nontaxable Use of Gasoline Cr. Amount (SEQ 0090)
    is greater than zero, then Exported Nontaxable Use of Gasoline
    Gallons (SEQ 0080) must be significant.
  • 1402
  • When Nontaxable Use of Commercial Aviation Gas Tax Credit Amt
    (SEQ 0180) is greater than zero, then Commercial Aviation
    Gasoline Gallons (SEQ 0170) must be significant.
  • 1403
  • When Nontaxable Use of Aviation Gas Tax Credit Amount
    SEQ 0230) is greater than zero, then Nontaxable Use Aviation
    Gasoline Gallons (SEQ 0200) must be significant.
  • 1404
  • When Exported Nontaxable Use of Aviation Cr. Amount (SEQ 0237)
    is greater than zero, then Exported Nontaxable Use of Aviation
    Gallons (SEQ 0233) must be significant.
  • 1405
  • When Diesel Fuel for Farming Purposes Cr. Amount (SEQ 0307) is
    greater than zero, then Nontaxable Use of Diesel Fuel Gallons
    (SEQ 0270) or Diesel Fuel for Farming Purposes Gallons
    (SEQ 0303) must be significant.
  • 1406
  • When Nontaxable Diesel Fuel Train Use Credit Amount (SEQ 0320)
    is greater than zero, then Diesel Fuel Train Use Gallons
    (SEQ 0310) must be significant.
  • 1407
  • When Diesel Fuel Certain Intercity and Local Bus Use Credit
    Amount (SEQ 0340) is greater than zero, then Diesel Fuel Certain
    Intercity and Local Bus Use Gallons (SEQ 0330) must be
  • 1408
  • When Diesel Fuel Exported Cr. Amount (SEQ 0347) is greater than
    zero, then Diesel Fuel Exported Gallons (SEQ 0343) must be
  • 1409
  • When Kerosene use Farm Cr. Amount (SEQ 0407) is greater than
    zero, then Nontaxable Use of Kerosene Gallons (SEQ 0380) or
    Nontaxable use of Kerosene for Farming Purposes Gallons
    (SEQ 0399) must be significant.
  • 1410
  • When Kerosene Use in Buses Cr. Amount (SEQ 0416) is greater than
    zero, then Kerosene Use in Buses Gallons (SEQ 0409) must
    be significant.
  • 1411
  • Form 4136 - When Nontaxable Use of Kerosene Exported Cr. Amount
    (SEQ 0420) is greater than zero, then Nontaxable Use of Kerosene
    Exported Gallons (SEQ 0418) must be significant.
  • 1412
  • Form 4136 - When Commercial Aviation Kerosene Cr. Amount 1
    SEQ 0424) is greater than zero, then Commercial Aviation
    Kerosene Gallons 1 (SEQ 0422) must be significant.
  • 1413
  • Form 4136 - When Commercial Aviation Kerosene Cr. Amount 2
    (SEQ 0428) is greater than zero, then Commercial Aviation
    Kerosene Gallons 2 (SEQ 0426) must be significant.
  • 1414
  • Form 4136 - When Use of Undyed Diesel by State or Local Gov Cr.
    Amount (SEQ 0625) is greater than zero, then Use of Undyedsignificant.
  • 1415
  • Form 4136 - When Use Undyed Diesel Intercity Buses Amount
    SEQ 0640) is greater than zero, then Use Undyded Diesel
    Intercity Buses Gallons (SEQ 0635) must be significant.
  • 1416
  • Form 4136 - When Sales by Vendors of Undyed Kerosene CreditAmount (SEQ 0680) is greater than zero, then at least one of thefollowing must be significant: SEQ 0660 or 0670.
  • 1417
  • Form 4136 - When Undyed Kerosene Use in Certain Buses Amount
    SEQ 0695) is greater than zero, then Undyed Kerosene Use in
    Certain Buses Gallons (SEQ 0685) must be significant.
  • 1418
  • Form 4136 - When Used in Commercial Aviation Amount Type 1(SEQ 0725) is greater than zero, then Used in CommercialAviation Gallons Type 1 (SEQ 0715) must be significant.
  • 1419
  • Form 4136 - When Other Use in Commercial Aviation Cr. AmountType 2 (SEQ 0750) is greater than zero, then Other Use inCommercial Aviation Credit Gallons Type 2 (SEQ 0745) must besignificant.
  • 1420
  • Form 4136 - When Nonexempt Use Cr. Amount (SEQ 0757) is greater
    than zero, then Nonexempt Use Gallons (0755) must be
  • 1421
  • Form 4136 - When Other Nontaxable Use Cr. Amount 1 (SEQ 0764) isgreater than zero, then Other Nontaxable Use Gallons 1(SEQ 0760) must be significant.
  • 1422
  • Form 4136 - When Other Than Taxable Use Amount 2 (SEQ 0775)is greater than zero, then Other Than Taxable Use Gallons 2(SEQ 0770) must be significant.
  • 1434 1423 Reserved
  • Form 4136 - When Use by State or Local Government Amount
    (SEQ 0825) is greater than zero, then Use by Nonprofit Gallons
    (SEQ 0795) or Uses by State or Local Government Gallons
    (SEQ 0815) must be significant.
  • 1425
  • Form 4136 - When Use AG by Government Amount (SEQ 0870) is
    greater than zero, then Use AG by Nonprofit Gallons (SEQ 0840)
    or Use AG by Government Gallons (SEQ 0860) must be significant.
  • 1426
  • Form 4136 - When Use of LPG in Certain Intercity Buses Credit
    Amount (SEQ 0890) is greater than zero, then Certain Intercity
    and Local Buses Gallons (SEQ 0885) must be significant.
  • 1427
  • Form 4136 - When Use of LPG in Qualified Local & School Buses
    (SEQ 0910) is greater than zero, then Qualified Local and School
    Buses Gallons (SEQ 0900) must be significant.
  • 1428
  • Form 4136 - When LPG Other Nontaxable Use Amount (SEQ 0940) is
    greater than zero, then LPG Other Nontaxable Use Gallons
    (SEQ 0930) must be significant.
  • 1429
  • Form 4136 - When Alcohol Mixtures Ethanol Amount (SEQ 0970) is
    greater than zero, then Alcohol Mixture Ethanol Gallons
    SEQ 0960) must be significant.
  • 1430
  • Form 4136 - When Alcohol Mixtures Other Than Ethanol Amount
    SEQ 0990) is greater than zero, then Alcohol Mixtures Other
    Than Ethanol Gallons (SEQ 0980) must be significant.
  • 1431
  • Form 4136 - When Biodiesel Mix Amount (SEQ 3030) is greater than
    zero, then Biodiesel Mix Gallons (SEQ 3020) must be significant.
  • 1432
  • Form 4136 - When Agri-biodiesel Mix Amount (SEQ 3050) is greater
    than zero, then Agri-biodiesel Mix Gallons (SEQ 3040) must be
  • 1433
  • Form 4136 - When Renewable Diesel Mix Cr. Amount (SEQ 3070)
    is greater than zero, then Renewable Diesel Mix Gallons
    (SEQ 3060) must be significant.
  • 1434
  • Form 4136 - When LPG Cr. Amount (SEQ 3220) is greater than zero,
    then LPG Gallons (SEQ 3210) must be significant.
  • 1435
  • Form 4136 - When P Series Fuels Cr. Amount (SEQ 3280) is greater
    than zero, then P Series Fuels Gallons (SEQ 3260) must be
  • 1436
  • Form 4136 - When Compressed Natural Gas Cr. Amount (SEQ 3340) is
    greater than zero, then Compressed Natural Gas Gallons
    (SEQ 3320) must be significant.
  • 1437
  • Form 4136 - When Liquefied Hydrogen Cr. Amount (SEQ 3400) is
    greater than zero, then Liquefied Hydrogen Gallons (SEQ 3380)
    must be significant.
  • 1438
  • Form 4136 - When Liquid Fuel from Coal Cr. Amount (SEQ 3460) is
    greater than zero, then Liquid Fuel from Coal Gallons
    (SEQ 3440) must be significant.
  • 1439
  • Form 4136 - When Liquid Hydrocarbons Cr. Amount (SEQ 3520) is
    greater than zero, then Liquid Hydrocarbons Gallons (SEQ 3500)
    must be significant.
  • 1440
  • Form 4136 - When Liquefied Natural Gas Cr. Amount (SEQ 3580) is
    greater than zero, then Liquefied Natural Gas Gallons
    (SEQ 3560) must be significant.
  • 1441
  • Form 4136 - When LPG Credit Cr. Amount (SEQ 3640) is greater
    than zero, then LPG Gallons (SEQ 3620) must be significant.
  • 1442
  • Form 4136 - When P Series Fuels Cr. Amount (SEQ 3680) is greater
    than zero, then P Series Fuels Gallons (SEQ 3660)
    must be significant.
  • 1443
  • Form 4136 - When Compressed Natural Gas Cr. Amount (SEQ 3720)
    is greater than zero, then Compressed Natural Gas Gallons
    (SEQ 3700) must be significant.
  • 1444
  • Form 4136 - When Liquefied Hydrogen Cr. Amount (SEQ 3760) is
    greater than zero, then Liquefied Hydrogen Gallons (SEQ 3740)
    must be significant.
  • 1445
  • Form 4136 - When Liquid Fuel from Coal Cr. Amount (SEQ 3800)
    is greater than zero, then Liquid Fuel from Coal Gallons
    SEQ 3780) must be significant.
  • 1446
  • Form 4136 - When Liquid Hydrocarbons Cr. Amount (SEQ 3840) is
    greater than zero, then Liquid Hydrocarbons Gallons (SEQ 3820)
    must be significant.
  • 1447
  • Form 4136 - When Liquefied Natural Gas Cr. Amount (SEQ 3880) is
    greater than zero, then Liquefied Natural Gas Gallons (SEQ 3860)
    must be significant.
  • 1448
  • Form 4136 - When Diesel Fuel for State or Local Government Cr.
    Amount (SEQ 3940) is greater than zero, then Diesel Fuel for
    State or Local Government Gallons (SEQ 3920) must be
  • 1449
  • Form 4136 - When Kerosene Fuel Sold for State or Local
    Government Cr. Amount (SEQ 3980) is greater than zero, then
    Kerosene Fuel Sold for State or Local Government Gallons
    SEQ 3960) must be significant.
  • 1450
  • Form 4136 - When Kerosene Use in Aviation for State or Local
    Government Cr. Amount (SEQ 4020) is greater than zero, then
    Kerosene Use in Aviation for State or Local Government Gallons
    (SEQ 4000) must be significant.
  • 1451
  • Form 4136 - When Gasoline Sold for State or Local Government or
    Nonprofit Cr. Amount (SEQ 4060) is greater than zero, then
    Gasoline Sold for State or Local Government or Nonprofit
    Gallons (SEQ 4040) must be significant.
  • 1452
  • Form 4136 - When Aviation Gasoline Sold for State or Local
    Government or Nonprofit Cr. Amount (SEQ 4100) is greater than
    zero, then Aviation Gasoline Sold for State or Local Government
    or Nonprofit Gallons (SEQ 4080) must be significant.
  • 1453
  • Form 4136 - When Diesel-Water Fuel Emulsion Nontaxable Cr.
    Amount (SEQ 4160) is greater than zero, then Diesel-Water Fuel
    Emulsion Nontaxable Gallons (SEQ 4140) must be significant.
  • 1454
  • Form 4136 - When Diesel-Water Exported Cr. Amount (SEQ 4200)
    is greater than zero, then Diesel-Water Fuel Exported Gallons
    (SEQ 4180) must be significant.
  • 1455
  • Form 4136 - When Diesel-Water Fuel Emulsion Blending Cr. Amount
    (SEQ 4260) is greater than zero, then Diesel-Water Fuel
    Emulsion Blending Gallons (SEQ 4240) must be significant.
  • 1456
  • Form 4136 - When Exported Dyed Diesel Fuel Cr. Amount
    (SEQ 4300) is greater than zero, then Exported Dyed Fuel
    Gallons (SEQ 4280) must be significant.
  • 1457
  • Form 4136 - When Exported Dyed Kerosene Cr. Amount (SEQ 4340)is greater than zero, then Exported Dyed Kerosene Gallons(SEQ 4320) must be significant.
  • 1458 1458 - 1464 Reserved
    1459 1458 - 1464 Reserved
    1460 1458 - 1464 Reserved
    1461 1458 - 1464 Reserved
    1462 1458 - 1464 Reserved
    1463 1458 - 1464 Reserved
    1464 1458 - 1464 Reserved
  • Form 4136 - When Evidenece of Dyed Kerosene Box (SEQ 0250)
    equals "X", Evidence of Dyed Diesel Fuel Explanation (SEQ 0240)
    must equal "STMbnn", and vice versa.
  • 1466
  • Form 4136 - When Evidence of Dyed Kerosene Box (SEQ 0360)
    equals "X", Evidence of Dyed Kerosene Explanation (SEQ 0350)
    must equal "STMbnn", and vice versa.
  • 1467
  • Form 4136 - When Evidence of Dyed Diesel Fuel Exception Box
    (SEQ 0615) equals "X", Evidence of Dyed Diesel Fuel Explanation
    (SEQ 0610) must equal "STMbnn", and vice versa.
  • 1468
  • Form 4136 - When Evidence of Dyed Kerosene Exception Box
    (SEQ 0655) equals "X", Evidence of Dyed Kerosene Explanation
    (SEQ 0650) must equal "STMbnn", and vice versa.
  • 1469 1468 Reserved
  • Form 4136 - Form 4136 - When Form 4136 is present, the
    following "credit amount" fields cannot be negative, and their
    sum must equal Total Income Tax Credit Amount (SEQ 4360):
    Nontaxable Use of Gasoline Credit Amount (SEQ 0070), Exported
    Nontaxable Use of Gasoline Cr. Amount (SEQ 0090), Nontaxable
    Use of Commercial Aviation Gas Cr Amt (SEQ 0180), Nontaxable
    Use of Aviation Gas Tax Credit Amt (SEQ 0230), Exported
    Nontaxable Use of Aviation Cr. Amount (SEQ 0237), Diesel Fuel
    for Farming Purposes Cr. Amount (SEQ 0307), Nontaxable Diesel
    Fuel Train Use Credit Amt (SEQ 0320), Diesel Fuel Certain
    Intercity & Bus Use Credit Amt (SEQ 0340), Diesel Fuel Exported
    Cr. Amount (SEQ 0347), Kerosene Use Farm (SEQ 0407), Kerosene
    Use in Buses Cr. Amount (SEQ 0416), Nontaxable Use of Kerosene
    Exported Cr Amt (SEQ 0420), Commercial Aviation Kerosene
    Amount 1 (SEQ 0424), Commercial Aviation Kerosene Amount 2
    (SEQ 0428), Use of Undyed Diesel by State or Local Cr Amount
    (SEQ 0625), Use Undyed Diesel Intercity Buses Amount
    (SEQ 0640), Sales by Vendors of Undyed Kerosene Credit Amount
    (SEQ 0680), Undyed Kerosene Use in Certain Buses Amount
    (SEQ 0695), Use in Commercial Aviation Amount Type 1
    (SEQ 0725), Other Use in Commercial Aviation Cr. Amount Type 2
    (SEQ 0750), Nonexempt use Credit Amount (SEQ 0757), Other
    Nontaxable Use Cr. Amount 1 (SEQ 0764), Other Nontaxable Use
    Cr. Amount (SEQ 0775), Use by State or Local Government Cr.
    Amount (SEQ 0825), Use AG by Government Cr. Amount (SEQ 0870),
    Use of LPG in Certain Intercity and Buses Cr Amt (SEQ 0890),
    Use of LPG in Qualified Local & School Buses Cr Am (SEQ 0910),
    LPG Other Nontaxable Use Cr. Amount (SEQ 0940), Alcohol
    Mixtures Ethanol Cr. Amount (SEQ 0970), Alcohol Mixtures Other
    Than Ethanol Cr. Amount (SEQ 0990), Biodiesel Mix Amount
    (SEQ 3030) Agri-Biodiesel Mix Amount (SEQ 3050), Renewable
    Diesel Mix Cr. Amount (SEQ 3070), LPG Cr. Amount (SEQ 3220),
    P Series Fuels Cr. Amount (SEQ 3280), Compressed Natural Gas
    Cr. Amount (SEQ 3340), Liquefied Hydrogen Cr. Amount
    (SEQ 3400), Liquid Fuel from Coal Cr. Amount (SEQ 3460),
    Liquid Hydrocarbons Cr. Amount (SEQ 3520), Liquefied Natural
    Gas Cr. Amounts (SEQ 3580), LPG Cr. Amount (SEQ 3640), P Series
    Fuel Cr. Amount (SEQ 3680), Compressed Natural Gas Cr. Amount
    (SEQ 3720), Liquefied Hydrogen Cr. Amount (SEQ 3760), Liquid
    Fuel from Coal Cr. Amount (SEQ 3800), Liquid Hydrocarbons Cr.
    Amount (SEQ 3840), Liquefied Natural Gas Cr. Amount (SEQ 3880),
    Diesel Fuel for State or Local Government Cr. Amount
    (SEQ 3940), Kerosene Fuel Sold for State or Local Government
    Cr. Amount (SEQ 3980), Kerosene Use in Aviation for State or
    Local Government Cr. Amount (SEQ 4020), Gasoline Sold for State
    or Local Government or Nonprofit (SEQ 4060), Aviation Gasoline
    Sold for State or Local Government or Nonprofit Cr. Amount
    (SEQ 4100), Diesel–Water Fuel Emulsion Nontaxable Cr. Amount
    (SEQ 4160), Diesel-Water Exported Cr. Amount (SEQ 4200),
    Diesel-Water Fuel Emulsion Blending Cr. Amount (SEQ 4260),
    Exported Dyed Diesel Fuel Cr. Amount (SEQ 4300), Exported Dyed
    Kerosene Cr. Amount (SEQ 4340).
  • 1471 1471 Reserved
    1472 1472 Reserved
  • Form 4136 - When Nontaxable Use of Gasoline Gallons (SEQ 0040)
    is positive, Nontaxable Use of Gasoline Type (SEQ 0030) must be
  • 1474
  • Form 4136 - When Nontaxable Use of Aviation Gasoline Gallons
    (SEQ 0200) is positive, Nontaxable Use of Aviation Gasoline
    Type (SEQ 0190) must be significant.
  • 1475
  • Form 4136 - When Nontaxable Use of Diesel Fuel Gallons
    (SEQ 0270) is positive, Nontaxable Use of Diesel Fuel Type
    (SEQ 0260) must be significant.
  • 1476
  • Form 4136 - When Nontaxable Use of Kerosene Gallons (SEQ 0380)
    is positive, Nontaxable Use of Kerosene Type (SEQ 0370) must be
  • 1477
  • Form 4136 - When Other Nontaxable Use Gallons 1 (SEQ 0760) is
    positive, Other Nontaxable Use Type 1 (SEQ 0759) must be
  • 1478
  • Form 4136 - When Other Nontaxable Use Gallons 2 (SEQ 0770) ispositive, Other Nontaxable Use Type 2 (SEQ 0768) must besignificant.
  • 1479
  • Form 4136 - When LPG Other Nontaxable Use Gallons (SEQ 0930) is
    positive, then LPG Other Nontaxable Use Type (SEQ 0920) must be
  • 1480
  • Form 4136 - When LPG Gallons (SEQ 3210) is positive, then LPG
    Use Type (SEQ 3200) must be significant.
  • 1481
  • Form 4136 - When P Series Fuels Gallons (SEQ 3260) is positive,
    then P Series Fuels Use Type (SEQ 3240) must be significant.
  • 1482
  • Form 4136 - When Compressed Natural Gas Gallons (SEQ 3320) is
    positive, then Compressed Natural Gas Use Type (SEQ 3300) must
    be significant.
  • 1483
  • Form 4136 - When Liquefied Hydrogen Gallons (SEQ 3380) is
    positive, then Liquefied Hydrogen Use Type (SEQ 3360) must be
  • 1484
  • Form 4136 - When Liquid Fuel from Coal Gallons (SEQ 3440) is
    positive, then Liquid Fuel from Coal Use Type (SEQ 3420) must
    be significant.
  • 1485
  • Form 4136 - When Liquid Hydrocarbons Gallons (SEQ 3500) is
    positive, then Liquid Hydrocarbons Use Type (SEQ 3480) must be
  • 1486
  • Form 4136 - When Liquefied Natural Gas Gallons (SEQ 3560) is
    positive, then Liquefied Natural Gas Use Type (SEQ 3540) must
    be significant.
  • 1487 1487 Reserved
    1488 1488 Reserved
  • Form 4136 - When Diesel-Water Fuel Emulsion Nontaxable Gallons
    (SEQ 4140) is positive, then Diesel-Water Fuel Emulsion
    Nontaxable Use Type (SEQ 4120) must be significant.
  • 1490
  • Form 4136 - When either Use of Undyed Diesel by State or Local
    Gov Credit Amount (SEQ 0625) or Use Undyed Diesel Intercity
    Buses Credit Amount (SEQ 0640) is positive, Undyed Diesel Fuel
    Registration No. (SEQ 0608) must be significant.
  • 1491
  • Form 4136 - When either Sales by Vendors of Undyed Kerosene
    Credit Amount (SEQ 0680) or Undyed Kerosene Use in Certain
    Buses Credit Amount (SEQ 0695) is positive, Undyed Kerosene
    Registration No. (SEQ 0645) must be significant.
  • 1492
  • Form 4136 - When either Use in Commercial Aviation Cr. Amount
    Type 1 (SEQ 0725), Other Use in Commercial Aviation Cr. Amount
    Type 2 (SEQ 0750), Nonexempt Use Cr. Amount (SEQ 0757), Other
    Nontaxable Use Cr. Amount 1 (SEQ 0764) or Other Nontaxable Use
    Amount 2 (SEQ 0775) is positive, Sales by Vendors of Kerosene
    for use of Aviation Registration No. (SEQ 0705) must be
  • 1493
  • Form 4136 - When Use by State or Local Government Amount
    (SEQ 0825) is positive, Ultimate Vendors of Gasoline
    Registration No. (SEQ 0785) must be significant.
  • 1494
  • Form 4136 - When Use AG by Government Amount (SEQ 0870) is
    positive, Vendors of Aviation Gas Registration No. (SEQ 0830)
    must be significant.
  • 1495
  • Form 4136 - When either Alcohol Mixtures Ethanol Amount
    (SEQ 0970) or Alcohol Mixtures Other Than Ethanol Amount
    (SEQ 0990) is positive, Alcohol Fuel Mixture Registration No.
    (SEQ 0950) must be significant.
  • 1496
  • Form 4136 - When either Biodiesel Mix Cr. Amount (SEQ 3030),
    Agri-Biodiesel Mix Cr. Amount (SEQ 3050) or Renewable Diesel
    Mix Cr. Amount (SEQ 3070) is positive, Biodiesel Mixture
    Registration No. (SEQ 3010) must be significant.
  • 1497
  • Form 4136 - When either LPG Cr. Amount (SEQ 3640), P Series
    Fuel Cr. Amount (SEQ 3680), Compressed Natural Gas Cr. Amount
    (SEQ 3720), Liquefied Hydrogen Cr. Amount (SEQ 3760), Liquid
    Fuel from Coal Cr. Amount (SEQ 3800), Liquid Hydrocarbons Cr.
    Amount (SEQ 3840) or Liquefied Natural Gas Cr. Amounts
    (SEQ 3880) is positive, Alternative Fuel Cr. After
    Sept. 30, 2006 Registration No. (SEQ 3600) must be significant.
  • 1498
  • Form 4136 - When either Diesel Fuel for State or Local
    Government Cr. Amount (SEQ 3940), Kerosene Fuel Sold for State
    or Local Government Cr. Amount (SEQ 3980) or Kerosene Use in
    Aviation for State or Local Government Cr. Amount (SEQ 4020) or
    Gasoline Sold-State/Local Gov or Nonprofit Amt (SEQ 4060) or
    Aviation Gas Sold-State/Local Gov, Nonprofit Amt (SEQ 4100) is
    positive, Registration Credit Card Issuers Registration No.
    (SEQ 3900) must be significant.
  • 1499
  • Form 4136 - When Diesel-Water Fuel Emulsion Blending Cr.
    Amount (SEQ 4260) is positive, Diesel-Water Fuel Emulsion
    Blending Cr. Amount Registration No. (SEQ 4220) must be
  • 1500 1500 - 9999 RESERVED